Idiot In Love -23 Chapter 92: Someone Like You

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The doorbell rang.

Nana walked pa.s.s the two guys who were sitting in the living room. She walked off naturally; she pretended that she didn't hear a thing about what the two guys had discussed about her.

Liu s.h.i.+ with a few kitchen staffs from the Wu Hotel came to serve them the lunch. Yi Fei went to the living room with a gla.s.s of orange juice on her right hand. She gestured for the newly arrived people to come in and showed them the table to set up the food.

All of them eat their lunch quietly. Yi Fei and Wu Chen sat next to each other and NaNa sat next to Jun Liu.

When they finished eating, Wu Chen asked Yi Fei for her key because Liu s.h.i.+ will send the G.o.ddess to the workshop.

"Yi Fei, that is too much already. We need to catch the culprit" NaNa was sitting next to Yi Fei who was sipping on her orange juice on the sofa. Then, she turned to Wu Chen. "What are you doing, Brother? You should have this issue resolved as fast as you can."

Wu Chen sat next to Yi Fei and took the orange juice of Yi Fei's hand. Then, he sipped on the juice casually.

"Chen Chen, what are you doing? This one is dirty. It got my saliva in it. Let me make you a new one" Yi Fei got up from the sofa to make a new one for Wu Chen.

NaNa, who was ignored on the other side, was sulking. "Agrhh, I am so annoyed right now. How could you flaunt your lovey-dovey relations.h.i.+p to a single lady like me? I am so angry right now."

Wu Chen smiled cunningly towards NaNa and told her to get a boyfriend so that she won't feel too left out when they were hanging together.

"But, n.o.body is interested in me" NaNa was now hugging her knees". She looked sad.

Suddenly, a voice was heard from the kitchen. "NaNa, don't worry. You have Jun Liu to accompany you" Yi Fei came out with three of orange juice. "Jun Liu is also single ar… So the two of you can hang out together".

Jun Liu, who was reading the stack on newspapers while sitting on the other sofa, lifted up his face when his name was mentioned. He wanted to refute the suggestion, but before he could say anything, NaNa already spoke for the two of them.

"Huh? But he was not even interested in me. I want to hang out with someone who was interested in me and not someone… someone like him" NaNa was stating the fact since she heard that Jun Liu was not interested in her.

Jun Liu wondered what 'someone like him' could mean. For some reason, he did not like the way NaNa put him as 'someone like him'. It made him feel like a total outsider. He felt provoked.

"Sure I can. If it's just hanging out with someone like her, then it would not be a problem for me" Jun Liu spoke a matter-of-factly.

Yi Fei handed Wu Chen a gla.s.s of the orange juice and laid the tray of the other two drinks of orange juice on the table.

"What do you mean by someone like her? Like what actually?" NaNa was a bit offended by Jun Liu's remark.

"Exactly! What someone like him means then? I am only returning the favour" Jun Liu put the newspaper back to its original place. He was looking at NaNa with provoking eyes.

Yi Fei tried to play the role of a peacekeeper. "Don't be too serious. Let's take our and toast to our future."

Wu Chen pulled Yi Fei next to him and shook his head; giving her the sign not to get involved in whatever happening with Jun Liu and NaNa. NaNa and Jun Liu were having a staring compet.i.tion at the moment, so Wu Chen did not want to get involved.

But who is Yi Fei? She was almost clueless about the real relations.h.i.+p between a man and a woman.

"You see, when I was in middle school, my teacher used to tell me this; she said those who fought a lot in the cla.s.sroom would end up getting married to each other. So, the two of you shouldn't be like that. If you fight, then you'll end up marrying each other" YI Fei narrated the whole things to them. She even mimicked the way her middle school teacher was talking; it sounded real.

n.o.body spoke for some time. Yi Fei's story dumbfounded all of them. It was just a lie teacher told the students when they were fighting just to shut them up. Did Yi Fei really think that they were going to trust her?

"Your teacher just made that up" Jun Liu spoke first. "That is not even true. Why would people end up getting married when they hate each other?" Jun Liu wanted to speak more, but Wu Chen sharp gaze stopped him from talking.

"I'm tired. I want to take a nap" Suddenly, NaNa spoke. She was tired and angry. Heck, she didn't even know why Jun Liu ticked her off too much.

Yi Fei told Wu Chen that she wanted to rest too. Wu Chen ruffled her hair and got up from the sofa. Yi Fei sent them to the door.

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Idiot In Love -23 Chapter 92: Someone Like You summary

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