I Will Be The Harem King 7 Erza Scarlet 1 Part Ii

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We stayed like that for a long time and I started to slowly calm down, so I separated from him. His chest area was covered in my tears and snot. How embarra.s.sing. I hope he won't hate me for it.

"Are you feeling better now?"

"Y-yes, thank you."

"That's good and don't mention it. Although I don't really know why you cried like that, I think you shouldn't be trying to hold it all in. you have to vent yourself out from time to time so that you don't feel sad for too long."


Thank G.o.d. He doesn't seem to be bothered at all at the fact that his chest has gotten damp. And he is also giving me advice like someone who cares. He's right. I held it in for too long and that's why I was sad for so long. Now that I cried it out, I feel much better.

"My name is Ray Cross, what's yours?"

"Ah? Erza, my name is Erza!"

"Hm? You don't have a surname?"

"No, I'm an orphan, so..."

"So what. I'm an orphan as well despite that I gave myself a surname. Let me give you one then. Hm, you have very beautiful scarlet red hair so let's call you Erza Scarlet. That's your name from now on. So? Do you like it?"

"Erza…Scarlet… eh? Beautiful? You think my hair is beautiful?"

"Yeah, I think it's one of the most beautiful hair in the world."

He said it like it was the most natural thing in the world. Like there was no doubt, no question about it. He said it with so much conviction that even I started believing that my hair is beautiful. I always hated my hair because it was because of it that I was always alone. But this hair that everyone including me hates, there is someone who thinks of it as beautiful. And as long as he is there, I will also believe it is beautiful.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome. By the way, why are they bullying you? Aren't the adults in the village doing anything to stop it?"

"They don't like my hair so they treat me as an outcast. They call me names like witch and demon. The adults know about it but they just let it happen and overlooks it."

"My G.o.d, how can they be like that. Those idiots, morons, stupid Don't worry Erza, if they dare to bully you again, you can come find me. I'll take care of them all. Oh, and I live here in the forest so remember to come here if they bully you. I'll beat them up for you no matter how many comes."

"Ok, thank you again. Eh? You stay in the forest? Then why don't you come with me to the village then. I'm sure we can find a place to stay like the orphanage."

"No way. I don't like adults telling me what to do. But don't worry, you can come find me here every day to play. Because that way you won't feel lonely and can have fun, ok?"


Is this how it feels like to have someone to talk to? Someone who cares? Someone… intimate? It… feels nice. And Ray is really cool too. He gets worried about me, care for me and he looks like an angel that G.o.d sent just for me. *gasp* is this what 'match made in heaven" from that book I read meant? Maybe in the future Ray and I can… fufufu. Kyaa, what are you thinking Erza we just met. We have to know a whole bunch about each other before we can get married. But being married to Ray and start a family sounds really nice.

"Ok, it's getting late. You should head back, clean yourself, eat something and have a good sleep. You've had a tough day today and a good one to look forward to tomorrow after all."

"Mm, ok. I'll see you tomorrow then Ray. Bye."

After saying good bye to Ray, I headed towards the orphanage while skipping and humming a tune to myself. My life doesn't seem so lonely or desolate anymore with Ray next to me. He is slowly painting my black and white world with all sorts of colors. I have never been this happy in my life and this is the first time I'm looking towards my future in a bright way as I have always thought my future to be very bleak.

"I can't wait to meet Ray tomorrow."

Amidst the weirded out stares I received from the villagers I reached the orphanage still skipping and humming while thinking about Ray and my future with him. The kids who bullied me were pointing their fingers at me while whispering to each other. I ignored them splendidly as I was still in my own world as I made my way towards the girls showering area.

But midway there, the female bullies of mine blocked my way and they were glaring at me. The way they were looking at me was nothing like before and that somewhat scared me. They looked like rampaging beasts ready to devour their prey making me more and more anxious. I wished Ray was here because I knew with him here I would have the courage to face anything.

"You witch, tell us what you did to him?"


The leader looking girl pointed her finger at me and shouted while glaring at me like she was ready to shoot flames out of her eyes. What are they talking about? Did what to who? Me? Huh? This is so confusing.

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about, witch. You must have done something like black magic on that boy we saw near the forest and controlled him. Otherwise, why would he help a witch like you who is a stranger to him."

At the first part of her words, I realized they were talking about Ray. Well, it seems they also want to get close to Ray but since he sent them away and got close to me they became jealous so they are doing this. But, the last part of her words were like a knife slicing through my heart. I never thought about it that way. Why would he help me? We don't even know each other. Could it be he has ulterior motives? No, I don't believe it. Ray is not like that. He saved me and didn't ask for anything in return. He comforted me when I cried. And I can tell his concern and care for me were real. His warmth was real.

Just as I was about to argue back against them, the sister came to tell us that dinner was ready only to see our confrontation. They quickly broke it up and took the girls away leaving me alone at the receiving end of the girls' glares. After taking a shower and eating at the dining area I was lying on my bed staring at the ceiling.

Although I believe Ray isn't a bad person, I want to know why he protected me and faced off against the bullies despite knowing he was outnumbered. Wasn't he afraid? I must ask him tomorrow when we meet.

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I Will Be The Harem King 7 Erza Scarlet 1 Part Ii summary

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