You Of All People Chapter 104

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Published at 19th of October 2019 06:10:47 PM Chapter 104

[YoureMySun: Finally! ?????]

[In case you guys forgot Karen, she's the concierge when Violet broke up with Dean]


"Miss Violet" Karen called while walking beside Violet .

"Just call me by my name" replied Violet as she pulled her luggage along .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"Oh, ok . My full name is April Karen Williams, but you may call me 'Karen' . We can buy our drinks in that convenience store up ahead" Karen pointed in front of them as they walked .

"Am I weird? I accepted your invitation even though we don't know each other well" said Violet not hiding her emotions .

"Not really, but am I the weird one? I just asked you to drink with me even though we are strangers" stated Karen as she ate the chocolates gifted by Violet .

"We were strangers but now we're not . Now we know each other's name . Will you be my friend Karen?" asked Violet while trying hard to smile but it didn't reached her eyes .

Karen stretched her hand out to take Violet's hand and shook it .

"Of course, friend" smiled Karen .

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"You're the first friend I made ever since I came back to the country" commented Violet .

"Do you have a place to stay?" Karen grabbed the other end of the luggage's handle and pulled it together with Violet .

"Yes . My family's home . But I can't return like this, they'll notice . And besides, they weren't expecting me to arrive early . I was supposed to arrive later today" Violet said as she tucked some of her hair at the back of her ear .

"You can crash at my place for the mean time" offered Karen .

"Really? Sure! Thank you Karen . Since we're friends, give me your phone" Violet stopped walking and held out her hand .

"Eh? For what?" inquired Karen curiously as she gave out her phone .

Violet took the phone, dialed her number, took a selfie and set it as her picture in the phonebook . Then she called her phone . After that, she returned it to Karen . Violet took out her phone, saved Karen's number and took a picture of Karen quickly and did the same .

"There . We can always stay in touch . So where are we going to drink?" smiled Violet as she started to walked again .

"We can't at home, my son and my mother should be already fast asleep . But we could drink in the playground in my neighborhood" explained Karen .

"Eh?! You have a son already? But you look so young?!" Violet covered her mouth in shock .

"I got knocked up really young but I don't regret it . My son is the best thing that ever happened to me in my life" remarked Karen with joy in her eyes with the mention of her son .

"How old are you? Your son?" asked Violet as she reached the front of the convenience store .

"I'm 25 and my son is 9 years old . Come on let's go inside" Karen pulled the door open and went inside with Violet .

As soon as they got in, Violet said, "I'll buy the drinks"

"I got the foods" chimed Karen .

They went their separate ways to find what they're looking for inside the convience store .

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You Of All People Chapter 104 summary

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