You Of All People 133 Cant Drink Herself To Oblivion

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"Take some drinks with you Mrs. Chen, share it with your chikas and also give some to Mr. Chen too" stated Karen as she faced Violet who ran the moment she heard 'drinks', towards the plastic bag where the bottles were.

"Wait here. Don't leave yet Mrs. Chen" said Karen as she chased Violet. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Karen reached into the plastic bag only to be blocked by Violet that s.n.a.t.c.hed the bottles first and hugged it to herself.

"Violet, be good and let go" warned Karen as she grabbed the neck of the bottle.

"No, this is mine" whined Violet like a kid.

"We already had two. Just leave one and give the rest away" explained Karen.

"No" slurred Violet as she shook her head left and right in protest.

"Sigh. Fine. I'll compromise, leave two and give the rest away. Don't be childish" said Karen exasperatedly. Her brows drawn together to feign a stern expression.

"B-but these are my drinksssss. You can't give them away Mami Karen" complained Violet like a little kid.

"Just two. We can't finish all that drinks. Do you want to be sent to a hospital after today?"

"Nuh uh" denied Violet vehemently.

"Picture this Violet. Imagine the Doctor or Nurse are going to chuck tubes through your mouth and throat until it reaches your stomach. They will pump your stomach with liquid and siphon it all off along with all the liquor you drunk tonight. Do you want that Young Lady?! That's what they do if you get alcohol poisoning!" threatened Karen and thought to herself, 'Violet you leave me no choice but to use my trump card. I hope it works. It always works for my son but it's not advisable to say it always or else he'll get traumatized by hospitals'

"Hik!" Violet immediately let go of the bottles after she was scared out of her wits from what Karen told her.

"And look how nice Mrs. Chen treated us" explained Karen as she coaxed the frightened Violet and secured the drinks only to be met with another struggle from Violet.

"But I wanted to forget" Violet meekly mumbled.

Half reluctant to let it go and another half that wanted to let go since she was reminded of Karen's pumping story. Mrs. Chen approached the two from behind to see what is happening.

"What's going on girls?" asked Mrs. Chen as she stifled a laughter that almost escaped her mouth when she saw the two comical girls who were wrestling something between them.

"Mrs. Chen help! I really can't allow this girl to drink herself to oblivion" said Karen pleadingly.

"Oh my! How many have you two had already?" asked Mrs. Chen as she went closer.

"Two" replied Violet meekly.

"Bottles" Karen quickly followed up.

"Oh my you kids! Two bottles?! It's not good to drink a lot in your age. And looks like those are all hard liquor. You'll wake up with an unbearable headache later. It is not good to have both your mind and heart in pain. Even if you drown your sorrows in alcohol, it won't change anything or removed whatever it is that happened to you" said Mrs. Chen to tenderly coaxed Violet.

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You Of All People 133 Cant Drink Herself To Oblivion summary

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