She's That Knight Known As Zero 239 Drunk

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After that, they started telling Leo stories about Eureka, from the very beginning of her stay to the point where she had succeeded in having effects on the life of the people around her.

As they go on, Akihiro suddenly laughed, "I know something that you will find entertaining."

"Oh, I wonder what would that be?" Leo asked curiously.

Akihiro first look at Yukimura before he started speaking, "Did you know that she had treated Yukimura like a child?"

Yukimura's eyes grew wide upon hearing this, he wanted to stop Akihiro from saying more but was stopped by Genjiro and Teiji who was sitting on both side of him. They were as curious as Leo.

Akihiro started recounting of the time where Yukimura was under Juzo's spell. Then the way Eureka have pulled him out of it and how Yukimura reacted. That even now, Raven would still use it to tease his father.

After hearing everything another round of laughter errupted from their table. The owner who was at the counter looked over and smiled upon seeing them having fun before he continued wiping the mugs.

"You even blushed?" Genjiro asked as he kept laughing.

Yukimura couldn't help but to turn red from all the teasing his friends were doing. He really didn't want to remember that, Eureka was like coaxing a child back then.

This continued until almost daybreak, they had the best time of their life after who knows how long. All those war and battles, the srategic planning and the pressure, finally they had a time where they could laugh freely.

"Come  think of it, how was Haruka's condition? You know she is already at an advanced age," Leo finally changed the topic.

Everyone became serious upon hearing his question, they already knew how Haruka was able to survive the war despite being pregnant already and they found both Kaoru and Eureka, amazing once again. To be able to seal a life and still let it live after the seal was gone, no one have tried it before.

"She is doing great, Akira's departure was actually known by her already. She was the one who gave Akito the letter and have somehow helped my brother leave without anyone knowing. I think she also knew Kaoru has the potential, especially if he isn't affected by the people around him. And now her condition is being monitored by Akira's a.s.sistant."

They nodded upon hearing this, all of them are of course worried about this. The first baby among their group after the war. That baby would surely be very special.

"Anyway, we knew that if she is in need of anything those ladies are just beside her. Even our wives decided to let as go and travel alone just so they would be there for Haruka, I'm getting jealous somehow," Kohei couldn't help but sigh.

In the past, their wives would always accompany them but now upon finding out that Haruka was pregnant they have unanimously decided that they will stay in the kingdom until she gives birth.

Akihiro could only look apologetically to his friends. He really couldn't do anythig about that. Haruka would also be much more at ease if the one taking care and fussing over her would be those whom she truly knew, if it would be the servants she really wouldn't be able to rest at all.

"Anyway, let's toast to all of this. Leo's return and a new life to be born," Yukimura raised his mug and urged the others to have a toast.

They all smiled and followed him.


"What are you doing right now father?" Raven's brows were raised as he look at his father who was completely drunk and was lying down on the floor.

Just as he woke up, he heard his father knocking at his door, upon opening it, he was welcomed by the strong smell of alcohol.

"Y... sh.... you...." Yukimura started speaking incoherently as he pointed at Raven.

Raven could only sigh as he helped his father up, guiding him to the guest room.

"I'll get you a towel and water."

He helped wipe his father's face before helping him out of his shoes and allowing him to drink before letting him rest. Just as he was about to leave the room.

"You should not bottle everything on your own son. What use is your old man then?"

He looked back before smiling and sighing at the same time.

"Knowing that all of you are worrying about me, is more than enough for me to keep going. You really should stop worrying," he finally said before closing the door.

He prepared a meal for his father before leaving allowing him to rest.

'Mother would surely be completely mad once you get home.'


"Akihiro was completely drunk?" Haruka was shocked.

After was.h.i.+ng up, a servant approached her to inform her that Akihiro drunk a lot last night and came home just as the sun rises, completely drunk.

"I shall visit him. Tell everyone to do whatever they have to do. Tell both the minister that they can oversee the meeting for this morning. If I am not mistaken Yukimura must be on the same condition as well."

After giving a few more commands, she finally went and check on Akihiro. He was already on bed, she could only take a towel to wipe his face and help dispel a bit of discomfort.

"Geez, your celebration really," she couldn't help but to complain.

Akihiro started mumbling.

"Hmmm, what is it?"

"She must have hated me, she didn't even let me get close to her."

Haruka was stomped upon hearing this. She soon smiled as she shake her head.

"She didn't hate you, it's just both of you are a bit the same. She didn't know how to show her affection towards you. Just like how you don't know how to act in front of her."

She explained patiently as she wipe his face. After saying this, Akihiro's brows finally eased up as if he heard the things he really wanted to hear.

Haruka chuckled thinking, 'Like father like daughter.'


Azusa was having her morning jog when she chanced upon her father's current residence and the scene left her completely at a lost.

Her father was fighting against the door, he was commanding it to open up and let him in. He was even threatening it that he will destroy it if it didn't open.

"Still not opening? Do you really want me to destroy you?" Leo was glaring at the door in front of him.

Azusa smacked her forehead just as her father raised his foot to keep open the door. She could only stop him before he break it down.

"Okay, okay, relax father. Allow me to speak with it okay?"

After seeing that it was Azusa, Leo still kept grumbling that the door was anti social and all.

She could only shake her head in defeat. she didn't knew that her father has this side of his as well. She took out the spare key he gave her, she had the habit of bringing all her keys whenever she goes out.

After opening the door she helped her father remove his shoes and let him sleep comfortably in his bed.

"Am I a bad father? A bad husband? Why is it that I can't even do anything right? Aaah, that's right, it's because of that Juzo. He must have taken my capabilities away."

Azusa didn't know whether to laugh or cry as she heard her father saying the most ridiculous things that Juzo has taken away from him.

"Why do I have to time jump?"

The last sentence made her stop and look back at her father. She approached him and sat down beside his bed, "Don't worry, you are here with us now. You have all the time in the world to be with us."

After saying that, she stood up and started preparing food for him. She left it in the table before leaving a note, 'You were completely drunk, drink some soup and eat a lot. Try to lessen your drinking in the future as well.'


This event didn't only end in the three household, it also happened in the other four. And all their family could only shake their head or sigh. These men were great towards their duties and they never neglect anything.

Their family could only allow this now for it has been indeed this long since this group were together.

Allow them to enjoy themselves just for the night.


As he watch over everything, he couldn't help but to sigh.

'I am completely bored, who would have thought that this would be the outcome of that day. I just wanted to enjoy so why is it that I am suddenly chained here like this?'

'Well I can just forget everything and leave.'

He then shook his head upon thinking about this.

'That person would surely mock me if I leave. Endure, endure, just a few more years and you can leave.'

He took a few deep breaths to calm his mind before returning to what he needs to do.

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She's That Knight Known As Zero 239 Drunk summary

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