I Will Be The Harem King 30 Brandish Myu 1 Part Ii

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The next day I woke up just before the sun rose and prepared breakfast for Brandish and I. I wasn't much of a cook but at least I had the basics down for a nutritious breakfast. Cooking quinoa in milk and adding some sweet spices and fruit makes for a great subst.i.tute for cla.s.sic hot breakfast cereals. Plus, it's high in protein and essential amino acids like lysine, which is essential for tissue growth and repair. Simply put all the ingredients into a pot and bring to a boil. And when it's finished, voila, you have yourself some delicious quinoa and chia porridge.

Brandish came to the dining table after smelling the food and was very intensely looking at the pot drooling at some point. I smiled at that and couldn't help but chuckle at how cute she was. She seemed to have snapped out of her daze from hearing my chuckling as she wiped her drool with a bright red face.

Once the food was finished and served to Brandish, it didn't take long for her to finish her serving leaving her once again in a daze as she just blankly stared at her plate. She looked like she was on the verge of tears, as if the world was crumbling down. She shakily looked up at me with tears threatening to come out and it was really hard for me to hold my laughter. I quickly took her plate into the kitchen and gave her second serving before going to the bathroom where I laughed my a.s.s off. Seriously, it was just so funny to see her like that but it was also adorable at the same time.

Once I was able to calm down, I came back out to the sight of Brandish licking my plate. When she saw me, she froze right there with the plate still on her face and her tongue still sticking out. After staying like that for a few second, she calmly put the plate back on the table, stood up from her chair and made the break for it by running out of the house. I wasn't really angry but I decided to play along.

"Get back here Brandiiishh!!!"

I shouted at her as I gave chase. I was running really slow compared to my full speed but it was still fast for normal people I guess. I followed Brandish as she tried to shake me off by running around the village. When she was at the edge of the village, I caught her threw her on my shoulders before running back to the house. She kept kicking and punching me and struggled to escape to no avail. Once we reached the house, I placed her on the couch and looked at her with my arms crossed and then gave a smirk at her which made her shudder.

"You have some guts to steal my breakfast, Brandish. As the one taking care of you, it is time for me to punish you."

Saying that I formed my hands into claws and closed in on her and seeing that she closed her eyes and covered her head with her arms. Smirking at her reaction I attacked her. Not really, I just began to tickle her.

"Hahaha, sto-stop… haha"

"Hah, will you steel my food again? Answer me, will you steal again?"

"No-no, haha I won't, I won't so st- haha stoop"

Seeing that she surrendered I stopped and dusted my hands made my way to the kitchen once again to get myself some breakfast. Brandish laid on the couch trying to catch her breath with teary eyes and was rubbing her belly to ease the pain of laughing too much.

Once the breakfast antics between me and Brandish was over we left towards the hill next to the village to begin Brandish's training. She had recovered her determination to get stronger once I told her that we were going to begin training.

Once we reached our new training ground, I told her what her training routine will be. Well, only her physical training. There weren't much obstacles around here so I had already brought some rocks and boulders to make it more difficult to run around. I explained that she will always begin with jogging while maintaining a certain speed and that also while dodging the obstacles. It will be followed by different exercises to build up her physical strength. This will be what we would do at the morning while in the afternoon, I would take her to the village doctor who I had managed to convince to teach Brandish about human anatomy. And in the evening we would be sparring until sunset but that will not be until she has enough strength to spar.

She didn't have any problems with the routine so we began immediately. She had trouble doing the exercises but had done quite good in the obstacle running. No wonder she was able to run around the village for so long without stopping. She had really good stamina.

Once the morning training was finished, I brought the exhausted Brandish on my back to the house to eat lunch. I told her to clean up while I prepared lunch and helped her to the bathroom before heading in to the kitchen. I made some nutritious sandwiches for lunch and after eating them with Brandish who came out earlier, we went towards the village doctor's house.

Once there, the doctor who was a middle aged lady brought Brandish inside while I went towards the forest to train on my own. I did keep my senses on Brandish to keep a watch on anything that might happen though.

While waiting for Brandish to finish her studies of human body, I trained to make a new attack. Of course I experimented on a very small scale so that I didn't wreck the whole place up. I already had defensive skills and a single attack skill. So I was trying to come up with an area attack. I had an idea in mind but it was hard to actually do it.

Soon Brandish was finis.h.i.+ng up for the day so I went towards her to pick her up. Once we got back together, I asked her how it went with her studies and what she thought of the doctor and other small talks. We reached the house while talking like that and I told her to revise her learnings until dinner.

When it came to dinner time, we once again ate a healthy and delicious meal while talking to each other about this and that. I was able to bring out more smiles and some laughter from her during the day so I was in a very good mood. I knew that I was able to make the distance between us shorten and that I wasn't far away from winning her heart.

After dinner was finished Brandish went to bed after being too exhausted from the day. I looked at her sleeping figure for a while before I also headed off to bed to recover some energy for yet another day of training.

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I Will Be The Harem King 30 Brandish Myu 1 Part Ii summary

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