The Annoying Author 4 English.

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You know, there is a lot to suffer for me to write in english, because two important things, i am not a native english speaker, and two, too many years since i study properly english...

So, you would said for sure:

"Dude, if is so 'Difficult' to write in english, why don't you write in your original idiom and a site of your country."

And I will said.

"Because i never thought about that.

Then you will said.

"d.a.m.n, this guy is stupid." [Face Palm in the face]

But you know, yeah, i am stupid, so what? can you blame me for being like this, dude, This is who I am.
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But well...

I don´t know if i am the only author who has difficulty writing in english, but hey, we are writing in english, and we are publis.h.i.+ng this in a website, that is amazing.

And another amazing thing is, that the english has for one thing or another, make us communicate with people from around the globe, that is more AMAZING.

So, leave and the comments you original languaje, with a phrase with your lenguaje (please also down below that, say what it means, cause you now, learn something new) in have a wonderful day.

Pondré me gusta al comentario que adivine que idioma es este!!!

This little Author said: English is easy to learn, but difficult to master...

See ya in the next chap.

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The Annoying Author 4 English. summary

You're reading The Annoying Author. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): The_Wind_Jaeger. Already has 437 views.

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