I Will Be The Harem King 65 *Title Hidden*

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Dark? Check. Gloomy? Check. Non existing body? Check. Yup, this is the void isn't it. Man, it feels like it was just yesterday that I had somehow found myself in here, met G.o.d and then went off to the Fairy Tail world. Now that I think about it, the way I acted is making me cringe so hard right now. I mean yeah, I did end up in an unknown place and stayed there for who knows how long all alone but it is still so cringe worthy. I am so glad that I have matured since then. Now all that is missing is G.o.d, or his voice at least.

"h.e.l.lo again child. It seems you have grown stronger, both physically and mentally." There he is. I was just wondering where he was and he appears, was he listening to my thoughts or something?

"h.e.l.lo, G.o.d. It's nice to see you and all but I would like to know why I am here. Don't tell me that I died because of the universe law that you spoke of the last time?" I replied to him before panicking a little when I remembered what he said to me the last time before he sent me to the FT world.

"No, you did not die. Well, technically you did since I pulled your soul here but I can send it back without any problems so don't worry." I released a sigh of breath which is impossible since I don't have body *cough*Brook joke*cough* but then wondered why I was brought here.

"The reason why I have brought you here is because, I have found the reason you died and entered this place the first time." G.o.d replied to my unasked question which both surprised and confused me. Shocked because even G.o.d didn't know why I had entered the void the first time and I was now expecting a very huge conspiracy theory type of s.h.i.+t to be behind that since he had pulled my soul here to tell me about it.

The reason I am confused is because he said he found out why I had died. But we both knew how I had died. I was run over by a car. So I don't get why he said he found out how I had died.

"I see you are confused. You see when I found out the reason you entered the void, I also found out that your death was also not natural. But we'll get to the shortly. First of all, do you remember what id said about the void? I said that only G.o.ds could freely enter here." I decided to leave my questions aside for now and just listen to him, so I gave him a nod. I do remember him saying that twice to me.

"Well, it seems that, from one of the universes that makes up the anime worlds that a few G.o.ds created that I told you about, one being died and had since laid dormant here in the void. This reason this being came here upon death is because 'it' had reached the strength of a G.o.d at its world as such when it died it came here. When it woke up again, it was premature. It had only recovered a tiny bit of its original power. But it was enough to create crack in the boundary between the void and your old world." Woah, all the things that I am hearing right now is going to make me have brain damage for sure after this and just what the heck happened after that and how is this connected to my death exactly.

"Now here is what happened next. When the crack opened, your world went under tremendous changes across the globe. People and objects were teleported from one place to the other, different forces of nature also included in this and there was even multiple terra forming happening at the time. Now about what I said before, do you remember the details of your death?" G.o.d, after explaining all of this to me asked me that question.

"Yeah I do. While I was crossing the road, there was sudden a huge gust of wind before a car came over and hit me." I answered back to him asking him to explain but I was already connecting the dots. And I don't like what I am coming up with.

"It seems you have an idea as to what I am talking about now. Yes, that gust of wind that you talked about shouldn't have been there. That was just before you felt it in the region of Brazil. That gust of wind was a part of a huge storm that hit the capital Rio that day. And the car was also not supposed to be there. The car was just moments before reaching you in the middle of a race between two rich kids in Qatar on highway dedicated to racing that was built only recently. All of this means that you had died because 'it' woke from its slumber for half a second. And the reason only you appeared here is because, while there where many people who encountered dangers that day, they were saved. You meanwhile, the moment the car hit you, you were teleported into the middle of the ocean and no one found you until a month later."


"What else?" Well, d.a.m.n. That's a lot to take in. All of this can be summed up in two words really. Pure coincidence. But accepting that is much harder. But I can't really change the past and I can't say that I am unhappy with my life so it's best to move forward I think. And I know for a fact that G.o.d did not bring me here to just tell me all this.

People may think that I am taking this much too easily and that I should be panicking a bit but what use would that be. Like I said, I am happy now and I can't change the past.

"What next is that while only your world had a crack opened in it, connecting it to the void. That being had enough awareness to do some stupid s.h.i.+t." Wow, never expected the G.o.d to have such a language but it must be something big if G.o.d is cursing like that. Let's just listen for now.

"He had used his powers to pull a few souls from the anime verse and sent it to a barren plane. These souls have been evil at the time of death and were waiting for their judgement until that being interrupted. Now, in that barren plane, these evil souls have gained new bodies which look like their past ones and they are also getting much stronger than when they were still alive in their old world. In fact, your intangible body is useless against them since they have adapted to the s.p.a.ce of that plane and gained a slight immunity to the law because of that being's power rubbing off on them, not enough to rise problems to us but still enough for you." This has been just one h.e.l.l of a day hasn't it. It's just one thing after another, now I know how Makarov felt like when I dropped all those bombs on him. I feel like all the energy I have is depleting at an alarming rate. G.o.d is doing the same thing to me right now after all.
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I Will Be The Harem King 65 *Title Hidden* summary

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