The Annoying Author 7 End Of Vacations.

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Well, tomorrow i go to school...TT

So, i am excited to learn new things, but afraid of the homework.

Is gonna be more difficult to me to write my 5! novels, but well, this is what an original author who is in university or is working need to do.
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I really want to go again to learn english, in special, my english vocabulary and grammar.

Maybe i should talk also more english, when an american who is in vacation and need to ask something, ask me, first, i get emotional because i can finally use what i learn, but second, i get scare to don't speak well, or make me understand.

Even in my mother language is difficult to understand me, so, in another language is even worse.

Fun thing is that this author is a bad student:

1) I am not responsible.

2) I don´t like to study in home.

3) I don´t like to do homework.

4) I am dumb.

5) I am distracted.

So, well, the author said: Are you a good student? or are you like me? or are you worst?

Also for those who don´t study anymore.

Did you like to study?

Or prefer to part with the friends?

See ya in the next chapter of the best novel of this world.

Eh, is not...TT

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The Annoying Author 7 End Of Vacations. summary

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