Farming For Gold 23 Chapter 22

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Trollogics sighed with relief as his wagon rolled forward. He was in line waiting to get into the city gates of Grenville. He was stuck between a dozen NPC's with their own wagons filled with turnips, raw wool, and other farm products.

It had taken seven entire days of travel but he'd finally made it. He hadn't been robbed and his wagon hadn't broken. Even his trolls were feeling fatigued but he was finally here. Guards came forward and inspected what goods he carried. They seemed mostly distracted and only gave the grain and vegetables a cursory glance before waving him through the gate. He flicked his reigns and the trolls walked forward through the city gates.

[You Have Reached The City of Grenville]

[New Wagon Driver Quests Available]

[Wagon Driver Skill has Increased]

[Current Rank: Apprentice IV]

Trollogistics pulled up the rough map he'd been sent. The rune-crafters shop was in a trade-district on the west of town. Before he went there he had to unload most of this grain at the auction house. He'd need to free up to s.p.a.ce before he went to pick up the sprinklers. He wasn't sure how much s.p.a.ce they'd take up.

The auction house was between the center of town and the harbor. Trollogistics pointed his wagon that direction and headed further into the city. The weather here was warmer than in Brethren plains and the smell of the sea seemed to permeate the whole city. People here moved with purpose as they headed too and fro. Trollogistics could also see a number of players milling with the NPC's. That surprised him. He'd expected the city to have more players but he'd expected maybe twice as many as Verith but this place seemed to have hundreds of players at least.

That was a good sign. He needed players to get the best prices. When he finally made it to the auction house it was already midday and he pulled around to the back where the bulk unloading chute was. He quickly unhooked his trolls and had them dump the crates of grain into the chute where it would be sorted and displayed for auction.

Trollogistics checked the interface and whistled. Then he shrugged and used the auction house interface to dump it all onto the markets. The prices were all decent. Not what the grain and vegetables would get in one of the capitals but much better than Verith. The price of grain was also still going up as the expansion loomed nearer so he felt pretty happy with the prices. The only thing he couldn't find a buyer for was the sugar but he'd look around town. With all the players he might find someone who needed it.

He pulled up his message center and sent a PM to Win Mills.

Trollogistics: Hey man. I'm at the auction house. Anything you want me to buy?

Win Mills: Yes, I need a few half-kegs and a cider press. Also, bring me some pumpkin seeds. It is almost halloween. Gotta have Pumpkins. Hmmmmm, What else. Oh yeah, gear. How much did I earn?

Trollogistics popped open a web-browser and the auction interface and brought up an online spreadsheet. He started to make some notes while he tried to figure up what Win Mills and Remistizen had earned.

[Win Mills]


[High Quality: 5.2 bushel at 160 gp = 832 gp]

[Standard Quality: 16.1 at 130.4 gp = 2099 Gp 4 Sp 3 cp]

[Low Quality: 1.7 bu at 95 gp = 161 gp 6 sp]


[Low Quality: 2 bu at 75 gp = 150 gp]


[Low Quality: 1.4 bu at 80 gp = 112 gp]

[Standard Quality: .8 bu at 95gp = 76 gp]


[Standard Quality: 1.8 bu at 85 gp = 153 gp]

[High Quality: .6 bu at 120 gp = 72 gp]


[Low Quality: 2.2 bu at 75 gp = 165 gp]

[Apples of the Earth]

[High-Quality: 2 at 243 gp each = 486 gp]

[Total: 4306 gp, 9 sp 3 cp]

[Auction House Cut: 645 1sp 5cp ]

[Tologistics cut: 1000 gp + 215 gp 5 sp]

[Profit: 2446 gp 2 sp 13 cp]

He nodded at the figgures then flipped back to the message window.

Trollogistics: Sending you the figgures now. You did pretty well, and I still don't have a buyer for the sugar.

Win Mills: Nice…. I'm not too worried about the sugar. It should be worth a decent bit but raw sugar keeps pretty much forever if you don't get it wet. Just bring it back if you can't sell it. As for gear. I've got access to the auctions. Lemme take a look.

Trollogistics rolled his eyes. He'd been on the road for a week. Couldn't the kid have done his shopping before hand? Trollogistics bought a few small casks and a cider press from the auction house while his client browsed for more gear.

The trolls pulled the purchases from the chest where they'd appearedand stacked them in the wagon. Five small casks and the press had only cost 53 gold. Then Win Mills messaged him again.

