Idiot In Love -104 Chapter 12: Accidental Meeting

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Wu Chen, Yi Fei and NaNa were having their lunch in one of the western restaurants in City T. Yi Fei insisted they should have their lunch in that restaurant because one of her followers on Weibo recommended the restaurant.

The night before, Yi Fei posted on her Weibo to ask about the best western restaurant in City T. The situation went like this:

"What is the best place to have lunch in City T? Preferably, a Western restaurant ^_^" Yi Fei posted on her Weibo. A few minutes later, her followers commented on the post.

Userxx: "Master, are you going to City T? Let's meet :)"

Userxxy : "Are you in City T, Master? Arghh can I see you?"

There were a lot of comments asking to meet her in City T. None of them actually answered her question and gave her a recommendation of the restaurant. She got bored reading the comments on Weibo so she closed the site.

She typed the latest chapter of her online novel to kill time. Then she logged into her Weibo again to check whether someone gave her recommendation of the restaurant she should go.

FabulousWeiWei: "Master, if you want to have a romantic lunch with your loved one, you should go to Joyous Restaurant."

FabulousWeiWei: "If you want to have a quiet lunch, you can go to Serenity Restaurant".

FabulousWeiWei: "If you are having lunch with your family, the best place is the Lucky Star Restaurant".

FabulousWeiWei: "I hope you have a great time in City T. Trust me! I'm from City T so I know the good restaurant here ;)"

Yi Fei knew the username. The user was one of her loyal follower who read her novel and never fails to leave a comment on each chapter she updated. She thanked FabulousWeiWei for the recommendation before posting another post.

"Thank you for the recommendation everyone, if I have the time, I will try all of them ;)"

Yi Fei looked at her 20k followers and she began reminiscing about the time when she first started writing the online novel.

She only has more or less 500 followers before she started her first story. After that, her number gradually increased when she wrote her few other novels. Now that she has 20k followers, she felt grateful. She posted the latest chapter of 'I am Glad You Like It, Master' as a thank-you-gift before she closed her laptop and hit the sack.

Inside the Lucky Star Restaurant, the three of them were sitting near the window. NaNa and Yi Fei wanted the window seat because the lighting was good for taking pictures.

Wu Chen was still aggrieved because of the previous matter inside the cosplay shop even though shorty had apologized for the nth times. When NaNa and Yi Fei was busy taking a picture, he did not smile even once on the camera. Wu Chen did not like taking a picture so he never understands why women like to snap pictures.

Yi Fei sneaked a glance at Wu Chen once in a while. She did not dare to talk familiarly with Wu Chen because Wu Chen looked really angry after she accidentally knocked his head with the Garnet Rod.

But it was really an accident. Yi Fei did not mean to hit or knocked someone with a rod. She was just trying to copy the punishment pose for Sailor Moon. After the incident inside the shop, Wu Chen seemed to distance himself from her. This made Yi Fei's heart hurt a little. She hoped that Wu Chen will stop being mad at her. At the moment, she could only stay silent.

Yi Fei snapped a picture of the window view and uploaded it to her Weibo with the caption "Love the view". Her Weibo exploded with comments from her followers; asking about her location and if the restaurant served good food. Yi Fei replied on some of the comments. She only stopped replying when the waiter brought their foods and drinks.

NaNa realized the awkwardness between her cousin brother and Yi Fei. She tried to cheer up the situation by taking a group photo but the situation got worse. So, she stopped trying and ate her food silently.

The three of them were eating silently when suddenly, a figure stopped by their table.

"Chen…" Three heads turned to the direction of the voice.

"I do not expect that I will see you here" Wu Chen showed a surprised look on his face.

Yi Fei smiled knowingly. It was the lady she b.u.mped into last time. What a fateful encounter. She looked at the lady who was smiling at Wu Chen. Then, she looked at Wu Chen. Wu Chen just sat there; frozen as if his soul left his body.

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Idiot In Love -104 Chapter 12: Accidental Meeting summary

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