I Will Be The Harem King 55 Dropping Bombs Left And Righ

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It took some time but Makarov woke up. He sat there looking at me in disbelief at what he heard before weakly pointing at me and asking.

"Are you really the Mage of Time? The one of legends?" I just nodded at him since his reaction itself answers my question of whether it was true or not.

"Haah, the prophecy did say that the Mage of Time will arrive in the late X700s but still to be able to witness such a figure appearing not to mention joining my guild, it's shocking to say the least. So, is it safe to a.s.sume that you are at least a few hundred years old?" Makarov gave a sigh full of stress since he has been shocked repeatedly since I arrived.

"Well, not exactly. I don't remember my age anymore since it became a bit confusing for me after…travelling a bit but I can be sure that I am not older than twenty. The reason I was there centuries ago was because I travelled through time to get there." Speaking of age, I really don't remember how old I exactly am and I am too lazy to think about it since age is just a number to me.

"I see. So what will you do now? Are you going to fulfill what the prophecy said and lead Fairy Tail to help you cure the innocents?" Makarov asked while he thought of the prophecy but when he saw my expression he was confused.

"Prophecy? That's just a load of bulls.h.i.+t spouted by someone who didn't want me to hide in the darkness without the world knowing. I didn't go around healing people or saving villages. The only notable things that I remember doing at that timeline was teaching a bunch of kids about math, rescuing a beauty from the prison, wooing that beauty, spending time with another beauty and wooing her." I was wearing a wry smile at the first part but I turned immensely proud at the latter part, even Makarov gave me a thumbs up.

"Wait, did you say you taught a bunch of kids about math? You? Someone who was able to fight Gildarts to a standstill?" Makarov asked me in surprise as he imagined me teaching math to a group of kids.

"Yeah, I did. Oh, by the way, Natsu was one of them." It's really fun seeing over the reactions from Makarov so I couldn't help but drop another bomb on him. I have decided that I didn't really care if Fairy Tail members found out about me being the Mage of Time since that would help me explain why I am so strong and why Natsu knows me and Anna. Natsu isn't present in the guild right now neither is the other major Fairy Tail guild members apart from the girls and Makarov.

And just like I thought, his eyes and mouth widened while his eyes threatened to fall out what my words could mean.

"You, you mean, Natsu is…" Makarov began speaking but just couldn't complete his words.

"Yeah, he is around four hundred years from the past. So is Anna by the way, she was the only other teacher to teach those kids when I was there. Now I know you will have a lot of questions regarding what I just told you about Natsu but I have to say that I can't tell you right now. Natsu is too crucial for the future." I explained in a bit more detail with a serious expression to Makarov who was slowly regaining his composure.

"Alright, I won't ask. Is that all?" Makarov gave a sigh before final asking me if I had anything more to say.

"Hm, there is in fact. I want to have a fight with Mystogan. He will be arriving tomorrow morning so give him a heads up when he comes." Makarov prepared to get another shock but relaxed when it was nothing serious. He was still confused about my request for a fight though.

"Why would you want to fight Mystogan. I mean, now I know for a fact that you could have beaten Gildarts and if you could beat him, there isn't that many people who can stand toe to toe with you. Heck, I'm not sure there is anyone who can fight you." Makarov asked me what he just realized and what he was confused about.

"Don't worry about the details. Just know that when I went around fighting all those guys, I limited myself a lot so that I could gain more experience and have some fun." I just waved my hand at him and said that before teleporting back to Tenrou Island to build mine and Anna's house.

The next morning, I woke up in our new home that was inside the huge tree that was some distance away from Mavis' grave. I spent the entire afternoon yesterday to finish it and I must say that I did a good job. There were three floors in total with the option to expand if there isn't enough s.p.a.ce. The first floor having the living room, the kitchen and the dining table. The second floor was where I had put a huge swimming pool with a window that I cut out used as a natural lighting source. Apart from that, there was a study room and a library where all the books that me and Anna had collected over the years.

On the third floor is where all the rooms are. There were twelve rooms in total and if I ever get an extra floor built, I can always make more. The master bedroom, which is my room is larger than the rest of the rooms and it also has a larger bathroom than the rest.

Once Anna and I got up and had a bit of fun inside the shower, we ate our breakfast and teleported to the guild. It must be said that my timing has been great recently, because just a few minutes after we arrived, the person I was waiting for arrived as well.

All around me, the rest of the guild members fell asleep with Makarov, me and Anna being the only ones awake. He wore a dark blue cloak and his arms and legs are mostly covered in bandages. He also wore a dark blue bandana with a silver forehead protector, and a green mask that obscured the bottom half of his face to hide his ident.i.ty from his guild mates.

"Mystogan, these two are the newest members of the guild and this young man here wants to have a fight with you. I have already agreed on behalf of you, so report your mission and take a new one if you want and then we will go somewhere secluded for the fight." Once Mystogan saw both me and Anna and heard Makarov's introduction of us he gave a nod to us before reporting in his mission and taking a few new missions and then turned towards us.

I took that as a signal for him being ready so I teleported the four of us who were awake to a gra.s.sland away from the guild. The rest woke up quickly and realized what happened before noticing that Makarov, Anna and I were missing.
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At some gra.s.sland, both Mystogan and I were standing in front of each other as we waited for Makarov's signal.

"Alright, are you both ready? Begin." Makarov shouted from the side as we both went at it.

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I Will Be The Harem King 55 Dropping Bombs Left And Righ summary

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