Idiot In Love -48 Chapter 68: Troublesome Duo 4

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Wu Chen was able to catch Yi Fei safely but he failed to see the next person who jumped towards him as well.

John saw Yi Fei jumped towards the handsome guy and laughed after that. Upon seeing her laugh, John thought that it must be fun to jump towards a handsome guy. So he did the most epic thing he could do – he jumped to Wu Chen as well.

John was already in the air when Wu Chen saw the guy with a flower jumped towards him and Y Fei. Wu Chen turned his body to avoid the jumping flower guy but since the bar was crowded, he couldn't really move much.

The flower guy jumped to them and they fell down. Wu Chen turned his body to protect her from being squashed by the flower guy.

When the landed on the floor, Wu Chen felt a pounding pain coming from his right hand being squashed by the flower guy. With much difficulty, Wu Chen stood up and quickly, he checked Yi Fei's body to see if she got any injury on her.

Yi Fei looked at her friend on the floor and tried to help him to stand up. When the flower guy stood up, he took the flower from Yi Fei's left ear and they giggled together after that.

Wu Chen could not understand both of the weirdoes in front of him. He was ignored by Yi Fei once again even after her drunken confession. Wu Chen did not understand what was inside the brain of the two weirdoes in front of him. He just wanted to go home by now.

"Boss. Boss. Finally, I found you. I've been looking for you since I came 5 minutes ago. It is very hard to walk around" Liu s.h.i.+ came behind Wu Chen.

Wu Chen pointed at the guy with flowers next to Yi Fei. "Bring him". Then, he took Yi Fei's hand and led her out.

On their way to Wu Chen's car, there was a mini garden outside the bar near the parking lot. Wu Chen let go of his hand which was holding Yi Fei to open the door of his car.

As if getting her freedom back, Yi Fei ran towards the mini garden and started plucking the flowers. Upon seeing his friend had fun plucking flowers, John struggled to get away from Liu s.h.i.+ so he could join Yi Fei to have fun plucking the flowers.

Wu Chen ran to stop Yi Fei from ruining the garden. When he was standing in front of Yi Fei, Yi Fei looked up at him and gave him the most beautiful smile.

"I am going bath by using this flowerrrrr so that I will have a good luck in love" She continued plucking the flowers and some of the leaves as well. John did the same too. The two of them looked like a kindergarten students who were playing in the garden.

Wu Chen tried to stop Yi Fei. He took her hand and tried to take her away from the mini garden but Yi Fei started crying.

"I...Only wan fawer…can't I take…" She looked so sad. The guy with the flower next to Yi Fei started to show a hint of crying but before he could cry too, Wu Chen let go of Yi Fei's hand.

"For you. Go pluck all the flowers you want" Wu Chen plucked the flower near him and gave it to Yi Fei. Instantly, Yi Fei stopped crying, took the flower from Wu Chen and went into the mini garden once again. Yi Fei lifted her dress to make a temporary basket for the flower. She put the flowers she plucked in the skirt of her dress.

One of the workers at the bar was walking around when he saw that there were people in the mini garden so he ran to the mini garden to check. He was so shocked to see the garden was being destroyed by two drunken people. He got angrier upon seeing two grown-up men stood quietly next to the drunken people. They did not even try to stop the drunkard.

The worker was about to shout when Wu Chen gestured for him to come closer. The guy came with an angry face so that he could intimidate Wu Chen.

"My girl wanted to pluck some flowers. Ask your boss to see me regarding the compensation for this garden" Wu Chen handed his business card to the workers.

The worker was even more surprised after he read the name on the card. It must be his lucky day to meet a rich heir in his workplace. He was about to go back into the bar but Wu Chen called him back and asked him to bring a basket. Wu Chen then tipped the guy.

The worker was so happy because he got a very big tip. The tip given by Wu Chen was equal to half of his monthly salary. The worker went inside the bar through the 'Crew Only' door and came out with a beautiful basket. The basket was decorated with lace and ribbon. Wu Chen liked the worker and asked him to meet his secretary if he ever wanted to change job.

The worker stayed outside to watch the four people inside the mini garden. The worker was not an ignorant person. He read the magazine and the tabloid. He knew who Wu Chen was and he also knew that Wu Chen was single.

Now, seeing how Wu Chen was willing to do much for the lady in pink, the worker felt as if Wu Chen will be off from the market soon. He shook his head, sympathizing with all the ladies who will be heartbroken after this and went back to the bar to do work.

After plucking all the flowers to her heart's content, Yi Fei stood up and went to Wu Chen. She had a big smile on her face. John was strutting right behind her.

Wu Chen pointed at his car and Yi Fei followed him docilely. Wu Chen was happy with her obedient att.i.tude. He had a revelation; in order to coax Yi Fei, he needed to let her do whatever she wanted. He made a mental reminder of this important discovery.

Inside the car, Liu s.h.i.+ was driving and John was riding shotgun. Meanwhile, Yi Fei and Wu Chen sat in the backseat.

John kept on looking at the back, throwing some seductive smiles to Wu Chen. On the other hand, Wu Chen felt creep out by the smile. The two flowers, each on his ears, did not help much.

Yi Fei felt that it was very entertaining when John turned back just to smile at Wu Chen. Even though both of them were tipsy, they still know how to have fun.

Yi Fei picked the biggest flower she could find in her basket, a red hibiscus, and put it on John. She then clapped happily. "Biggerr fawer meansss more desperatee".

Liu s.h.i.+, who was driving, let out a loud laugh upon hearing what Yi Fei had said to the guy sitting beside him. He felt that it was too funny.

John was offended by Liu s.h.i.+'s laugh. He then leaned towards Liu s.h.i.+, trying to kiss him to make him quiet. John saw in the drama he watched that whenever the male lead wanted to shut the girl he liked, he will kiss the girl and the girl will be quiet after that. John wanted to do the same.

Liu s.h.i.+ changed from laughing to screaming because he did not want to be kissed by a man. Yi Fei felt that it was too funny seeing Liu s.h.i.+ screamed like he met a ghost.

"I want alsooo… Johnny, I want alsooo" Yi Fei wanted John to peck her cheek. She leaned towards John but a hand stopped her from moving towards John.

"Be nice. I'll kiss you if you move another inch" Wu Chen threatened her in a low voice. Yi Fei was dumbfounded by the threat and she did not dare to move. She stayed still quietly and slowly fell asleep.

John was able to peck on Liu s.h.i.+'s cheek even after all the screaming. Seeing his best friend dozed off in the back seat, John drifted to sleep too.

Wu Chen dealt with the troublesome duo for almost 2 hours only but he felt as if it was more tiring compared to working for 12 hours in his office. He was tired and his hand was painful; he just wanted to go home.

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Idiot In Love -48 Chapter 68: Troublesome Duo 4 summary

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