Across Time And Space Chapter 136

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Published at 11th of August 2019 07:50:40 AM Chapter 136

The surrounding turned quiet . It was as if the attackers had left the area . However, Prince Lu Wei could sense that the men were still around, and they were slowly approaching the carriage .

Prince Lu Wei tightened his hold on the double-edged sword in his hand . He turned the tip to face up . As he sensed the attackers swung a heavy weapon towards the carriage, Prince Lu Wei jumped up . The tip of his sword hit the carriage ceiling, and the roof shattered into pieces . He landed on the ground and a.s.sessed the situation .

There were six of them . One of the men armed with a mace, one of them armed with two short swords and the others had a single-edge sword in their hand .

The Prince had previously seen how the men fought and knew that he alone was not their match . If he wanted to stay alive, the best way was to escape . However, the horses had been set free, preventing him from fleeing again . The carriage was totally destroyed . It would be impossible for him to run . There was no place for him to hide in the plains . The best he could do was to hold on until help arrived .

The man armed with double short sword lunged to attack him . Prince Lu Wei blocked his attack using both his sword and the sheath . As their fight continued, the others started to shout and cheered for his friend as if it was a festival . Sensing a loophole from his opponent movement, Prince Lu Wei kicked the man around his left ribs before he sunk the tip of his sword on the man's chest area .

The others stopped making noise as their friend stopped moving . Their eyes were looking at the Prince's intently .

Just as one of them was about to leap forward, a red smoke appeared on the sky followed by a small firework in a certain distance . Their movement halted as everyone's attention was on the sky . Everyone could tell that it was a distress signal .

The others started to s.h.i.+ft their attention back to the Prince . The man holding a mace started to swing his weapon around . There was nothing else that Prince Lu Wei could do but to jump around to avoid him while looking for a loophole to retaliate .

At this moment, he was glad that the others did not plan to attack him all at once . Even though his attackers were only doing this to play around, and watch him struggle helplessly for his life before they killed him, at least the prince could delay the time and save his life until the others showed up .

Although the mace was heavy, the man's movement was not slow at all .

After Prince Lu Wei managed to dodge the man's mace for the tenth constructive times, the man paused his movement . The Prince took this chance to catch his breath and stepped away to create a distance between them .

"Your Highness, I did not expect you would be so good at dodging . Come on . Stop hiding," the man with the mace sneered . He spat on the ground and adjusted his grip on his mace . Then he sprung forward again . This time, his movement was even quicker .

Prince Lu Wei rolled to his left as the mace was about to hit him . The mace hit the ground, and a long crack appeared . The Prince felt his sweat streamed down his neck . The man had undoubtedly used too much power . If he did not avoid the weapon in time, the mace would hit his head . The thought made him s.h.i.+ver in fear .

The man stretched his neck as he lifted his mace again . He charged forward for another attack and suddenly stopped and staggered backward before he reached the Prince .

Everyone around turned to look at each other as they were puzzled with what happened . Captain Mo stepped forward . A dangerous glint flashed in his eyes when he saw two small arrows pierced through his comrade's body — one on his chest and one around his stomach area .

Captain Mo raised his head quickly when he heard a noise . His eyes narrowed when he saw a man on a horse pointing his bow and arrow at him .

The horse slowed down as it got near the Prince .

"Your Highness!"

Prince Lu Wei watched the man with shock . He had seen him before during the Spring Banquet . He was always with around Princess Lingchen, and he a.s.sisted Physician Jiang to treat his injury when a tiger attacked him . Prince Lu Wei saw the man extended his hand out and quickly grabbed his hand .

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Once Prince Lu Wei safely mounted the horse, Yang Yun pulled the rein and turned around . Captain Mo and his men quickly went after them . However, how fast could they be, chasing after a galloping horse?

Prince Lu Wei sighed with relief as they got further away . He had thought that the men sent by his grandmother would come to save him . He did not expect someone from Da Cheng would come to rescue him . "How come you're here?" Prince Lu Wei asked, confused .

"Jiang Xiao Tian sent me to look for you," Yang Yun answered . "When I arrived at the scene, the others were fighting against a bunch of skilled fighters . He sent me to rescue you first . "

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Across Time And Space Chapter 136 summary

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