I Don't Dare To Oppose A Protagonist Anymore Chapter 11 Part2

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Proofreader: Big Sister Maralynx ()

Translator: bluedreamsfairy? ()

He didn't know why, but he felt awkward looking at Ling Luo after that scene.

Right now his brain was full of those words, "Two men can also enjoy themselves?"

Ling Luo didn't investigate anymore. After all, it wasn't something important.

He looked at the miserable amount of daily goods on his bed and then asked Lin Xiao: "Are you interested in buying daily goods with me later on?"


Lin Xiao didn't ask more, sighed out of relief and then went out with Ling Luo.

There were still people outside Yunqi Academy. However, today's enrollment was about to end. The manager politely said: "We are sorry, today's enrollment has just finished, please come again tomorrow morning."

The crowd, who has been lined up for half a day, received this kind of information. Even though their hearts were unwilling, they still left.

If they made trouble, they would be put on the Yunqi Academy's blacklist and could never attend Yunqi Academy.

A big crowd slowly dispersed.

When the people were almost gone, Ling Luo and Lin Xiao prepared to set out. At this moment, Lin Xiao noticed that in the Medicine Refining Master faculty, a group of people still hasn't left.

A great beauty! Lin Xiao stared at her. Black eyebrows, limpid eyes; her appearance was even more beautiful than Lin Waner's… Right now she had an anxious expression and her frown made people feel distressed.

By her side some youngsters were trying to ingratiate her, but who knows what they were saying.

Because Lin Xiao was staring at her too much, Ling Luo also noticed it and followed his gaze. A stunning beauty entered his view.

Sure enough, since ancient times, men loved beauties and no man was an exception. In fact, Ling Luo became dull for a few seconds, however, he wouldn't take the initiative to provoke this world's beauties, because too many beautiful women always brought trouble. A Femme fatale.

Looking at Lin Xiao who was unable to take his eyes off, he said: "Let's go."

Lin Xiao was startled and looked at him while scratching his head. He thought that the beauty was nicer to look at.

The scene of two men having fun played in his mind again, making Lin Xiao shake his head.

He really couldn't understand… What was so good between two men?

Lin Xiao's mood got better after admiring the beauty, so he smiled brightly at Ling Luo and walked ahead.

To Ling Luo… that smile seemed horribly vulgar… therefore, was Lin Xiao's nature lecherous?

While silently giving the label of a lewd person to Lin Xiao in his heart, Ling Luo quickly sprinted over and reached Lin Xiao's side.

So what?

He was very kind towards him and helped him a few times, so Ling Luo didn't care what his inclinations were, because Lin Xiao's kindness can't be erased.

Much less when he was just a little lecherous…


Yunqi Academy was situated in the middle of a city, which didn't belong to Refine Medicine Country, but instead it was under Nebula Nation's jurisdiction. However, the city was under Yunqi Academy's administration and not the nation's. Even though the city was situated in a remote place, its development and growth didn't lose to Nebula Nation's biggest city/capital.

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I Don't Dare To Oppose A Protagonist Anymore Chapter 11 Part2 summary

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