I Will Be The Harem King 11 Mirajane And Lisanna Strauss 1 Part Ii

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Mira POV

My name is Mirajane Strauss. I'm 10 years old this year. I live in a small village alongside my parents and two younger siblings. Life has been pretty good so far, hardly anything I'm dissatisfied about. I'm the strongest kid in the village which I found out about when I beat up some snot nosed brats who were bullying my younger brother because he was an easy pick.

My parents are really great. They take care of us and love us wholeheartedly without any falsehood. My mother is a housewife, gentle and caring most of the time. But she can tend to be really scary at times. Like when the rest of the family does something stupid or something along those lines. My father is your typical man of the family. He is a woodcutter and the sole bread earner in our family. He is very strong and straightforward which by the words of my mother is the reason she married him. I take after him probably as I am just as stubborn and straightforward as he is and also because both of us are absolutely terrified of mother despite how she normally is.

My younger brother who is one year younger than me, making him 9 years old currently, is called Elfman. He is very cowardly and easy to bully and he hides behind me most of the time because he is like that. So it wasn't really a surprise to see other kids around our age to pick him to bully. Even I like to tease him though I don't push him too hard and I also don't like others bullying him.

My younger sister on the other hand, well she takes after mother because just like mother she can be very scary at times. Her name is Lisanna. She is shy, gentle and caring but whenever the rest of us get into trouble she becomes a mini version of mother. Even father is careful around her, which shows just how terrifying it can be when mother and Lisanna join forces.

My life is going so well that it couldn't have gotten any better. I mean, we're not rich and all but as long as we have each other it's fine if it stays like this. And today, that will change but I didn't know about that yet as even if I knew I wouldn't have believed today would be so special to me after a few years.

Me, Elfman and Lisanna sneaked out of the village to head into the forest to play and explore. As we have never ventured out of the village we have been very curious to know what lies beyond the village. And the forest next to the village is a good place to start our adventure of exploration. But after a few days, I wish I hadn't. as that was where I met 'him'.

We were strolling around the forest while talking and laughing with each other. We rarely got spend our time like this alone and free without all the adults putting restraints on us. Most of the times our parents or the other adults in the village keeps telling us what to do so we don't really get to express ourselves freely. While we were strolling like that, it was then.

"Hey what are you doing inside my territory!!! You think this is your back garden or something?!!!"

We heard a loud shout directed towards us. It was so sudden and unexpected that we got the fright of our lives. After getting ahold of ourselves we turned towards the voice and we were momentarily dazed.

In front of us on a branch of a tree a boy our age sat on it leaning against the tree trunk with his hands behind his head with a lazy look on his face. Despite that, the first thought that came to my mind when I saw him was how perfect he was. But then I regained myself and recalled what he shouted at us and it somehow p.i.s.sed me off so I retorted back at him.

"What do you mean 'your territory'. This isn't your territory, and even if this does belong to you, from this day forward it belongs to me. So you can get the h.e.l.l out, you dumba.s.s."

I didn't really want to claim owners.h.i.+p of this place as I just wanted to make him angry and send him off packing. But instead of getting angry he seemed to have gotten amused if his smirk can be considered as such. He seemed to have found what I said funny from the look his flawless face gave off and also the fact that he seemed to be holding back his laughter. Elfman was trying to stop me from saying anymore or just running to him so that I can punch his face after recovering from the earlier daze but what he said next p.i.s.sed me off even more.

"Ooh, we got ourselves a tough guy over here eh? Let me tell you something girl, I'm not the type to show mercy to girls so you should be careful of what you say. So why don't you be a good little girl and go home back to your mommy and daddy."

"What did you sa… mmph"

Before I could say anything Lisanna who was silent all this while covered my mouth with her hand stopping me from saying anything else and I could also feel a very threatening pressure concentrated on me. Despite that my anger bested me as I kept struggling in her hands.

"Um, we are sorry to disturb you like this but we don't want to go back home without having a little fun. This is our first time out of the village so can we please go and play for a while inside. We promise not to disturb you again. Please,"

What are you saying Lisanna. That's the same as admitting defeat to this guy. And what's more you are just inflating his ego even more. Although I was thinking such things I couldn't say them out loud so I could only try to break free from her grip on me.

"Ooh, now that's how a girl should be, much better. I will allow it, you can continue as you were."

He flashed a gentle smile at Lisanna which actually made me skip a heartbeat and threw a glance full of disdain at me. Aggh, that's it, I'm going to so beat him up.

Lisanna and Elfman quickly dragged me away before I could do so after thanking him. After going for some distance, Lisanna released her vice like grip on me. But before I could complain she flashed a gentle smile at me which sent a cold chill down my spine. I could practically see a demon slowly appearing behind her as she gently spoke to me.

"Do you have something to say…. Sister?"

"*gulp* nonono I have nothing to say. Absolutely nothing. Hhaha…"

I swallowed my saliva and weakly replied followed by a dry laugh. Although I said that, in my mind I was already plotting ways to get back at that guy and bring him to his knees before me no matter how long it takes me because this has become the worst day of my life.

But years later, I would look back to this day which I'm sure to be the most blissful day of my life.

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I Will Be The Harem King 11 Mirajane And Lisanna Strauss 1 Part Ii summary

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