Idiot In Love -95 Chapter 21: I Do If You Do

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It was a bright Sunday morning and a lady sprawled on a queen bed, sighing loudly.

Yi Fei was having a writer block and she could not get the ideas out of her head. It has been three days since the last update of her novel. Her Weibo had been bombarded by the mentioned from her followers; asking her to update her novel.

Yi Fei had an idea of what to write but she couldn't write because he had a lot of things on her mind. It was very hard for her to write from the point of view of her male characters. She realized that she did not understand her male characters well.

She buried herself in her blanket when she remembered something. She stood up straight and looked at her bookshelf. She scanned her poetry book which lined up tidily until her eyes landed on a book on the far left. She got an idea. Yi Fei took the book and went out of her room.

In the living room, NaNa was sitting cross-legged on the sofa while watching her favourite anime. She saw that Yi Fei walked to the refrigerator with a messy hair and a book in her hand.

"What time did you reached home yesterday?" NaNa paused her anime and asked Yi Fei.

"I couldn't remember. It should be before 12 o'clock. How about you?" Yi Fei brought a gla.s.s of milk to the sofa and sat down beside NaNa.

"Half an hour after 12 I think" NaNa looked at the book that Yi Fei put on the gla.s.s table near her laptop. She thought of something. "Brother Ting is very gentleman ar… he sent you back before midnight" NaNa gave a strange-looking smile.

Yi Fei ignored her and continued drinking her milk. NaNa played the anime on her laptop. It was Yi Fei's favourite anime too; the anime was Honey and Clover. Both of them watched the anime. They did not make any sound; they were immersed in the story.

It was already twelve in the afternoon when the vibration from NaNa's phone snapped the attention of the two of them from the anime. NaNa checked her phone to find out that Wu Chen was asking her how to cook a simple noodle dish. NaNa had an idea. She looked at Yi Fei with an evil grin.

"Yi Fei, what to do ar? Wu Chen asked me to teach him how to cook noodle but you know my culinary skills" NaNa made a pitiful face. Yi Fei brightened up. Her chance had come.

"Don't worry. This sister here can help. I can cook". Yi Fei looked at her long-forgotten book. She wanted to ask NaNa to invite Wu Chen for lunch so that she could lend her poetry book to him. At the same time, she could ask few questions so that she could understand him better.

NaNa quickly suggested that they should head over to Wu Chen's apartment to help teach him to cook a very simple noodle dish. Yi Fei agreed because she also wanted to catch a glimpse of how her male characters live.

Both of the girls went out of their house and went to Wu Chen's house. NaNa did not announce their arrival at Wu Chen's place because she wanted to surprise him. She thought that it would be nice to see someone's shocked face.

NaNa rang the bell to Wu Chen's house and suddenly crouched behind Yi Fei. After a few seconds, the door opened to reveal a very shocked Wu Chen. "Surprise!" NaNa came out from behind. She had a very satisfied look on her face.

Wu Chen was still in shock. He did not expect the shorty to ring a bell of his house. He actually felt delighted to see shorty before NaNa popped out of nowhere. He gave NaNa a stern look as if asking her what was happening.

"We came here to help you. Didn't you ask me how to cook noodle? I don't know how to cook but Yi Fei knew so she will teach you. Right, Yi Fei?" NaNa knew that her cousin brother was annoyed but it was too fun for her.

Yi Fei nodded her head. Wu Chen invited both of the ladies to come into his house. Yi Fei entered his house and started to scan the whole house. She was trying to remember as many details as she could because bringing along her notebook seemed too suspicious.

Wu Chen brought Yi Fei to the kitchen so that they could start cooking right away. Yi Fei followed Wu Chen to the kitchen and NaNa stayed in the living room to let them have some time alone. She was very content with her plan. Now her brother could have some quality time together with Yi Fei.

Wu Chen showed Yi Fei the instant noodle that he was trying to cook. He was not confident in cooking the instant noodle even though he had read the instructions step-by-step for few times. He never had the need to cook for himself. Even during his university life, he always eats outside.

"Brother, are you thinking of eating instant noodle?" Yi Fei looked at the instant noodle behind Wu Chen. Wu Chen said 'mm' before pa.s.sing one of them to Yi Fei.

"Brother, eating instant noodle is not good for the body. You should eat some healthy noodles ar…" Yi Fei started to open the cabinets and fridge to check the ingredients but she could find any. NaNa on the other side was curious about the two of them. She tiptoed to peek at them in the kitchen.

"No ingredient. We need to buy some ingredients then only we could cook a healthy and delicious noodle" Yi Fei said spontaneously. Wu Chen looked at how the shorty walked around his kitchen like she owned the place. Wu Chen seemed to like this situation.

"How about the two of you head out to the supermarket to buy ingredients? I will stay here to watch the house" The voice surprised Wu Chen and Yi Fei. Wu Chen gave a dirty look to the owner of the voice. NaNa smiled and looked at Yi Fei with full of hope.

"But I'm hungry already. Can we eat this instant noodle first before we head out?" Wu Chen was really hungry. Yi Fei looked at Wu Chen and felt that Wu Chen was very pitiful so she decided to cook the instant noodle. NaNa wanted some noodle too so she acted pitifully; hoping that Yi Fei would take pity on her and cooked for her too.

Yi Fei agreed to cook the instant noodle for them. NaNa ran to the living room to watch the television. Wu Chen stayed in the kitchen.

Yi Fei was walking here and there to prepare the instant noodle. Wu Chen was amazed at how quick she worked. She seemed very natural in the kitchen.

While cooking, Yi Fei noticed that Wu Chen was looking at her with a mesmerized look.

"Brother, what are you looking at?" Yi Fei continued on cooking the noodle.

"You look very natural in this kitchen" Wu Chen continued on looking at her back. He always saw this kind of scene in the movie; where the heroine will cook for the hero and the hero had this loving look on his face. He never understands why people could have that kind of look just because someone cooked for them. But now, he kind of understands it himself.

"Do I look beautiful like an angel? With a halo and bright light around me?" Yi Fei turned her back to see Wu Chen's face.

Wu Chen nodded and muttered 'mm' at the same time. Yi Fei put the cooked noodle in 3 bowls; one for Wu Chen, one for NaNa and one for herself. She lifted one of the bowls and carried it to the kitchen counter where Wu Chen sat.

Wu Chen looked at the approaching Yi Fei. He thought that the bright light did make her look like an angel. Yi Fei put down the noodle bowl in front of Wu Chen.

"So, did you fall in love with me yet?" Yi Fei used the exact phrase that Wu Chen used to tease her in the ballroom a few days ago. She smiled and wanted to tease him back.

Wu Chen fixed his gaze towards the shorty in front of him. His lips curled up revealing a very handsome look. The shorty in front of him was smiling brightly; a small section of her fringe covered half of her right eye, making her look seductive for him.

"I do if you do"

Then Wu Chen tucked the fringe behind her ear.

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Idiot In Love -95 Chapter 21: I Do If You Do summary

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