I Will Be The Harem King 27 Kagura Mikazuchi 2 Part Ii

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The next morning after meeting Kagura, I work up to the sound of a loud thunder. It seems the rain never stopped and it doesn't seem like it will anytime soon. I sat up and stretched myself and while I turned my body towards Kagura's direction while stretching my waist, I saw her looking at me with a very high concentration.


"Ah! No, nothing…. It's just that I have only seen you from a bit far away so, uh, I was curious?"

"You've seen me before? When? I never noticed I had a cute girl like you watching me."

It's true I never noticed and it's also true that she is cut but she is even cuter when she blushes. I mean just the sight of her currently blus.h.i.+ng while fiddling with her finger with a happy smile is cuteness overloaded.

It seems that she used to follow Erza into the forest when she came to meet me. d.a.m.n, I never even noticed. Should I be proud of the dedication I showed to Erza or should I be cursing myself for letting my guard down and let someone approach me without my knowledge. Wait, she really is giving me the stalker creeps. I need to be careful in not turning her into a yandere, I seriously don't want that.

We freshened up a bit and I once again went to buy some food which we then ate after some cooking, got to keep up the appearance after all. But it was only after eating that I realized, won't she know when we teleport to the future? Well, I guess I'll just have to make it like we went back by an accident and start training her now.

When she is not giving me the creeps with her stalker-like syndrome, she is a very strong girl. I mean, who else can survive their sanity from being tested when you lost your only family in the world and those who were close to you and if that wasn't enough, you were sent to an unknown time and place. She really is a strong girl.

I told her we will begin her training right now and brought her outside into the rain. After a night's rest near a fire which warmed her up and food to finally eat, she was much healthier and so can survive the rain. It will also temper her body so that it could adjust to cold faster.

It was the same as everyone else really. I had her run around the forest without a drop in speed while dodging trees and rocks to build up her stamina and warm up. After that I had to carry her back into the cave where she sat to rest a bit. After gaining back a bit more strength, we once again continued with our training but inside the cave this time.

I had her stretch to ease muscle cramps which I enjoyed looking at her blush when I helped her by touching her. After that she had to do basic exercises like push-ups, pull-ups and weight lifting. As I was in charge of her training, I was also in charge of giving her encouragement to continue and correct what she was doing wrong which could have led to her having injuries.

We ended the day when I was satisfied and I let her rest while I went and once again bought something from a town. Unlike last two times, this time I bought a complete boar which only had very little wounds showing that it was killed by a skilled hunter. We had a very sumptuous meal with the boar meet and after eating, soon both of us drifted off to sleep.

Days went by and almost a week after that the rain finally stopped. It was time I teleported Kagura and I to the future and continue her training and then after around two years, send her to Mermaid Heel so that she will be back into the canon timeline.

A day after an exhausting training routine, Kagura was so tired she could keep her eyes open. I used this time to quickly teleport us to X774, to the rock formation where I trained Cana. She seemed to have realized the sudden change as she suddenly sat up and started looking around. After seeing a different environment from the one she was in just a few seconds ago, she turned to me confused.

"I'll go check where we are and which year this is. You can continue your training, I'll take care of it."

After seeing her nod, I turned around and left to watch her from a distance away. After I left, she started to once again train which earned a nod filled with appreciation from me. As I watched, I thought that it was almost time to get her started on hand to hand fighting and swordsmans.h.i.+p. So I went to a rather large town where I bought two wooden swords for us to practice and returned.

Two years later.

An eight-year-old Kagura can be seen moving around with a sword trying to find an opening on me who stood unmoving at the center. For the past two years, Kagura has shown to be exactly the genius she is when it came to the sword. Her improvement in the sword was astonis.h.i.+ng. When we spar now I had to use 15% in strength and 10% in speed when I had to spar with her. Considering that she is only eight years old and only using sword to mush me to use that much of my power, you can guess how strong she will become in the future.

It wasn't just swordsmans.h.i.+p that she improved though, her hand to hand fighting had also improved a lot although not as much as swordsmans.h.i.+p, she was still able to fight me to a draw when I am fighting at 5% of my abilities. Of course all of this is without s.p.a.ce and time power. Her physical strength and speed also increased a lot, she must be equal to what Erza had when we separated.

"Kagura, it's time. I'll escort you to a guild called Mermaid Heel where you will be living from now on. Let's pack up and leave tomorrow morning."

I had already discussed about this with her, who at first was crying and begging me to not leave her but I managed to convince her and she reluctantly agreed. We had grown a lot closer during the two years. At first she was a little reserved but as we spent more time together she started to become a little chatter bird.

We reached the phase in our relations.h.i.+p where we sleep together and take baths together. Just in case you start to have dirty thoughts, it was all pure. No ecchi stuff happened. Although I don't think she would have minded. There was one more thing I realized. She was almost on the verge of becoming a yandere, I saw her sniffing around my bag. Might be a misunderstanding but I didn't want to take any chances so I had a little heart to heart discussion with her. Don't ask for the details.

And so the next day we left our home-like place for the past two years and set off to Mermaid Heel. It took a lot of effort on my part to find it, I mean there wasn't any information about them before the Grand Magic Games after all. But after a while I did and it took another month of relaxed, quality time and joking around with each while traveling to finally reach the guild which will be her home.

It was quite emotional as she cried into my chest which brought out the guild members to see what was going on. And when they saw the scene of a girl hugging a boy crying they misunderstood. The started barraging me with insults which made me speechless. It took some convincing from Kagura for them to realize their mistake and they apologized to me who was drawing circles in a corner. Their insults were so terrible. *sniff**sniff*

Once all those things were taken care of Kagura and I said our final goodbyes and I left from there. I could hear her sobbing and the guild mates consoling her and I knew that I left her at the right place with the right people. Now, who's next?

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I Will Be The Harem King 27 Kagura Mikazuchi 2 Part Ii summary

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