Win Mills: There's a bracelet with +4 faith for 200 gold, pick that up. There's also a ring with +3 resonance for 235. Grab that as well.

Trollogistics: No farming boosts?

Win Mills: There actually was. It was a pair of bib overalls with +4% farming yield but they want 800 gold for it. That's too much right now. Maybe if I'd made more but that 15% cut from the AH really hurt. For now I'd rather have the gold. I can always get something custom made later.

Trollogistics bought the two rings, leaving around 1950 gold for Win. Then he figured up the sales for the alchemist gnome. He'd made even more than the mole had but wanted most of it spent of alchemy gear and reagents.

Trollogstics finished up at the auction house then headed out into the city again. He still had to pick up those stupid sprinklers, then drop the extra gold off at the bank before hitting up an inn. He wanted a night in a real bed before he headed back to Brethren Plains.


Marnie's was bustling as usual but things felt more forced than they normally did. Last night had been the last home football game of the year. The seniors who usually filled the place talking and flirting seemed to finally be realizing they were going to have to leave high school and do something with their lives soon.

Winston could feel a bit of that himself, and although he was mature enough to sense the tension and realize what drove it. He was also young enough to be able to ignore it. After all, he was only a junior. He still had a whole year left to procrastinate.

The thought brought a grin to his face and he slipped and arm behind Trish and gave her waist a quick hug. Trish turned her head with a raised eyebrow but Winston just shook his head and winked at her. The whole gang was once again sitting in a booth. With Jason taking his normal spot at a table on the end.

"Thought you'd be working tonight." Ruger said to Jason around a mouthful of burger.

"Used up all my hours working after school. G.o.d knows they wouldn't want me to work too much or they'd actually have to give me benefits." He said bitterly. "Still though, only a few weeks left to go before I make enough for a system and the subscription. Then I can bail and start menial work in a magical land of opportunity instead of menial work in the bathrooms of a run-down theater."

"I'm enjoying the menial work." Winston said truthfully. "It's fun to build something up with my own hands you know. It's like I'm building my own business. Just made my first major sale earlier today. Only about 4000 gold worth but still, it's a decent start."

"Not bad." Trish said. "That's a haul from a decent sized dungeon. Soon I'll be b.u.mming money off you to buy jewelry and those really tiny purses like a proper girlfriend."

Winston snorted. "I'd like to tell you your feminine wiles won't work on me, but that would be a total lie."

"You two are so happy together it's disgusting." Jason said.

"Could be worse." Brad said with a shrug.

"I'd like to think we were always happy together. Now we're just more coupley." Winston said.

"That's not a word." Ruger said, then he changed the subject. "You got more of those berries for me? The last batch didn't last long."

"Maybe not a lot more, but more. I had some trouble getting them growing. Then I screwed up again by putting the bushes too close together. My level 10 ability is helping out but it'll still only be about a bushel and a half when the next convoy is ready." Winston explained. Ruger frowned so Winston continued.

"Don't look too glum. The quality had gone up by a lot. I should have nearly a bushel of Superior quality berries."

Ruger raised an eyebrow. "Didn't think you were at that level yet? Those should tied Rebecca over."

"Yeah, it's my new ability. It lets me focus my attention on a single plant to super-boost it's quality and yield. Obviously that limits how much I can produce but it means I can pretty much guarantee a high or superior quality harvest when I need one." Winston said.

"You know what you get for apprentice rank?" Brad asked.

"No idea. Haven't been able to find anything anywhere about it." Winston said. "I'd guess something to help save time planting or harvesting. Maybe an magical harvesting skill or ma.s.s planting skill or something?" Winston shrugged. "I know it's not always the same but usually the apprentice skills are. Like apprentice air magic is always lighting, or apprentice water magic is always ice, but with two handed weapons you can get heavy-blow, or cleave, or a few other things."

"Air and Water magic are sub-skills those don't count, but I know that Apprentice level in the Fury skill, is always Frenzied Regeneration." Ruger corrected.

"Doesn't really matter that much now anyway. I can make my weekly quota without issue and I've even been able to start taking some time off just to relax. I've been nothing but, harvest, plow, plant, homework, bed, for weeks. It's nice to have to pressure off for a change. Even snuck a game of Lota With Jason on Wednesday night." Winston replied.

"d.a.m.n… you guys are really making me wanna play." Jason grumbled.

"Decided what your character is gonna be?" Trish asked Jason.

