The Annoying Author 12 Writer

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The Annoying Author like always is writing something, so, the Lord Brain have decides to interview The Annoying Author.

"So, Annoying Author."



"Is not Annoying Author, is The Annoying Author."

"Okay, how is in going?"

"In what?"


"Good, I have to redo one novel, pause 3 and this one...well, this one is slowly dying."


"Don't have the talent to write 5 novels a the same time."

"Then why did you start writing five novels?"

"Well, I was excited when this little place call Inkstone start its functions, but well, now the cruel reality has come to punch me in the face."

The Lord Brain stop for a moment, and he looks to the poor author.

"You should know, you have mine support, but Heart and Stamina hates you."

"I know."

"So, you should start being a better person with those close to you."

The Annoying Author was intrigued by those words, but he decide something different.

"I don't wanna."


"I am The Annoying Author, I don't need to apologize to those idiots, or to be a better person."

"Is your ego so big that you can do that."

"Is not that, but is that I am very lazy person, and my Heart and Stamina are traitors."

"You are doing this more difficult to me."

"I don't care, you work is to thing, mine is to write."

"Ah, you know, I no longer care, so, what novel you would only write."

"All of them."

"What? But you don't have the time, talent and energy to write 5 novels a the same time."

"I know."

In that moment The Annoying Author get up from the chair, and he looks to his hands.

"But I make a promise, that in 2018 I would not delete or stop writing any novel of mine, If doesn't matter if I have to write just one chapter per week in some of them, I will do it."

"What happen if you can't make that promise."

"Well, like this, The Annoying Author always said: We are humans, we always make errors, so, is okay if I fail, right?"

The Annoying Author then goes away from him, to the place call, Attention to the Client.

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