It's Not Easy To Love 4 No Place To Go..

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It was my last day in hospital I was looking out the window, when I heard couples of knocks on the door and turned to look towards it realising it was Andrea as always ..

As she visited me everyday since the day I was admitted here and keep bringing me fruits, flowers, books and what not..

She treated me as if I am her little sister.. whenever I feel down she roufled my head and cheered me up.. Her company was wonderful and it warmed my heart.. I too started calling her big sister..

Today she was holding my discharge papers in her hand as she walked towards me and asked me Ready to go darling..

I stared at her and in a gentle voice I said where will I go??

She looked at me and smiled and hugged me in her embrace and slowly whispered in my ears.. You have become my lil sister which I never had and from today you are going to live with me for as long as you want..

I denied her request as I don't want to be a burden on her, she already did enough for me..

I smiled at her and said thank you sis but I can't.. I cannot trouble you any longer don't worry I will find a way..

She looked at me with anger and pulled my wrist and dragged me out the hospital into her car and literally shoved me inside and closed the door and came to drivers seat..

I tried to reason with her but she stared at me and said I don't just call you LIL SIS I mean it and it looks like you don't want me to be your elder sis and suddenly her eyes become red which scared me as she was about to cry..
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I looked at her and in panic started apologising to her and agreed with her to move in with her..

As soon as I said yes to her request she hugged me almost squeezing me to death and started driving towards her house..

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It's Not Easy To Love 4 No Place To Go.. summary

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