Idiot In Love -35 Chapter 81: Couple

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After the dating news, Wu Chen changed his car with a more common brand in City L. Since Lexus car was seldom seen in a small city like City L, and his black Lexus was photographed, a lot of people recognized his car wherever he went.

It was quite difficult for him to drive around in City L by using his car without being recognized by people. So he opted for a more common car like Senova D50 – a red Senova D50.

Wu Chen purposely chose a red car to match up with Yi Fei's G.o.ddess. He saw how Bai Jing Ting had a red Audi and he heard from NaNa that previously, Bai Jing Ting's car was not red. He had a suspicion that Bai Jing Ting changed his car just to match with Yi Fei.

Now that he had a car with the same brand and same colour as Yi Fei, he felt a sense of accomplishment like he had won against Bai Jing Ting.

That night Wu Chen came to Yi Fei's apartment to have dinner together with her. Since they could not go out together, Yi Fei thought that they could have dinner together in her house.

They have their dinner like they usually did and throughout their dinner, Yi Fei did not show any sign that she was affected by the news but Wu Chen felt that he should give some explanations about it.

"Don't worry about the news. I already asked Liu s.h.i.+ to deal with it" Wu Chen waited until both of them were done eating before he brought up the topic of the dating news.

"Chen Chen…" Yi Fei looked as if she was occupied with something.

Wu Chen mumbled 'mm' while looking at her. She looked as if she had a lot in her mind. He hoped that she was not that affected by the dating news but oh how wrong he was.

"If people find out that I am the lady in the picture, will they send me gifts or will they send me disgusting things to scare me?" Yi Fei was thinking seriously. Wu Chen was puzzled by her questions.

"Or will they dig everything about me? Oh my G.o.d. Then they'll know about me being the Unicorn Master. My students will know about my novels. It will be very embarra.s.sing" Yi Fei talked absentmindedly.

Wu Chen cleared the plates because by now, Yi Fei was in her own world, imagining things that could not possibly happen – but wait? Novels? What novels?

"What novels?" Wu Chen stopped clearing the plates and gazed at Yi Fei because he needed to know what novels had to do with dating news.

"That's not the main point of my concern now Chen Chen. My concern is whether people will like me or I will get bashed for stealing their male G.o.d" Yi Fei waved her hands so that he would stop gazing at her like she had murdered his dog – if he had any.

Actually, not many people knew about Yi Fei being the Unicorn Master. She only told NaNa and John about it. She knew that these kinds of things will invite judgement from other people and she was not ready to face criticism yet.

So, Yi Fei tried to s.h.i.+ft the topic from novels to something else but Wu Chen would not go to have it unless he knew what novels she was talking about.

"Nice try honey but tell me what novels are you talking about? And what Master Unicorn?" Wu Chen approached Yi Fei.

"You must have heard wrong. I said, our story is like a novel. Also, I like Unicorn so I am the master of the Unicorn" Yi Fei was talking to Wu Chen but she did not look at her so Wu Chen thought that she was very suspicious.

Wu Chen was now in front of Yi Fei. "I know I heard something about a novel and you being the Master Unicorn or something. You see…" Wu Chen caressed her cheek. "I could always ask Liu s.h.i.+ to investigate things for me but since you put a heart next to my name in your contact, do you really want to keep secrets from your boyfriend?"

She really did not want to tell Wu Chen about it but since it was true, that it would be easy for Wu Chen to investigate it, she told him anyway – begrudgingly.

"I know, you might think that I'm lying but I'm not. If you go and check out my online novel, it has a lot of followers" Yi Fei was fidgeting on her seat.

"Chen Chen, will people blackmail me for being in a relations.h.i.+p with you?" Yi Fei kept on thinking about it. She might appear unaffected but deep down her heart, she wondered if the public will oppose their relations.h.i.+p.

"Don't worry about it. I'll do everything to protect you. This, I promise you" Wu Chen patted her head. "But you took me by surprise again. I never thought that you could be an online novel writer. My girlfriend is so talented in so many things"

The praise from Wu Chen made Yi Fei felt proud and she became a little bit vain. "I know right. All hailed Master Unicorn. Peasant, take away all the plates from the table as this master needs to rest for the night" Yi Fei stood up, flipped her hair and walked to the living room.

Wu Chen chuckled upon hearing how conceited Yi Fei was after he patted her little head. If she wanted to, Wu Chen could spoil her as much as she wanted as long as she was not sad or troubled herself with the dating news.

"Chen Chen… Chen Chen…" Yi Fei was calling Wu Chen from the living room when Wu Chen was doing the dishes in the kitchen. Wu Chen left the dishes and went to where Yi Fei was because she seemed anxious.

"My G.o.ddess has a twin. Even the registration number was almost the same. G.o.ddess was 9309 and her twin is 9039. I never saw it before. Whose car is that?" Yi Fei was standing in the balcony when she realized that there was a red Senova D50 parked beside her car.

A smug smile could be seen on Wu Chen's face. He was glad that Yi Fei noticed the change he made just to match up with her.

"Why are you smiling creepily? It's not as if that's your car…" Yi Fei stopped talking because Wu Chen was smiling while raising his brows as if confirming that the red car was his car. "Oh my G.o.d, that's your car. We have a couple car… its name should be…" Before Yi Fei could name the car, Wu Chen cut her off.

"I am going to name it. Don't bother naming my car. It's not your car yet" Wu Chen knew that Yi Fei had a habit of naming things she owned; and she gave a weird name to things she had so he did not want to end up with a weird name because after Yi Fei named anything, he couldn't help but remember the name too. It will be stuck in his mind.

"You can only name it after you are in charge of my wallet and my…" Wu Chen wanted to tell her that she could only take over his things after she had lawfully become his wife but who was Yi Fei? He was putty in her hands.

"It should be called the 'Priest' because mine is G.o.ddess" Yi Fei had thought about it. Even though their car was like a couple car, name his car G.o.d just to match up with her G.o.ddess will sound tacky. The G.o.ds might get angry if she did so, the most suitable name would be the priest.

For the first time, Wu Chen thought that Yi Fei gave a suitable name for something. He thought that she might end up blurting weird name from any drama or anime she watched.

Wu Chen went beside Yi Fei on the balcony. Yi Fei was still smiling proudly over the name that she chose. "Why would you change your expensive car to this common car?" She couldn't help but ask.

"Easier for me to move around. Using an eye-catching car will attract a lot of attention" Wu Chen had long forgotten about the dishes in the sink. "Don't worry about cars. This is just a small thing. I could do more than this just to be with you".

Yi Fei did not know why but she was so moved by Wu Chen's word. Her eyes moisten but she was trying so hard to control herself so that she won't shed a joyful tear.

Wu Chen looked at Yi Fei and saw another beautiful sight in front of him; behind her eyes lays a world full of colours and every beautiful thing that is connected to her lovely heart.

He engulfed her in his embrace and kissed the top of her head.

"Fei Fei, I love you so much. I'm glad there is someone like you in this world".

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Idiot In Love -35 Chapter 81: Couple summary

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