Taking On The Magical World 68 Chapter 67: What Goes Around Comes Around

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George, who was always the least wild among the two of them, turned to face Professor Dumbledore head on and said to him in an a.s.suring tone. "Professor Dumbledore it is alright, Caelum was only quipping with you. Isn't that right Caelum, mhhh?"

I hastily nodded my head vigorously when I heard the question George asked me.

All the while I nervously thought, f.u.c.k! It is worse than I thought, the old man clearly wants to murder me in cold blood for the insult I slang at him.
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Breathe IN, breathe OUT!

I yelled to myself in my mind, then the jittering slowly left me, as soon I released that final big breath.

Good! Now then, use that beautiful big brain of yours to think of a way out of this mess, I voiced to myself. You are the one who got yourself in this d.a.m.nable situation in the first place, thanks to letting your big mouth run off. So, now get yourself out of it!

"You do not have to do this old man! We will treat this as if it never happened, okay?" Fred said as he held his hands up in a pacifying manner, as if Professor Dumbledore was a mental asylum patient. Which couldn't be further from the truth from the looks on Professor Dumbledore face.

Anyways it is good that Fred is finally taking cues from his brother; we do not want to make this situation any worse than it already is.

The only thing that came close to an answer to Fred's question, was Professor Dumbledore mumbling, which was loud enough for us to hear what he was saying to himself clearly.

On a side note, these whispering were eerily similar to the ones I have had made early on into our conversation, when I decided it was a good idea to insult him.

"It seems like I will have to add the Weasley twins to my extermination list. Yes, yes... They know way too much now! So, they must be taken care of." He said as he frantically smoothed out his beard with his eyes darting through and from, not looking at us at all. Then as if he was exerting himself, he turned to look at the three of us with that haunted look.

"You know what I take back what I have said! You can have Caelum, and we will be on our merry little way." Fred said with an awkward smile.

I craned my neck to look at him outraged, this b.a.s.t.a.r.d is thinking about leaving me behind to save his own skin again! I should really have thrown him at the Doxy swarm when I had the chance, I think venomously.

As Fred stepped away from Professor Dumbledore very slowly, since Dumbledore didn't look to be in what you would call a stable state. As he did all that, he made sure to whisper to me so that Professor Dumbledore won't hear what he has to say. "Don't worry we will be back as soon as we can with a whole lot of back up. You just make sure to keep him busy and try to stay alive while we are gone."

If I wasn't facing a life or death situation right now, I would I jumped this two-faced sucker and given him a piece of my mind. Does he think I am an idiot? All he is trying to do is get out of this sticky situation!

George snorted when he heard what Fred spoke of. "Are you an idiot! Who the h.e.l.l are you going to bring back as back up, huh?

Are you thinking about bringing Professor McGonagall, well she would never think bad about Professor Dumbledore so it won't work. Professor Snape? Well, Professor Dumbledore is the only reason why he isn't in Azkaban. Professor Flitwick? Oh, Professor Dumbledore was the only person willing to hire a half-goblin. Hagrid? MHH, nope the guy practically wors.h.i.+ps Professor Dumbledore."

As George continued to list off more and more Professor, it became apparent to Fred that all the teachers under this school's roof are one way or another tied to or devoted to Professor Dumbledore. In other words, he could do whatever he wants in this castle, and he would get away with it.

"Should I continue twin, mhh?" As he saw that his twin, Fred, was muted silent, he took his silence as a yes. "Well, there is Professor Trelawney who is a charlatan, and Professor Dumbledore was the only person willing to...."

"I get it, now can you stop ranting on and on about it?" Fred shouted with his arms upraised in exasperation, when he saw that his twin was really about to do this again.

"You know we could always ask Filch for help!" I said to the twins, who looked at me like in disbelief. "Oh, come on, I was just messing with you guys. A little bit of humor before we die won't hurt you, okay! Anyways if we did call for Filch, he would gleefully come over, so that is a plus, but he would come with some popcorn to watch us die so that is a..."

"Waoh, Caelum this is seriously the worst time you could bring up a joke." George said as he interpreted my joke with a finger nearly taking out an eye since he was so close.

"As I was saying, sorry boys, but it already too late now to back out! You will have to move on to the next leg of your great adventure." Professor Dumbledore said with that blank look on his face and then he pointed his wand at us, but the three of us were so busy with our conversation that we didn't even hear a single thing he has said.

Professor Dumbledore watched us as we argued with each other, and if you looked at him right now, you would see that there wasn't even a hint of madness on his face, but just pure vexation.

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Taking On The Magical World 68 Chapter 67: What Goes Around Comes Around summary

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