Idiot In Love -58 Chapter 58: Former Lover

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"h.e.l.lo… h.e.l.lo… Brother Ting, are you there?" The person on the other line was quiet so Yi Fei thought that he couldn't hear her so she tried to call his name a few times. Not long after that, the call got disconnected.

"Bai Jing Ting?" Wu Chen asked.

"Mm… I wonder why he called" Yi Fei was thinking hard. Bai Jing Ting never calls her without any reason before so she thought that maybe there's something he needed from Yi Fei.

"If he needs something, he'll call you back," Wu Chen said that so that Yi Fei won't call Bai Jing Ting back.

When they reached Yi Fei's apartment complex, Wu Chen did not send the ladies to the front door of their house because NaNa insisted that Jun Liu must be scared by now. Yi Fei laughed at NaNa's remark about Jun Liu.

NaNa went out from the car first. When Yi Fei wanted to go out, Wu Chen grabbed her wrist and said, "I'll call you later when I reach home"

Yi Fei smiled and nodded her head. Wu Chen realized that something was different about Yi Fei. Previously, Yi Fei got reddened whenever they have skin contact. This time, Yi Fei's face did not redden as if she was used to his touch already.

Yi Fei walked for a few steps before turning her head to look at Wu Chen. She waved at him before going upstairs to her house.

When Wu Chen reached his apartment, he noticed that his house was very bright. Jun Liu was sitting on the sofa in the living room while reading some doc.u.ments.

"I thought you are resting" Since Jun Liu told him that he was tired, Wu Chen a.s.sumed that he will be sleeping early. "Why is my cactus near you?"

Jun Liu looked up to Wu Chen with a poker face. "Aren't you tired?" He wanted to find a trace of tiredness from Wu Chen's face."I guess love makes you invincible". Jun Liu moved his gaze from Wu Chen. They were quiet for a moment when Jun Liu started speaking again.

"How come you never mention about your sister?" Jun Liu had been friend with Wu Chen for almost eight years but he never heard Wu Chen mentioned about any sister.

"I'm tired. Make yourself at home" Wu Chen retreated to his room.

In his room, he fished out his phone from his pocket and dialled Yi Fei's number. Yi Fei picked up straight away as if she had been holding her phone the entire time. The truth was, Yi Fei had been waiting for Wu Chen's call after she had done showering.

"h.e.l.lo, Chen Chen. Did you just reach your home?" Yi Fei missed him right after he drove away.

"Mm. What are you doing?" Their conversation was very normal.

They talked a bit about random things – mostly asked by Yi Fei until Yi Fei excused herself to watch her Roronoa Zoro. Wu Chen chuckled at the mention of the anime character. He felt that Yi Fei was so cute.

Before he hung up, Yi Fei was still able to give him some tips to survive any ghost disturbance. Yi Fei asked him to put the Dugtrio near his front door so that they won't be disturbed by any supernatural ent.i.ty.

Wu Chen did not know where Yi Fei learnt about all these random things but he complied anyway. He swore that if he did not comply, Yi Fei might start talking on how to survive the Zombie Apocalypse. He hung up the phone and walked to the living room. Jun Liu was still reading his doc.u.ment with the Dugtrio on the table near him.

Taking the Dugtrio away from Jun Liu, Wu Chen put the Dugtrio near the door. He muttered "For protection" to Jun Liu before he went back into his room.

Jun Liu stared at Wu Chen's back until he was gone from his sight. He thought that it was amazing how stupid can someone be when they're in love.


Bai Jing Ting was restless after he heard Wu Chen's voice in Yi Fei's background when he called her.

He kept on thinking why Yi Fei and Wu Chen were together at that time. There were thousands of thought and scenario playing in his mind. He was so troubled that he couldn't continue reading his book.

He drove to Wu Hotel restaurant because he liked how they served the coffee there. Bai Jing Ting went into the restaurant and ordered a bottle of expensive red wine. While he was drinking alone, a female voice called his name from behind.

Bai Jing Ting turned his head to see someone who he did not expect to see in City L. They seldom contacted each other but he knew that Li Wei was working in City T. He even saw Li Wei a few times in the supermarket but never did he have any chance to say 'h.e.l.lo' to her.

Somehow in the most unexpected time, unexpected place, he met Li Wei.

He invited Li Wei to sit with him. Even though they had broken up, Bai Jing Ting never had any bad blood with Li Wei. They parted peacefully so there was no reason for them to hate each other.

"I didn't expect to see you here" Bai Jing Ting sipped his wine.

The Li Wei in front of him looked more beautiful than she did during their university day but now, her beauty did nothing to him.

Previously, Li Wei's beauty mesmerized him but now, although her beauty was blinding, it didn't dazzle him anymore – for he had fallen in love with the sun.

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Idiot In Love -58 Chapter 58: Former Lover summary

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