I Will Be The Harem King 34 Towards The Council

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"Who are you talking about? For someone as strong as you to say that, he must be quite something." After being stunned for a while Gildarts inquired.

"You will encounter him on your travels in the future. After all, as an S-rank mage, the places you will go to won't be any nice place." I gave him a mysterious smile as I gave him a reply to his question.

He narrowed his eyes and stared at me for a while before sighing and getting up from the ground and started to walk away.

"Well, I'll just deal with it when the time comes. See you around, kid." He raised his left hand to wave without turning back while saying that and I looked at his receding back.

"Sigh, well I gave him some advice but knowing his character, he will probably still fight Achnologia anyway. Cana oh Cana, I tried to help your father now it's up to him to either listen to me or be stubborn and loose his limbs." I looked in the direction of Fairy Tail as I spoke to myself.

I decided to stay on the mountain for a while and study the fight I just had with Gildarts before heading off to find my second opponent. I also decided to train a bit and plan out on how to set up that fight.

I walked around the area to find a place to camp at but couldn't find even a small hole let alone a cave.

"Ah, I guess I'll go there. I haven't hone there after leaving. Hehe, and I have the perfect excuse to stay there again this time" I said after I remembered the place I stayed when I first came to this world. Although I did pa.s.s by the cave by 'coincidence' multiple times, I haven't gone inside or stayed there after I left.

After muttering to myself, I teleported to my old home. I appeared right in front of the cave and got caught in nostalgia. This is where I spent my first three years of life in this world. And I'd be lying if I said that I didn't have any attachment to this place though I act like a tsundere all the time when it comes to it.

After all, although it was lonely by myself, at least it was peaceful and I didn't have to think too much about thinks and just spent most of the time training. Although I did relax from time to time and thought back to my previous life and my parents and what happened after I died but it was serene to be here and it was like a bridge that connected me to my old world. After standing there for a while, I let out a sigh as I made my way inside the cave.

After settling in by taking out my stuff from the pocket dimension, I rested for a while before I started to go through the fight I just had.

The most prominent problem I had was that no matter how much I tried to stay on guard while attacking, I end up letting it down giving Gildarts the opportunities to strike me. If that was a life and death battle, I could have ended up dead so I really need to fix that. While my defense is not quite there yet, I am really satisfied with my attacks. Although it's not the strongest in this world, it is still at the top of the list in my opinion. But if I want to get stronger, not only do I have to make my attacks stronger and my defense more compact, but I will also have to work on mixing the two. While defending I have to also attack and vice versa unlike what happened in this fight. I have to make sure no attack reaches me as I attack and also land my attacks while keeping my defense up at all times.

I spent a few more hours a.n.a.lyzing the fight and thinking up ways to improve said aspects but the only way to do that is to fight strong opponents. But that is where lay the problem. There aren't that many opponents that can interest me and is also strong enough to hold his ground against me. But there are still a few of them and I will just have to go to them and fight. Looks like I will have to change my plan of fighting only two guys and extend the training period.

I spent a week training my body and going through different battle scenarios and thinking on possible solutions. After a week, I decided it was time to go look for my second opponent. I stored my stuff in the pocket dimension and gave a wave to the cave and teleported away to Era. Era is the town where the headquarters of The Magic Council is. My next opponent is not here but his whereabouts can definitely be found in there.

I made myself invisible by using s.p.a.ce to let the light rays to pa.s.s through me and started the infiltration. Since no one can see me and the fact that I am not using magic, I made my way through the building quite easily. It took some time but I was able to reach a room where there were globes of light with different names on them. I searched for my target and using the globe of light which pointed out the location of him, I left the room via teleporting.

What I didn't know is that when I left, an old man around 60 years old appeared and looked around the room like he was looking for something.

"Strange, I could have sworn I had felt s.p.a.ce fluctuations just now. It was only for a split second but it was definitely there. Guards!" He muttered to himself before calling for the guards outside who came in quickly.

"Increase the security premises. Patrol in groups of four and make sure not even a fly can get through. Even if it is a slight breeze make sure to check if everything is alright." He quickly issued orders to the guards and they replied in unison in a loud voice.

"Yes sir!!"

After the guards left, the old man looked around for a while more before heading deeper into the room.

As that was going, I reached my destination, Clover Town. The town where the meetings between the guild masters are held. As I spread my senses, I quickly found who I was looking for and made my way towards him. As I reached him who was inside a bar drinking, I covered myself and him in s.p.a.ce while slightly muttering. And then teleported away to a gra.s.sland away from civilization.

"Dream Reality"

Once we appeared at the gra.s.sland I finally get a good look at the man I just kidnapped and who I am going to fight soon.

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I Will Be The Harem King 34 Towards The Council summary

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