Idiot In Love -14 Chapter 101: Family

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The whole school heard the blaring sound of the ambulance, but n.o.body knew what had happened.

NaNa had just finished her experiment in the science lab with her students when she received a text from her brother telling her that Yi Fei will be taking the day off and that, someone will pick her up after school since he had a rescheduled meeting.

It was not hard to find the link between ambulance sound and Yi Fei's taking the day off. Something must have happened to Yi Fei.

Without wasting more time, NaNa called Yi Fei to ask the details of what happened to cause her to take the day off. Yi Fei told her exactly what happened. Yi Fei's explanation made NaNa remembered the moment she saw Cheng Xiao Meng punched the gla.s.s window. NaNa told Yi Fei about what she saw, and Yi Fei was quite shocked.

"Are you sure it was Cheng Xiao Meng? Let me tell you NaNa, Mr Jing had this crazy smile on his face right after the shelf collapsed. He was acting like Sakurato Moris.h.i.+ge when he approached me at that time. He looks so scary; it was a very spine-chilling moment. I cannot unsee that"

Yi Fei and NaNa talked for a moment before NaNa hung up the phone. Wu Chen, who was driving, couldn't understand most of the words came out of Yi Fei's mouth. He didn't even know who the h.e.l.l Sakurato Moris.h.i.+ge was.

Wu Chen parked his car right in front of a very elegant private clinic located at the heart of City L. The clinic looked sophisticated; Yi Fei wondered how much it would cost her to get examined in the clinic.

The calculating look on her face was seen by Wu Chen. "They are one of the branches of the panel clinic for Wu Group. Go on; you need to get examined immediately" Wu Chen turned off the engine of his car, ready to go out of the car.

A small hand stopped Wu Chen from going out. "Can I get examined in another clinic? I have a medical card, but this clinic was not on their list of panel clinic."

After her car was vandalised, Yi Fei had made a recalculation of her spending budget for the rest of the month including the next month because she should not be extravagant in spending anymore since she needed money to fix her car. So, she could not afford to pay a lot of money for a medical check-up, especially when she felt perfectly fine even after Mr Jing dragged her onto the coa.r.s.e floor.

Wu Chen gave her a stern look; he wanted her to get examined immediately to make sure that Yi Fei was really fine.

"They won't charge you for it. Don't worry, let's go" Wu Chen removed the small hand carefully and went out of his car.

Yi Fei did not have any other choice but to go out of the car as well. "But I'm not from Wu Group."

Yi Fei had a hard time standing when she went out of the car because she put out her leg in a weird position; Yi Fei needed to twist her knee, but Wu Chen took her action as if she was in pain. Without waiting for her to ask for his help, Wu Chen went over to Yi Fei and carried her in princess style.

"Argh… Chen Chen put me down. People are watching" Yi Fei was perplexed by the action. "I'm alright; I'm okay. Put me down please."

Wu Chen put her down as she asked. "Come, let's go. I'll have you put under my family; they will examine you after that" Wu Chen took Yi Fei's hand so that Yi Fei wouldn't think about running or giving other excuses not to get examined.

Yi Fei couldn't believe it when she heard Wu Chen mentioned about putting her in the family list. An outright lie like that should be against the law.

"Chen Chen, nepotism is the lowest and least imaginative form of corruption. Do you know that? As a law-abiding citizen of the country, we must always tell the truth so that…" Yi Fei couldn't finish her sentence because Wu Chen was glaring at her.

It has been a while since Wu Chen glared at her. Yi Fei shut her mouth and followed Wu Chen to go to the clinic.

Inside the clinic, Yi Fei got a thorough examination even though she said that she was fine. The doctor also suggested her to schedule a meeting for therapy if she ever feels distressed over what happened to herself.

After the examination, Wu Chen wanted to send Yi Fei home, but she insisted that she didn't want to stay in her house alone. Since Liu s.h.i.+ still had not identified the real culprit that vandalised Yi Fei's car, Wu Chen thought that leaving Yi Fei alone in the house would dangerous, so he took her away with him to his office.

Right after they exited the private elevator of the Wu Hotel, Yi Fei was skipping happily like a child who went to her parent's workplace for the first time. The workers in the office who saw them were surprised to see that their boss had a girlfriend. Even more, he brought his girlfriend to his office; it was very unlike the boss they knew for the few months working with him.

"You can do your work comfortably. I am going to be very quiet. I will lie down here; pretend that I'm not here" Yi Fei laid down on the long sofa inside Wu Chen's office. Wu Chen had lent her his coat so that she could cover her exposed leg while lying on the couch.

Yi Fei took out a book from the bag. Wu Chen saw that Yi Fei was reading a book ent.i.tled 'The language of Thorns: Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic'. Once in a while, Yi Fei would let out a 'he he he' sound when something in the book amused her.

Wu Chen wondered if he should let Yi Fei read that kind of book – tales and black magic. But as long as Yi Fei was happy, he was fine with whatever book she read. When it was almost 4 o'clock, Wu Chen excused himself to attend the meeting he rescheduled that morning when he rushed to get Yi Fei from the school. Wu Chen didn't want to leave Yi Fei alone in his room, but Yi Fei insisted that Wu Chen should not worry about her since she could entertain herself. Wu Chen pecked her forehead before he left with a heavy heart.

When it was time to get off work, NaNa wanted to call Wu Chen to pick her up even after she was told by Wu Chen earlier that someone will pick her up. Before she could dial her brother's number, her phone rang, and her screen displayed a string of number she could not recognise.

"I'm in the parking lot, hurry up" The male caller hung up the phone. No introduction, no greeting. The person went straight to the point without wasting his breath.

NaNa could not recognise the voice, but she went over to the parking lot anyway. While walking towards the parking lot, she had a lot of things on her mind; she even tried to guess the ident.i.ty of the caller. She imagined that the caller could be her brother's subordinate and the subordinate could be a very handsome subordinate based on his voice alone. NaNa was excited when she thought of that possibility.

In the parking lot, there was a familiar black Lexus parked on the spot where Yi Fei always parked her G.o.ddess. Upon seeing the black Lexus, NaNa sighed of disappointment.

She opened her call log and searched for the string of numbers that called her earlier.

She typed 'Mr Someone-Like-You' and pressed save.

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Idiot In Love -14 Chapter 101: Family summary

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