You Of All People 9 Resigning To Her Fate

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"d.a.m.n it. So I married a NEET. Why do I feel I'm the one losing out on this marriage? The horror." King jokingly lamented.

"Hey! I'm very beautiful just so you know. And what's a NEET?" asked Violet curiously.

"Not in Education, Employment and Training. So basically you're a freeloader. You got no work, you have no place to stay and it seems you're ashamed of someone as great as me" jokingly conveyed by King.

"Hey I'm not! Besides even if I'm a freeloader, I can be your wife. Where can I find a place as great as this that'll give me tons of money, unlimited food, clothing, protection and shelter? And I'm not ashamed, it's just that I'm worried that they might pressure us to have children. You know how old people can be a bit pushy on that part hubby. Please Hubby? Darling? Honey? Cutiepie? Cupcake? Sugarplum? Babe? Baby? Cutiepatootie? Let's keep this under wraps? Pretty please?" said Violet again with her secret weapon: puppy dog eyes.

"(Darn it this woman is underhanded) enough with those names! You're grossing me out. Ughhh. Look at my arm! See that, I'm getting goose b.u.mps because of you! Fine if that's what you want. Since you're Mrs. King Margaux Quinn Hendrix now, you can stay here. As the greatest Husband of the world, I'll have you issued a black card later for your allowance. I can't have my wife starving. And since you're not studying yet and at the moment doesn't have work, from now on you'll be my Personal Secretary, my dear Wife you have to earn your living too by serving me! hahahahahaha" King boasted.

"You're shameless! Unfair! Fine! So be it! I got nothing better to do at the moment. I still haven't planned on going back overseas. Might as well be your nanny. Yey! You're the best Husband of the whole world. I really need to do some shopping, didn't bring anything with me yesterday. I was in so much hurry and left everything overseas. And this is the perfect hiding place from my family. Thank you Hubby! Mwah!" Violet leaned and kissed King's cheek.

"Ye-yeah good thinking (dumbly touching his cheek). Wait. h.e.l.lo, I would like to request an extension of my card for Violet Hailey Quinn. Relations.h.i.+p? My Wife. Limit? No limit. Delivery? At my house. I need it today. Do it as fast as you can. That's all goodbye. There it's done. I gave Alfred a vacation, so from now on you'll be following me around to be my Personal Secretary" said King still dumbly rubbing his cheek where Violet kissed him.

"Can't you just hire someone else?" inquired Violet.

"No way! I'm already giving you too much. You might as well work for me for all those s.h.i.+ts. Besides, being my Secretary is the best cover, you know." King insisted.

"Fine, Boss" Violet said while spreading her arms and resigning to her fate.


Author's Note: I really should change the t.i.tle into 'Spreading Dog Food Everywhere' or point a warning: 'Beware of Dog Food'.

If you guys do get the pun intended hahahahahahahhahahahaha

Also, King's Butler Alfred was inspired from Batman's Butler Alfred. So he's super capable guys. Just imagine what he prepared in 10mins after King called him in the Club. Credits to Butler Alfred, he's the best. LOL

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You Of All People 9 Resigning To Her Fate summary

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