I Will Be The Harem King 4 Training

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"Well now that I know how I can tap into my powers, I need to get some rest to get into my best shape for when I start training tomorrow,"

After covering the entrance of the cave with some bushes, I laid down on the dried leaves in order to sleep and it wasn't long before I drifted to sleep.

Next morning, I work up pretty early. The sun was just about to come out and I was feeling completely refreshed. After was.h.i.+ng my face and mouth at the waterfall I ate some fruits to energize myself.

I went out and stood there in a daze. d.a.m.n, in which order should I train. Hm, ok, let's start by jogging and stretching, after that sit-ups, push-ups, weight lifting and then frog jumping with weights. I will build up some strength first before training some basic fighting stances.

I saw those stances and training routine in a YouTube video once. It was a before and after video and at the time it was quite popular for its type of videos. And from the video itself and the comments of people, I know it works well and that the basic fighting stances were well developed over the years. It was also very versatile which is another plus factor.

And so, I started jogging. It was really hard. I mean there is no big enough clearing to jog. The s.p.a.ce in front of the cave is enough to do other exercise but not jogging. So I had to run around the forest. The hard part was dodging the trees while maintaining my speed and also not to overuse my stamina.

It took a lot out of my stamina even though I tried to conserve it. But I also knew that it was needed. After that, I started stretching so that I don't get cramps in the middle of my training.

When I actually began my workout it was nearing noon, almost 10 o'clock on earth time. I spent most time on jogging and a little over twenty minutes on stretching.

I started off with sit-ups and set a goal of 50 for now. If I could complete it without too much effort, then I will do 75. But I guess that was impossible since I have a body of a three-year-old. I could barely do 35 but I managed to dig deep and finished 50 sets. I was laying on the ground panting out of breath for a while and after five minutes I continued.

Next is push-ups. I set the same goals as last time and just like before I was exhausted once I finished. After another five-minute break, next was weight lifting. I used some heavy stones which I found near the cave and started lifting them up to my chest area another 50 times and then lifted it above my head for another 50. It was very dangerous to lift it above my head like that but until I am able to find something to cut some tree trunks to use it instead I have no other choice.

At last, using some vines, I tied rocks to my back, legs and arms, and I started doing frog jump. I frog jumped in circles for 10 rounds an d after a five-minute break, I once again did 10 circles and finished off my training for the day.

It was around mid-noon when I finished with the training. And after cleaning myself and eating I rested my tired body for a while. Although I'm in serious mode, I have to say that I almost gave up midway. But the smiling faces of my future wives pulled me through.

When it became evening, I who had dozed off at some point woke up and began to try and control the s.p.a.ce around me.

But before that I tried to move the time power in me and I was surprised to find out that I was able to move it a tiny bit. This confirms my thoughts. I need to have a strong body in order to move and control the time power inside me.

So since I can't do anything much with the time power I completely focused on my s.p.a.ce power until I have gotten more physical strength.

I began meditating and trying to move the s.p.a.ce surrounding me in a whirlpool like manner with me in the center. It didn't move an inch first but slowly started moving very slowly. It remained at that speed and it didn't become faster no matter what I tried. Well, it doesn't really matter right now, as I want to be able to control it more than move it at a fast speed at first. When I am able to move it by will alone no matter how slow, that means I have gotten really good at controlling it. So first of all, I started compressing it around my fist which took almost half an hour or so, leaving me sweating through my clothes.

My fist felt heavy like I was carrying a lot of weight but I could still move it around although not with the usual speed.

I walked out of the cave and stood about five meters away from a tree. After getting into the fighting stance I punched out the s.p.a.ce clad fist towards the tree. I felt the compressed s.p.a.ce power on my fist stirring and then moving away from it and flew out towards the tree. When it made contact with the tree, it completely blew out not only the target tree but also the surrounding trees of around three meters from it with a loud bang.

I was stunned with my eyes wide open. I never expected it to be so powerful. If I used it on a normal human, they would be blown to pieces with blood and pieces of meat flying around. I have to get the power conversion in check so that I don't go killing people unconsciously.


And so I started training on my control over my s.p.a.ce power back in my cave and then went to sleep after that. Tomorrow will be another hard day of training.

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I Will Be The Harem King 4 Training summary

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