You Of All People 99 For You My Hear

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"AN AILEY!!! LOOK!! So pretty! There's a lot of colors like the rainbow but more!" exclaimed the excited Elleis as he stood up on his chair again. Something finally caught his attention away from the Ice Cream Sundae.

Once again as if on cue, the other kid also got worked up. Banging the table in front of her, feebly wagging her limbs as if to protest.

"DA! NOM! NOM! NOM! NOM! NOM!" Nielle made a ruckus while eyeing the Macarons on the table.

Aside from the two kids, another kid was added up to the mix. Ellie with her sparkly eyes, gazed at the sweets longingly. It was as though she can already taste it in her mouth. If it wasn't for her last shred of will, she would have jumped over and devoured it like a person who hasn't eaten for a very long time.

Neil looked over at the three kids that he has to look after. The other one was supposed to help him, but now it seems she had forgotten to be an adult.

Seeing the predicament that Neil was in, Violet spoke up, "Here Neil, you guys choose first" she handed him the ornate Pastry Tong engraved with flowers on the handles.

Neil felt both thankful and ashamed then nodded to her. Taking hold of the Pastry Tong, he began to serve the three kids who won't let up but before he could begin King interrupted him.

"Wait" King said as he reached to take the Pastry Tong. After getting it, he began to select and placed all the Macarons, that are in color of or have the color of Violet, on top of a plate. When he was done, he gave it back to Neil then placed the plate in front of Violet.

"For you my heart" muttered King endearingly and then right after, he drank his tea gracefully.

"Thank you Sweetie" replied Violet sweetly, touched by his actions.

She waited for Neil to calm down the rioting kids with the Macarons he gave them. Violet took the Pastry Tong and did the same for King. She placed it in front of him. As she was reaching for her first bite, she remembered something. She retracted her hand and instead using a fork, she reached for his plate, took one, and raised it onto his lips.

King smiled brightly and thought to himself, 'I could get used to this', then did the same to her too. Like it was the most natural thing to do on earth.
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While the couple was feeding each other, on the Jackmans' side. Elleis ditched his fork and began to chuck Macarons left and right using his tiny hands into his mouth. Nielle was also holding one on each of her wee hands which was given to her by Neil. The third kid, Ellie, was also eating delightfully. Neil on the other hand, just ate two and then gave the rest to his wife as he watched her eat happily.

Bored as he wait on his family and drank his tea, he suddenly thought of something. He took out his phone, searched something on it and then showed it to the couple.

"Um lil'sis Violet, is it alright to call you that? Is this woman you?" carefully inquired Neil.

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You Of All People 99 For You My Hear summary

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