I Will Be The Harem King 67 In The Time Chamber

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We all know how the time chamber looks like now, after all we've all watched Dragon Ball Z. As I took in all the white the gate behind me closed and I decided to once again go over my training plan. Like always, training my body is a must since if my body can't take a fight it's pointless from the beginning. Apart from that, I need to train a new magic which is offense oriented and I have just the one in my mind. I had seen it when I was looking for my first magic but opted for Aura magic at the end since offense was covered with how I used my s.p.a.ce powers.

But since the evil zombies I am facing this time seem to have an immunity to s.p.a.ce, I am in need of an offensive magic. Apart from that, I am also going to officially take up swordsmans.h.i.+p since, one, it's cool and two, because I might run into situations where I need to get into close combat but can't come into contact with the opponent or my attack magic ends up being useless.

Then there is my Aura magic. As G.o.d said, I will need to have a method to find those guys once there and if I reach the required mastery, I can use the magic to see their movements ahead of time while in combat. There are just so many possibilities in this magic that it's impossible to ignore.

After sorting out the training plans, I headed for the place I will be eating and sleeping in. there was a bed and food was stockpiled at a room next to the bedroom and that's all I really need apart from a bathroom since the rest of the time I will be training. And even sleep will be a short six hours since I need to train as much as possible.

After checking out the house and having a small meal, I headed outside to start training. The warm up has become a habit now since I do it every day of my life now but this time it is much more intense. I triple the amount I do in each set of the exercises and made sure I was putting as much stress to my muscles as I can. Once I am done and I am on the verge of dropping to the ground, I use my time power to accelerate my recovery speed that helps me recover from the muscle stress. Once I get recovered my muscles will be more flexible and compact resulting in more strength and dexterity.

And that was only the warm up. Following that, I started doing multiple workouts that build up strength, speed, defense and flexibility. After the workout is finished and I once again use time to recover, it is time to start my swords training.

As I have abnormal amount of strength and flexibility for a newbie, I had to improvise and go for what I would like to call Zoro's Training Regimen. As you can guess, the training is swinging around a stick that has a rock attached to its end which weighs more than what you should be capable of swinging. I didn't go for the mouth though since I will be working with one sword.

I wasn't going for the muscle building of this exercise, since I had enough of that from that workout. Instead, I was trying to get a feel of the sword. The path to a swords master is long and hard, I know that. But if I can get myself to be at least at the level of the current Kagura in swordsmans.h.i.+p in ten years, I would be satisfied. Aiming for Erza is stupid. It's like she was made to wield a sword. Although she spent less time than Kagura in learning swordsmans.h.i.+p, she has long reached the level of a master and is on the verge of reaching grandmaster stage.

After that is a process of trial and error for now since I am going to be learning a new magic. The one I am going for is vibration magic. I know, like Aura magic it doesn't sound that impressive. But think of it like a sealed version of the tremor power of Whitebeard in One Piece. That's just one way of using it since I can use it to break up an incoming AOE attack and attack my opponent from the inside.

The reason I chose this one is because of its versatility. It can be used in a close combat situation, long ranged situation, one-on-one situation and even against a group of people. I don't know what I will be up against in that mysterious plane so I will need as much versatility as I can.

And at last, nearing the end of the day, I train in my first magic, Aura magic. There is no real way of expanding its range and effect apart from getting more control on your magic power so that is what I had to do. I train in magical power control and when that ends, I try out to see any improvement and if there is, I try to see if there is anything new that I could do with it. After the training for the day ended, I meditated for an hour before heading off to be.

=Outside 10 hrs later=

G.o.d stood in front of the gate as he waited for it to open. After waiting for a few minutes, the gate opened as I came out giving off a strong aura that I released just for the dramatic effect and nothing else. Judge me, I don't care. Unlike in DBZ, I looked clean and was dressed in clean clothes.
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The training was fruitful if I'm being honest. Yeah, it took longer to learn Vibration magic than it did to learn Aura magic but I progressed in it fast than I did in it as well. I was able to master the basics inside two years and given the fact that I had to cut my concentration to multiple parts to focus on more than one thing I guess it was faster than any other normal person.

Apart from that, my physical prowess grew to unimaginable heights. If I was only able to lift and swing a sword that weighed one ton before now I can confidently say that I could swing two swords that weigh fifty tons each on two hands. It's not an exact estimate but just an example, I could lift more but let's not get into that little detail.

Then came my swords training. I was able to reach my goal of Kagura in seven years and polished up my swordsmans.h.i.+p even more in the remaining four years. Like I said before I am not anywhere near Erza's level yet since she was a genius but once I got the hang of it, it started coming to me easier to learn swordsmans.h.i.+p. Give me a few more years focused solely on swordsmans.h.i.+p and I might get to her level.

As for my Aura magic, I could say that I had shown a lot of improvement in it. My range for detecting auras increased to five kilometers and if I stretch my limits, it could reach up to six kilometers. I can also use the observation haki function of the magic albeit only a little bit. But that much is enough to be used in a fight. Overall, my strength has increased to unimaginable heights. I can probably beat Achnologia quite easily now even if I don't end up using my time powers to recover from any injuries.

"Are you ready?" G.o.d asked me as I retracted my aura back and I gave him a nod to answer as we went outside.

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I Will Be The Harem King 67 In The Time Chamber summary

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