Divine Emperor of Death Chapter 3821 Departure

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Chapter 3821  Departure

One day after Davis, Evelynn, Isabella and s.h.i.+rley engaged in dual cultivation, they cleaned themselves up and finally came out, receiving the teasing of the other beauties.

"Shameless~ Shameless~ Shameless~"

Mingzhi floated around Davis and the big three, squawking at them like she was a crow.

"We still aren't as shameless as you, Mingzhi~"

s.h.i.+rley coughed, her cheeks possessing a subtle blush, "You two sneakily f.u.c.ked in my room."


Mingzhi was shot down from the air as she crashed into the wall. She slid down and looked pleadingly at s.h.i.+rley, kowtowing.

"Please forgive me, your highness."

Although she let s.h.i.+rley and Davis be intimate in her room, the point was this matter was a secret because they were hiding from Eterna and Celestia while being intimate. That couldn't be leaked or her reputation would take a dive.


s.h.i.+rley looked like a proud swan.

On the other hand, Isabella and Evelynn shook their heads.

They were long past this kind of tease and would do anything to share a night with Davis. Besides, they knew Mingzhi was the type to tease with zero hostile intentions. They saw her as someone who was more social, getting to know the girls through insulting and taking insults as though she was a guy.

The others also laughed, and people continued to pour into the hall before gathering together and exhaling a deep breath.

"Is everyone ready?"

Davis asked and continued without waiting, "During this journey, we are sure to face innumerable struggles or even get exterminated. I will spare no effort in doing everything in my power to avoid the latter, so trust me and follow my lead without asking any questions no matter what my actions may be. Do you all understand?"

His voice turned solemn as though he was a dictator.

However, the women firmly nodded. There was also Clara, Yotan and many others.

"Great." Davis nodded, "I didn't mean that you couldn't give suggestions but the morality of the actions that we take may not prove to be good for I will be showing no mercy to those who want to hunt us down. This means I will commit slaughter for our own survival even if it means me being branded evil because I don't see any other route that will make people see us as anything other than evil even if we tried."

"I'm not joking. I really want us to survive this ordeal without shedding a single hint of blood but such a thing isn't possible, so I need your undying faith in me."

"In times of crisis, many powers declare martial law which suppresses dissidents and becomes capable of using full force on their enemies." Lea opened her mouth, "I recognize this is no different."

"Yes, the Davis Family could now be said to be in a state of martial law."

Davis nodded.

"If you do have any problem with my actions, make it so that you ask after we are finally safe. At that time, I would have no problem answering."

"Then again— I ask that if I go too far for the harem council to remind me. We want to live but not at the cost of completely turning evil, right?"


His final words resounded in their hearts, making them give their complete support to him.

That is what they loved about him. They didn't get together with an innately evil being but with a good being who only wanted to live peacefully with them.

He wasn't an Anarchic Divergent but a normal person, strictly knowing that only the relations.h.i.+p between him and the heavens were damaged and not the relations.h.i.+p between people. It was a pity that people have seen Divergents wreak havoc and trusted that Divergents were evil and that there wasn't anything they could do to change.

"Alright, chances are that the Heaven's Warriors are converging on this realm as we speak. It's only a matter of time before they find our location if we don't leave. Let's go."

Davis commanded and they all disappeared, entering the Nine-Treasured Immortal Ordeal Palace except a few who had base prowess on the Empyrean Stage.

The Nine-Treasured Immortal Ordeal Palace's s.p.a.ce wasn't strong enough to contain Empyrean-level ent.i.ties for a long period of time.

Other than Lereza, the spirit of the Nine-Treasured Immortal Ordeal Palace, only one Empyrean-level existence was the limit and two led to spatial instability, leading everyone to be thrown out or spatial collapse to occur.

This means the death of thousands of people since he was also carrying all the refugees and wild people with him.

A temporary cultivation seal wouldn't work since the person could increase their cultivation anytime, causing spatial instability. They had to be sealed until a level where they could no longer reach the Empyrean Stage in prowess.

Such a thing could only be done by Evelynn's Sealing Hex. However, the Sealing Hex completely seals one's cultivation and couldn't be used to adjust between levels, proving it to be not practical in the case they needed to deploy their forces instantly.

