I Will Be The Harem King 48 Anna Heartfilia 1 Part Ii

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Hm, it seems the G.o.d that brought me here is helping me out. This is too much to be a coincidence right? I mean, just as I was thinking on how I can take my relations.h.i.+p with Anna to the next level, this happens. There's no way this is a coincidence. Right?

What is he talking about? You might be wondering that. Well, the thing is right now I am trapped inside of a cave with Anna and the cave seems to prevent those inside to use magic. Convenient right? Well, it has already been 2 years' time since I first met Anna and this seems to be the chance I need to impress her. But let me recount what has happened so far.

During these two years, apart from teaching those who were in the school, I spared no efforts to earn Anna's trust and build a close relations.h.i.+p with her. Of course, as a habitual offender, I did flirt with her. Anna's reaction to my flirting is something that I have never encountered so far. She seems both amused and oblivious to my flirting. It's really confusing because it seems like she knows I am flirting with her but at the same time she doesn't.

Anyway, thanks to my hard work, I was able to finally get a date wither just last month. And so I started thinking, what could I do to leave a deep impression on her well, Anna is someone who would like to keep it simple, that's the conclusion that I came to. So, our date was going to be a picnic with just the two of us near a waterfall the I chanced upon. Oh, who am I kidding. I basically teleported myself all over the place until I found it.

So after much antic.i.p.ation, we got to the waterfall for our date. Everything was going well, we both talked about each other and had walk around the place, we sat under a tree reading a book. It was simple but fulfilling.

But then we sensed some strange calling from a direction right in front of us. It was both creepy and suspicious so we decided to check it out because there was a village nearby and someone could get hurt if this was a serious issue.

That was how we found and entered the cave that we are trapped in. my perfect date plan was ruined by a stupid cave. Of course, since the cave only prevents the use of magic, I could just teleport us out of here. But, I realized that this could be a blessing in disguise and decided to use this chance to prolong our date from a few hours to maybe one or two days.

I could always teleport a plant with fruits on them here without Anna noticing and I did just that, and so we cleared the food issue. Now, I just have to make the right moves and I will be able to win her heart in a flash. Since it's a dark and gloomy place, the type that almost all female dislike, I may even be able to be the shoulder that she could lean on.

"What was that? Ew, ew, ew, it's on my shoulder!! Whatever it is, get it off!!" Hm, well, that wasn't Anna. I just don't like slippery bugs, ok? It creeps me out. Anna, like the angel she is took the thing on my shoulder. A weed.

"Ara, this is the first time I see you like this Ray. If I knew you could be this cute around dark places, I would have brought you to such a place long ago, fufufu." I take the angel comment back. She is a devil. How can someone who was supposed to be a warmhearted person change into someone so cruel in the blink of an eye? Ah, wait that happened a lot with Anna. During the past two years, there were times when Anna would tease me. It's just that her meaning of teasing can be a bit extreme.

"Haah, whatever. By the way, how's the preparation going for the eclipse gate?" That's right, unlike in the canon, it wasn't just Anna who met up with Zeref and the dragons. I was there as well. They know that I'm not someone simple and that I already knew about what they were going to say so they didn't even ask me to say anything and just let me watch them.

Zeref seems to have engrained me into his mind since he stared at my face for quite a long time. But that wasn't really something that bothered me. We are going to meet in the future anyway. Ever since then, they meet up occasionally to give an update on the plan and I tag along.

"It has been done. I have already contacted Zeref and the dragons, they should arrive soon. That's not what is important though. How we get out of here is." Anna responded in a serious tone quite the difference compared to her earlier playfulness.

"Well, I might have a way. But it won't come free though." I suddenly got a bright idea. Although a little underhanded, all is fair in love and war right? And this is love.

"Well what is it?" Anna raised an eyebrow at my words and put her hand on her waist with a curious expression.

"In return for getting us out of here, you travel with me to the future and become one of my wives." Yes, she knows I am from the future. Yes, she also knows that I plan to have a harem. She accepted it really easily. Maybe her personality is the representive of 'sharing is caring' or something. Well, works out for me.

"I'll give you some time to think about it. Don't just accept it because of our current situation or for the sake of the eclipse plan. I want you to give an answer based on your feelings for me. You will be leaving everything you have right now behind so think carefully. Remember that I know aura magic. So I will know if you are lying." I gave her a smile went to a corner of the cave after leaving those words to Anna.

We sat like that for half a day. And without any talking between us, I let Anna think it through. Like I said, she will be leaving everything behind so I know this will be a tough choice for her. But I feel like if I don't get this out right now, I might not be able to do so again.

"Will I ever see you again, if I were to remain behind?" Suddenly, Anna asked in a low voice. Because of the enclosed s.p.a.ce, no matter how low her voice was I could still hear it.

"I don't think so. Travelling so far into the past takes a lot out of me. I had to take several stops to get to the current time. Going back to the future will be a lot easier though, considering time always flows forward. When I came to this timeline, I was travelling against time so I had a hard time, but this time I will be moving with time." I gave her an honest reply to her question. That wasn't a lie. When I travelled back in time from when I separated with Irene, it was much harder than when I first came to this timeline.

That's how I came to the conclusion that it will get harder and harder to travel through time for longer distance. If I go back to the future, I will probably only be able to come back for three or four times. I don't want to give Anna any false hope by saying we will still see each other. So I decided to tell her the truth.

"Is that so… Ray can I give you an answer after I complete the eclipse plan? For now I just want to make sure it all goes right. I promise to give you an answer when the time comes." A weak voice. That was how I found Anna's voice right then. I might have pushed her a bit too far so I decided to end this conversation while also giving her a much needed breathing s.p.a.ce.

Without telling anything in reply, I teleported both of us to our respective homes. Right now, I don't think being in front of Anna is going to help so I parted ways with Anna for now. The next time I would see Anna will be at the location of the plan being executed.

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I Will Be The Harem King 48 Anna Heartfilia 1 Part Ii summary

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