Idiot In Love -102 Chapter 14: Token Of Apology

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After seeing the beauty stood near their tale, Yi Fei experienced an epiphany that Wu Chen and the beauty must have a lot to catch up to. So, she winked at NaNa to send a signal. Wu Chen did not see any of the signals sent between the two women because he was lost in his own memory.

NaNa saw the wink and seemed to understand what it meant. She at her last dumpling, gathered her belonging and pursed her lips towards the exit. Yi Fei took her bag and stood up. NaNa followed after her.

The sudden movement startled Wu Chen. She looked at shorty who was the first one to stand up. He knew what the shorty was thinking about. Before he could say anything, NaNa talked first.

"Brother, Yi Fei and I want to go to the florist shop across the road. I see that your friend is here. The two of you must not have met for a long time. You two should talk more. I see you later brother" NaNa tried to smooth things out with Wu Chen.

"Let me get the bill, then let's go together" Wu Chen ignored the lady who stood beside him.

"No, no, no. No Need. You should stay for a while and talk with the lady here. We won't be long" Yi Fei saw the lady was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with tears so she had to jump in.

Wu Chen wanted to refute but he knew that things should be resolved as fast as possible so that his mind will be in peace. The two women walked away from the table and Wu Chen invited Li Wei to sit down. Li Wei sat the opposite of Wu Chen.

As the rain was about to stop and it was only drizzling, Yi Fei and NaNa walked to the florist shop across the road. Both of them noticed the shop while they were taking pictures in the restaurant as it can be seen from their table.

"Yi Fei, do you know the lady who talked to my brother just now?" NaNa asked the question she wanted to ask the most.

"Not really. I b.u.mped into her last time in Wu Hotel. Your brother seems to know her. He had the same expression as the last time they met each other. There must be some history between the two of them". Yi Fei and NaNa tried to speculate things all the way down to the florist shop.

Inside the florist shop, there were a lot of flowers. Yi Fei was never really into flowers. It was not as if she hated it. She just felt that a bouquet of flowers was a waste of money. It did not last long. She walked around the shop until she came into the row of pot cacti.

Caring for other plants might be hard for Yi Fei because her house was on the second floor. She did not have a house compound to nurture a big plant. Considering that pot cactus was small enough, she decided to buy one. After all, she had always wanted to put something green in her room.

Yi Fei bought two pots of cacti; one was a small pot with a beautiful yellow head cactus and the other one was a small pot with three small cacti. On the other hand, NaNa bought a pot of pink begonia.

As they were heading out of the shop, NaNa hugged her pot of pink begonia and Yi Fei held the pot of cacti; one on each hand. Yi Fei walked in front of the NaNa. As she wanted to push the door by using her body, the door was suddenly pulled from the outside.

Yi Fei b.u.mped into a hard chest, staggered sideways and about to fall. Strong hands held her shoulder and stopped her from falling. Yi Fei steadied herself before looking at the person who saved her from falling. When she looked up, an annoyed face stared at her sharply. She looked around; the lady from the restaurant was nowhere to be found.

"You should look where you are going" Wu Chen stared at shorty who was still holding the cacti on her hands.

"Thank you brother" Yi Fei smiled widely.

"For you" She shoved the yellow head cactus towards Wu Chen. Wu Chen stepped backwards. It was a miracle that shorty was not p.r.i.c.ked by the cacti she was holding.

Wu Chen looked at the cactus. Small and beautiful yellow head, exactly what woman would love.

Then, he looked at the other pot. There were three small plain cacti in the pot.

"This is my token of apology for accidentally hitting you with the Garnet Rod" Yi Fei could see the confusion in Wu Chen's face.

"Then, I want that one" Wu Chen pointed at the small plain cactus.

"You want the Dugtrio?" Yi Fei was shocked that Wu Chen wanted the Dugtrio. Her voice was one pitch higher than usual. She was overreacting.

"You name the cactus already?" Wu Chen was beyond shocked. He had never met someone who named their plant. This was a true idiocy. The idiot in front of him must be the only one who names her plant. He was enlightened.

"No ar... Don't you know Dugtrio? Dugtrio is the three heads mole in Pokémon ar… I bought this because it looks similar to Dugtrio" Wu Chen was speechless.

He signalled the shorty to hand over the Dugtrio to him. Shorty looked so reluctant to part away with the cactus but she handed it over anyway. Her lips turned down as if she wanted to cry. Wu Chen felt that she looked so cute when she made that face. Shorty looked like a small puppy whose favourite toy was s.n.a.t.c.hed by someone.

"Where is the bag? Any paper bag or plastic bag to put this?" Wu Chen held the pot of cactus in his right hand.

"I did not ask for any bag" Yi Fei was still looking at the Dugtrio in Wu Chen's hand.

"Why?" Wu Chen felt inconvenient to keep holding the pot.

"Reduce the use of a plastic bag or paper bag. I want to save the environment" Yi Fei said matter-of-factly.

Wu Chen shoved the pot back to Yi Fei. Yi Fei's face brightens up.

"Then help me to hold it for now. I'll take it from you when we reach City L" Wu Chen saw that shorty's face instantly dimmed back. He thought that shorty could be an actress by how expressive her face was. He did not like cactus and he did not even want to care for the plant but he guesses he could use the cactus to improve the Feng Shui in his house.

He had little bad luck while staying in City L. He could really use some things to enhance the Feng Shui of his apartment. Moreover, it was a token of apology from shorty. He had a feeling that he will a.s.sociate himself more often with the shorty in the future. It would be bad if they have some kind of bad blood between them.

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Idiot In Love -102 Chapter 14: Token Of Apology summary

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