I Will Be The Harem King 41 Enlightmen

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X395, Ishgar Kingdom.

I am currently clad in a s.p.a.ce cloak to make myself invisible while strolling through the underground prison of Ishgar. For those who have read Fairy Tail, they would definitely know why I am here right now.

I am not really here to make my move yet per se, but to scout out the place and the people in it. After all we will inevitably meet in the next few hours or so. Maybe tomorrow if I am not in the mood for now but that's beside the point.

I can see a couple of people and they become scares as I go in deeper. Although the place is a long hall with no wall separating the prisoners from each other, just bars. Hm, this could be a good place for some kinky role play in the future when I get it on with my harem. I am getting giddy with excitement just thinking about it.

As I walk straight ahead without stopping, I finally reached the end of the prison hall where I am now looking at a slightly bigger prison than the rest of the prison cells. Among the groans and moans of pain coming from the surroundings, I stood still with my face having an indifferent expression. Not because I have no empathy but because of rage.

The sight that I see is seriously infuriating me. If I didn't calm down, I have no doubt I would burn down the entire place and then some. After that I might go on a rampage killing anyone I see. But fortunately, I was able to keep my emotions in check.

I took one last glance at the cell and turned around to walk away. Because of my aura magic, I could sense the emotions of the prisoner of that cell. Anger, sadness, helplessness and most importantly, hope. Clenching my fists, I left the place as I promised myself to fix this.

After leaving the prison, I walked around the city trying to dispel the last remaining anger in me as I took in the wrecked houses, homeless people, children looking for their parents and more. These people have no idea what is going on amongst the leaders of their country while they desperately try to ransack the remains of the past.

The past when they had a home, when their family lived together happily, when they went to work no matter what type of job it was. Though they knew it wasn't possible and that they had to move on, their emotions after what happened got ahold of themselves and drowned in their despair.

I left the residential area and soon left the city entirely and entered the mountain I was on earlier. Seeing those scenes of those people actually made my mood worse. So I needed to let off some steam. After reaching a large tree, I started punching wildly while thinking back on my time here.

When I first came to this world, I took everything jokingly. Even as I talked about being serious while training, I wasn't. But after the training finished, and as I started going around places, meeting the girls, looking at their situations, fighting different beasts and people, the places that were affected by different circ.u.mstances like what I just saw, I started to realize the situation I am really in.

This isn't inside a manga. I won't have any plot armor reviving me once I'm dead. I won't be able to do anything to guys stronger than me if they made a move on those who I care. People die here. And I could be one of them if I don't get my s.h.i.+t together.

I may not change entirely, but I have to change the way I see this world. Or else I would end up in a bad situation and I wouldn't be able to do a thing to stop it. And that could lead to not only harm to myself but also those that I care about.

Haah, this has been one hectic day, that's for sure. Just jumping through s.p.a.ce and time has taken its toll on my mind and body and now this self-realization hitting me like truck-kun would hit its victims, I seriously need a break. Ugh, guess I'll postpone the plane to tomorrow, for now I just want to get some sleep.

I teleported away to a cave that I had already set up as a base and went straight for the makes.h.i.+ft bed. As soon as I hit the bed, exhaustion took over me as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Next day morning.

I woke up feeling slightly refreshed, since my mental exhaustion is still there. Although not as bad as before, but it's still there. I got up and did my morning routine followed by some stretches and light training. After I finished I took a cool shower to clear my mind.

I haven't forgotten yesterday and I won't forget it for the rest of my life. And so I know for a fact that starting today, it's going to be a new beginning. From now on, I will try to be more mature as I leave my childishness behind.

And that will start with doing something I wouldn't have done before yesterday. And that is something which involves many lives, a prison, a pregnant woman and my plan. Since that's the case, I will have to slightly change my plan.

Nothing too big, just some smaller details here and there and 'bam', I got myself a new and an improved plan that will really start of my new mindset. Now, let's start.

I teleported right into the palace of the king and that too right in front of said king. Without saying anything to the said king who was surprised into shock, I c.o.c.ked my fist back and…

"Yo, and for your information this wasn't anything personal. That is until yesterday. Now, it's very personal." I said to him as I swung my fist.


Aaaand my fist connected to his cheek. And what would you know, like a whining baby he had me arrested and sent me to the underground prison, promising me that he will deal with me later. Ooh, I'm so scared. Hah, idiot.

"Phase one complete." I mumbled to myself with a hidden smirk as I arrived at the entrance of the prison.

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I Will Be The Harem King 41 Enlightmen summary

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