I Will Be The Harem King 77 *Title Hidden*

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"So you are the one who killed those three. Although you are hiding it well, the aura you give off is almost the same as mine. So this won't be a disappointment in the end after all. Come, let us dance shall we?" The figure stood there imposingly with a blank face as he spoke those words. While inside of my head, I was cursing whatever G.o.d it was that released these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds.

Because in front of me stood one of those who would be described as a complete battle maniac. And since he is a battle maniac, I have to also accept the fact that he will have a much deeper understanding into those black spots this guy's companions used, not to mention his inborn talent in training.

Even if the black spots weren't an issue, just his other various powers he could use is enough to make me sigh in frustration because he was so versatile. And since I know how and when he died, I also know what to expect in this fight and that is giving me a headache as well.

Before me stood a fair-skinned middle aged man with spiky, white hair that had a slight blue tint to it. his hair was grown to waist-length with shoulder-length bangs framing the sides of his face, covering most of his right eye. Although still relatively young, more prominent creases had developed under each of his eyes. This was one of the founding members of Konohagakure no Sato in Naruto, Madara freaking Uchiha.

"This is starting to get annoying. Forget it, let's just fight." I couldn't help but sigh while saying so as I stood up from the ground and got into my stance. Madara also got into a stance that I was somewhat familiar with as most of the ninja in the anime would use this stance.
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The Uchiha were mainly known for their sharingan instead of their taijutsu. Even their affinity for fire release was much more well-known than their taijutsu. Despite that, Madara was able to go head to head with Gai who was a taijutsu master with his own taijutsu. This shows that Madara had trained in every aspect of a ninja to the limit, and that is also not mentioning his talent in learning combat oriented things and make it overpowered.

Since I know Madara's hand to hand combat is much better than others who I have fought so far, I will have to be much more focused when in combat with him. Despite my worries on his taijutsu, I have not forgotten the strongest aspect of an Uchiha, the sharingan.

It was said that Madara could put anyone in a genjutsu with a mere look into the eyes of someone. And although you would have to have chakra inside of you to be put into a genjutsu, I was not going to take any chances. That's why when he landed in the clearing and before he fully raised his head to look at me, I had already covered my brain and my nervous system with s.p.a.ce power and sent it to Dream Reality. I was still somewhat unsure if this will work but there was nothing else that I could do since I am not good enough to fight someone of his level while keeping my eyes down or keeping it closed.

Nonetheless, all those thoughts were swept aside since Madara vanished from his spot and appeared in front of him and sent his right palm towards my chest which I easily redirected only to see that he was sending in a left hook to my cheek. I managed to crouch on the ground to dodge and swiped my leg under him to get him off balance which he just jumped lightly before tilting to the side and kicking towards my head with a flying roundhouse kick.

To his attack, I used my forearm to block and back flipped to get back on my feet while he did the same and we quickly went at each other once again as we traded blow for blow. The difference between experience was showing since the beginning as his. .h.i.ts was landing on me much more than what I was able to land on him. Despite this, I was slowly but surely getting used to his style of taijutsu because I was getting more hits in the more we fought and I was also able to block or dodge more of his. .h.i.ts.

This close combat situation lasted for nearly half an hour before we both finally retreated and created some s.p.a.ce between us. We weren't tired at all after that intense workout, instead we were even more lively. We both knew that what happened just now was just the warm up and that the real fight had yet to begin. This has been the longest battle I have fought in this plane so far and it hasn't even truly begun yet.

"Your taijutsu is not bad. You lack in experience but you are able to make up for that with your skills. But still, why is it that my sharingan is not working on you. I have been trying to put you into one from the moment when I got here but there hasn't been any success." Madara spoke after remaining silent for a while and I could finally release a sigh of breath inside of me since now I can stop worrying about any genjutsu.

"Does it matter? Just know that it won't work on me and let's just continue our fight." I replied to him and I really hope he agrees on not using genjutsu.

"True. But since the warm up has finished, I think it's time to take up the heat a little, don't you think so?" Madara gave a nod before raising one of his hands to his chest area, which I am a.s.suming is to create hand signs. That got me serious since I know he is going to start using jutsu now and most likely fire jutsu. There is also the fact that we are surrounded by trees, so I am also expecting a large scale forest fire. d.a.m.n, even without those d.a.m.n black spots, Madara is on a whole other level.

"I don't know about turning up the heat, but I do think this place could use some more lightning. So, shall we begin round two or is there more to speak of?" Lightning covered my right arm up to its elbow as I spoke to him before giving a smirk.

"No, I think we have done enough greetings to each other. Come, I hope you entertain me like how Has.h.i.+rama used to do so." With his final words as a signal, he started and completed the hand signs to his jutsu in a second and released it while I also sent a ma.s.sive lightning ball that has been compressed to the limit of the time I had.

"Fire Release: Grand Fire Ball Technique"


His fireball soon reached my lightning ball in the middle of the clearing as a huge explosion took place. This re-started our fight as Madara jumped above the cloud of smoke after the explosion and once again made hand signs for another jutsu. But before he was able to do so, I appeared above him with a lightning spear. Realizing this, he turned midair and released his jutsu while I threw the spear.

"Fire Release: Great Flame Flower."


Ray vs Madara Uchiha

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I Will Be The Harem King 77 *Title Hidden* summary

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