Idiot In Love -108 Chapter 8: Old Flame

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Wu Chen and Li Wei sat opposite each other in Wu Hotel Restaurant. The waiter brought in their orders.

"How have you been?" Since the other party did not seem like he would initiate the conversation, Li Wei asked first.

"I've been doing great". A trace of unwillingness to have conversation could be seen on Wu Chen's eyes.

"It's good then". A tiny bit of disappointment could be seen on Li Wei's eyes. The disappointment was clear but the other party did not seem to show any response regarding that. She saw that the other party drink his Americano in a big gulp; indicating that he did not wish to remain longer in the restaurant.


"What are you doing in City L? I heard you are working in City T". Before Li Wei could start her question, Wu Chen interrupted her. The question was asked direct to the point; it did not even allow her to beat around the bush.

Ruthless, as always. Wu Chen had always been ruthless. Even when they were together. He was always this ruthless.

"Outstation. Never thought I'll into you in City L". Li Wei tried to find a trace of happiness or excitement from the other party. Sadly, she could not find any.

"Then, I hope you have a pleasant stay in here. I need to go now". Wu Chen stood and he was ready to excuse himself when Li Wei spoke again.

"About what happened eight years ago, I want to apologize…" but she got cut off by Wu Chen.

"What happened 8 years ago… let bygone be bygone. I understand. I already forget about it. You should too". Without waiting for a response from Li Wei, Wu Chen walked away from the restaurant.

Wu Chen went directly to his office. He never thought that he would see Li Wei in City L. Out of every place that Wu Chen imagined he would meet his old flame, he met her in the most unexpected way.

He cannot help but let his mind wondered about what happened 8 years ago.

He met Li Wei in the University of Chicago when he was on the second year of his MBA program. He was only 21 years old at that time and a 19-year- old Li Wei was in the first year of her Journalism program.

It was not loved at first sight because Wu Chen did not believe in that. Even so, they hit it off pretty early. Wu Chen had always liked her sense of humour. She was sensible and realistic.

And the very reasons why he loved her were the reason why he lost her.

Back in their university days, Wu Chen lived never disclosed his family background to anyone. Not that he was secretive about it. He felt that his background did not matter in a foreign land. Even when Li Wei asked him about his family, he told her that his family was doing a business. She did not ask much so he never elaborates that his family was the most influential family figure in the real estate industry.

Back at the university, he had a roommate who studied medicine, Bai Jing Ting. The Bai family was one of the key figures of the pharmaceutical industry in their country. Unlike him, Bai Jing Ting always brags about his privileged background.

Wu Chen introduced Li Wei to Bai Jing Ting and they became a friend. The three of them always hang out together. Until one day, he witnessed something that will haunt him for the rest of his life.

He could still recall that scene perfectly. It killed him every time.

He was studying in the library at that moment when it started pouring. He remembered that he was going to have dinner with Li Wei that day. The sudden downpour did not show any sign of stopping so Wu Chen went back to his dorm.

He never suspects anything going on between Bai Jing Ting and Li Wei until he opened the door of his dorm. Bai Jing Ting and Li Wei were kissing on his bed. The sound of the door opening startled both the treacherous couple.

Li Wei seemed shocked when she saw Wu Chen standing by the door. She composed herself, stood up and went over to Wu Chen.

"Since you already seen everything, there's no need for me to hide it anymore." A shred of guilt could be seen in her eyes.

"Chen, I'm so…" Bai Jing Ting stood up and wanted to say something but Wu Chen interrupted him.

"Why?" Wu Chen brushed Bai Jing Ting off and looked at Li Wei. Li Wei looked at Bai Jing Ting and shook her head. Bai Jing Ting went out and closed the door behind him.

"Because I need someone who can support me; be it physically, emotionally and financially. Your family has business to run so you don't have to struggle like I did. But I am here on scholars.h.i.+p. Don't blame me for being selfish". Her eyes welled up as she was talking.

"I understand". With that, he went out of his dorm. He did not want to stay longer as his heart was breaking and tears threatened to fall. When he saw Bai Jing Ting outside, he did not say anything. He glanced at Bai Jing Ting before walking out of the place. He did not want Li Wei or Bai Jing Ting to see him in his lowest state. It will hurt his pride.

They never say the word break up; they didn't have to. It ended up right after Li Wei's heart was not in place anymore. Her heart was for another.

A relations.h.i.+p can only work when two people are totally present and dedicated to one another. And in this story between the three of them, Wu Chen knew that he was on the losing end.

Time heals everything. Wu Chen took all the time he needed to get over that one relations.h.i.+p he ever had. As time pa.s.sed, he began to understand why Li Wei had to do what she did. Wu Chen knew that humans strive to get the best for themselves and in order to find her way; Li Wei had to lose him to do it.

Wu Chen did not think that he found Li Wei at the wrong time. There was so much that was right about it. Despite the way it ended, Wu Chen did not harbour any ill will towards her.

After all this time, he thought that he was okay; that he already moved on. But seeing Li Wei today, he felt as if he had opened a Pandora's Box.

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Idiot In Love -108 Chapter 8: Old Flame summary

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