Idiot In Love -26 Chapter 89: Stupid Thing

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Wu Chen stayed with Yi Fei in the house. He asked Liu s.h.i.+ to get their lunch prepared and delivered to Yi Fei's house because he didn't want Yi Fei to be sad when she saw the disfigured G.o.ddess.

Yi Fei was sitting on the sofa while hugging her knees. Wu Chen sat beside her and patted her back gently to wheedle her. Both of them were quiet. Yi Fei looked as if she was lost in her own world.

"Chen Chen, would you be happy if you eat a Happy Meal?" Yi Fei turned to face Wu Chen and with all seriousness, asked him a random question out of blue.

For a moment, Wu Chen could not speak. Not because he was stupefied or what but he never eats a Happy Meal as long as he could remember. He might have eaten it when he was still a kid but when he was old enough to think, he had no recollection of that.

Yi Fei looked at him earnestly. She was curious as well. "I want to eat a Happy Meal in case it will work like a magic".

Wu Chen tried to connect the dots between the conversations; he concluded that Yi Fei might be sad because of her car. "Are you sad?"

"I am a little bit upset when I saw my G.o.ddess was tortured like that now that you are around, I feel happy" Yi Fei was still looking at him; waiting for an answer of her previous question.

"I already asked Liu s.h.i.+ to get the kitchen staff from the hotel to prepare food for us. We'll wait for NaNa and Ah Jun, then the four of us can eat lunch together" Wu Chen stroked her hair gently.

Yi Fei nodded her head slowly and she lay down on the sofa; still hugging her knees. Wu Chen patted his lap, so Yi Fei scooted closer and lay on his lap.

"Chen Chen, why do you think this thing happened to me?" Yi Fei was lying on her side so Wu Chen couldn't see her expression. "I did nothing that deserved to be called a 's.l.u.t'. So, why?"

Wu Chen stroked her hair. He didn't have an answer to her question at the moment. He wanted to catch the culprit as soon as possible to know why this kind of thing happened only to his Yi Fei.

"I'll catch the culprit as fast as I could. Don't worry about it" Still stroking her hair, Wu Chen couldn't help but attracted to how nice her hair smelled. The first time he met Yi Fei when Yi Fei bowed to thank him for letting her have the star-shaped biscuit, he thought that she smelled nice. Now that this clumsy idiot had become his girlfriend, the smell turned him on.

Yi Fei kept on fidgeting, thinking of a reason why she was targeted. She was muttering some incoherent words. Wu Chen didn't follow her topic anymore because he was too preoccupied with smelling the scent of her hair. He wondered, what kind of shampoo did Yi Fei use? It smelt so nice.

Yi Fei kept on turning while still lying on his lap. It took half of Wu Chen's patience to control himself from going wild while Yi Fei was turning here and there.

"Fei Fei, stop moving. If you keep on turning like this, it would be hard for me". Wu Chen lowered his head to whisper seductively in Yi Fei's ear.

Yi Fei was frozen still when Wu Chen did that. She moved and turned her head slowly to look at Wu Chen. The distance between their face was too close; only an inch away.

"Is it hot in here or is it just you?" Yi Fei gulped. Her mind drifted to the night Wu Chen kissed her.

The replied from Wu Chen was ambiguous. He just 'hmm' at Yi Fei but he did not distance her face from her. They stared at each other for G.o.d knows how long when Yi Fei finally spoke to break the silence.

"Chen Chen, I think I'm an idiot. I'm about to do a very stupid thing" After contemplating for a moment, Yi Fei mustered her courage to carry out her idiotic plan.

"Even if you think that you are an idiot, you are still my idiot" Wu Chen's neck was tired because he had lowered his head for quite some time now. Wu Chen wanted to sit straight so that his neck wouldn't be stiff.

Before he could do that, Yi Fei grabbed his cheek and planted her lips on his lips. The kiss was a bit sloppy because of their position was since this was the first time that Yi Fei took the initiative to kiss him, Wu Chen tried to accommodate to her kiss.

One of Wu Chen's hands was caressing Yi Fei's chin. The kiss became more intense and Wu Chen's hand seemed to have its own mind. The hand that caressed Yi Fei's chin suddenly moved to her neck, and it went slightly lower to her collarbone.

Yi Fei's let go of Wu Chen's cheek and her right hand stopped Wu Chen's hand from probing lower on her chest area. This was the first time that she had a boyfriend. She didn't know about a lot of things but this one, she knew.

It doesn't require a rocket scientist to know what will happen next. But Yi Fei was not ready for anything like that. She wanted to date happily before moving on to something serious. Yi Fei felt that she needed to read about it first.

Wu Chen knew that he made Yi Fei scared by touching the collarbone area. He sat straight and fixed Yi Fei's hair. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't…" Before he could finish his sentences, Yi Fei cut him off.

"Don't be… It's not your fault. I told you, I'm doing a stupid thing" Yi Fei wanted to sit straight too but Wu Chen's hand kept her lying on his lap.

Wu Chen caressed her swollen lips. This was not the first time he kissed a girl. He kissed a few girls before including Li Wei but none of them could make him lose control like Yi Fei did.

"If this is considered an idiotic thing, then I am willing to be stupid with you" Wu Chen lowered his head to kiss Yi Fei again but the doork.n.o.b rattled, alarming the two of them.

Yi Fei got up abruptly and her forehead b.u.mped into Wu Chen's nose.

"Ow! It hurts!" Yi Fei rubbed her forehead.

The rattling of the doork.n.o.b stopped.

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Idiot In Love -26 Chapter 89: Stupid Thing summary

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