"I think so. I've been messing around with a few character builders. I think I'll be a lizardfolk Axe-thrower. Lizardfolk get a +1 bonus to coordination every level as well as a bunch of minor resistances to poisons, dieses, and other stuff. And I'll be able to raise my axe proficiency while I chop down trees." Jason said.

"A thrown weapons cla.s.s? Those are pretty rare." Brad said, his curiosity peaked.

"That's why I'm doing it. Gotta stand out from the pack somehow." Jason said. "I just so psyched about finally getting to play.

"Well be happy to have you. Just remember to set your initial sp.a.w.n to Kis.h.i.+k. It would take you a month to walk over from the starter continent." Trish said.

The five of them continued to chat as the evening wore on and the plates of fries and appetizers piled up. Finally they headed home and Winston shamelessly b.u.mmed a ride from Trish.

"So where have to been all week. I missed you at lunch." Winston said.

"Oh, and here I thought you'd been cooped up with that senior girl Abby all week working on your project." Trish said, as they drove through town. Winston turned his head and gave her the side-eye.

"Is that jealousy I hear?" Winston asked, grinning at her. "I promise your the only one for me babe."

Trish shook her head. "Yeah right, who'd be jealous of you?" She said with a pout that made me smile..

"Hey I'm a successful businessman now. I just made like 200 whole dollars earlier today. No wait, I've still gotta buy the magic gems… more like 100 dollars." Winston said.

Trish snorted. Things had been going well after their date. They seemed to have slipped into a more intimate sort of friends.h.i.+p. Neither had made any grand declarations or thrown around the 'L' word.

That had been a great weight off Winston shoulders. Being with Trish just felt right, there was no reason to go getting all excited about it when they'd be leaving for different colleges in year. It was best to just take things slow and see how they went.


Winston logged back into the game sunday morning and harvested his fields. They were gorgeous as usual. His new crop rotation and large bonuses to crop quality we're really making things easy for him. The mists from yesterday had cleared and the dawn was crisp and clear.

The only thing on the agenda for today was picking his apples and visiting the orc village. He needed to get his next quest. This time the reward should be epic. He quickly harvested the apple tree, pocketing another apple of the earth and a half-bushel of low-quality apples then sat off for the orc village with Bog.

The walk was uneventful and Winston found himself once more standing outside Ol'gar's hut. She'd apparently done some renovations. She now had a real door instead of just a leather flap and the house looked bigger. Winston knocked politely and waited to be let in.

The door was jerked open a few seconds later and the glaring face of an old she orc stare balefully at him. Then she recognized who it was and smiled. The smile didn't make Winston feel better.

"Ahhhhh, it's you. I should be thanking you. That raid on the ogres really earned us some nice loot. Ogre's are terrible craftsmen but since they can't use any normal sized gear they usually just toss it into a corner somewhere. We got a pretty good pile this time." She said happily.

"Good to hear. Things worked out on my end as well." Winston said.

"Your food has really helped us expand but this time we've got something big planned. We need a great deal of food but we can give you a few weeks this time."

[You Have Received A Quest]

[Food For the Village V]

[You are to deliver 250 bushels of grain, and 25 bushel of fruits and vegetables to the orcs at Fire-Tooth village in one month]

[Time Remaining: 720:00]

[Recommended Level: N/A]

[Difficulty: Normal]

[Rewards: 40000xp, 20,000 gold, +5000 fame with the fire-tooth orcs, Special reward]

[WARNING: Orcs are considered a monster race by many civilized peoples. Trading with them will likely lower your reputation with other NPC's if they find out.]

Winston nearly fainted when he saw the quest. 250 bushels of grain and twenty more of fruit and vegetables. He could by a car for that much money. He could move out, let alone an apartment he could make a down payment on a house with all the money he'd be wasting on this stupid quest.

Still, things like 'special rewards' didn't some along every day. Truth be told he didn't really need the money right now. His home life had somewhat stabilized and he now had the means to make decent money if he needed it. Granted, the current crazy grain prices wouldn't continue indefinitely. In fact the expansion would be launching about the time he finished this quest.

The prices would probably start to decline fairly rapidly after that. He could still make good money but it wouldn't be nearly as exaggerated as it was now with a single bushel of wheat or corn going for nearly 200 gold. In a few months the prices would likely be only a quarter or eighth of that.

In normal times this would be a good quest. Even a great quest. Right now it was throwing away buckets of money. Winston didn't care though. He'd already ridden this horse for 4 quests. This was obviously the finale so he might as well finish it.

"I'll do it." He said firmly.

[You Have Accepted a Quest]

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Farming For Gold 23 Chapter 22 summary

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