Hence, they could only travel openly.

Evelynn, Isabella, s.h.i.+rley, Tanya, and Stella accompanied Davis on the outside and the rest of them were all inside the Nine-Treasured Immortal Ordeal Palace. However, their line up was a bit intimidating if Immortal Emperors with tremendous prowess were to travel in a group.

Besides, the group had so many women and would attract intense attraction.

Hence, he also had Lightsky, Praezen, Founder Alstreim, and Klade accompany him on the outside. Klade was none other than Ancestor Cornelia's husband, a Burning Phoenix. They had been with him all this while.

Founder Alstreim, Klade and him were the only Immortal Kings in the group.

Five men and five women. Davis felt at least this would lessen the suspicion their group would be subjected to upon their travels.

Nonetheless, he had told all of them to prepare and Sophie created numerous black robes that were capable of concealing their appearance and cultivation from probing senses up to four levels above Level Nine Immortal Emperor Stage as long as they didn't use their cultivation.

It was instantly loved by all and worn.

Finally, Davis had Stella seal the Void Dust Sanctuary from outside interference and make it so that only she could teleport back to it. In other words, if it was found, it would start collapsing and she would be alerted.

After confirming everything was fine with the Void Dust Sanctuary, they left, heading towards the west into the Magical Beast Wildlands but their waypoint was southwest where the Earth Dragon Lower Realm was located.

Davis and the group were on a flying s.h.i.+p.

It wasn't merely a boat but a grand s.h.i.+p capable of carrying thirty people and having enough accommodation and amenities for them. It was of luxurious make, bought by Threelotus when she visited Highnode Town for spy activities.

The flying s.h.i.+p's exterior was forged from bipolar metal that s.h.i.+mmered with hues of crimson and gold, a material known for its durability and endurance. The design was sleek yet robust with intricate engravings of runes and mythical creatures adorning its sides.

The runes consisted of many engravings such as concealment, detection, and defensive measures. However, there were no offensive measures installed on the s.h.i.+p.

Only a battles.h.i.+p was licensed to have offensive measures or if a s.h.i.+p didn't have offensive measures, it was just called a s.h.i.+p instead of a battles.h.i.+p. Regardless, the engravings were all powerful at the High-Level Immortal Emperor Grade.

However, the hull was only as durable as Mid-Level Immortal Emperor Grade.

The bow of the s.h.i.+p was adorned with multiple layers of coverings in order to strengthen its defense, making it also useful for ramming but not recommended as it would just cause the s.h.i.+p to collapse.

The deck of the s.h.i.+p was s.p.a.cious, constructed from polished wood nurtured by phoenixes. They gleamed in the sunlight.

Inside, the accommodations were luxurious. Each cabin was equipped with plush beds, fine furnis.h.i.+ngs and personal storage s.p.a.ces since spatial rings were scarce. The common areas also featured tables and chairs for dining while at the end, there was a fully equipped kitchen, capable of preparing gourmet meals and even a bathhouse of hot spirit water to relax.

Davis was satisfied with the s.h.i.+p and praised Threelotus when she presented it to him when leaving, causing her to be full of joy.

Although buying such a high-grade product left a trace, Threelotus made sure to mask her ident.i.ty under another name and bought it. It wouldn't be until further that they would notice but by then, they would be long gone.

Besides, the merchant wouldn't even care as long as their goods get sold.

Their group needed this s.h.i.+p as it didn't carry any remnant undulations from the First Haven World or symbols or make from the powers they stole from in the Astral Forgeheart Minor Realm, making it a suitable vessel for them to travel.

Nonetheless, since they were traversing the Magical Beast Wildlands, Davis met with some trouble with the Feral Beasts and Magical Beasts acting up.

He didn't do anything other than bring out Scorchblaze Infernal Hydragon whom Isabella subdued and made him unleash his undulations which prevented them from being hara.s.sed.

"Hehe~ Aren't I great?"

The crimson-robed, violet-haired man laughed as he rubbed his beard, looking smug.

Davis threw his hand around his shoulder, glaring at him.

"What? Are you ready to take my father as your master?"


The Scorchblaze Infernal Hydragon's eyes shook.

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Divine Emperor of Death Chapter 3821 Departure summary

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