Divine Emperor of Death Chapter 3911 Late Arrival?

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Chapter 3911  Late Arrival?


Darkness enveloped the skies, but a figure traversed like a shooting star, breaking through the restrictions. The figure was too fast for its cultivation base, but one could see the potent aura emerging from the burning blood essence. This potent force allowed the cultivators to break past their limits and achieve greater speeds through the art of escape techniques.

However, the escape technique only lasted for a short time.

Behind him, a trio of masked pursued relentlessly, their killing intent piercing the night like daggers. They knew their prey was weakening as his aura began to flicker. Soon, his speed would also drop, and he would be a target of their poisoned daggers.

The closed in, their black robes billowing in the dark like shadows in the wind. One lifted his blade with the maneuver of a leopard appearing to leap, preparing to deliver the final blow when—


A sword materialized from thin air, shattering the's weapon effortlessly. Before any of them could react, a figure appeared, descending from above with an air of terrifying authority.

Dressed in a blue battle armor, the newcomer exuded an aura far more potent than any of them could comprehend. His black hair swayed in the wind, and his calm gaze swept across the battlefield. With a mere flick of his hand, the froze in place, their cultivation locked by an invisible force.

"The heaven and earth demands that you kill yourselves."

"Yes, Venerable Elluro Coldwing!"

The three, unbeknown to them, spoke with conviction and took up their daggers to their face, stabbing right into their forehead without a hint of hesitation.

Their souls shattered, and they fell like puppets whose strings had been cut.

Elluro Coldwing looked solemn. His expression was not good as he turned to look at Autarch Yulan Nazarin, who looked at him with shock and joy. The latter finally knew things were going to take a turn.

"Why are you escaping instead of fighting to the death? Are you still a Heaven's Warrior?"

 However, he was met with a sharp gaze, causing him to feel pressured.

"Senior Elluro, I have with me a heir to the Transcendent Truth Eyes like you. Her life is more important than my life."

"You mean the Divine Emperor of Death's little sister?" Elluro Coldwing's eyes narrowed.

"Yes, the Divine Emperor of Death declared to her that he didn't need a disobedient sister and attacked her."

"Good. Continue to protect her and explain later if it isn't important."

However, he turned around and shot away.

Autarch Yulan Nazarin took a few steps back from the force of the speed pus.h.i.+ng him away. As he burned his blood essence, he felt a bit tired, but the heaven and earth energy was actively helping him restore energy and comforting his soul, allowing him to feel at ease.

He went to a hiding spot nearby to stabilize his cultivation and prepare himself again for an attempt.

However, a few minutes later, Autarch Elluro Coldwing returned to the hiding spot, his expression sinking.

"I thought he would return to kill his little sister, but he isn't here either."

"He escaped!?" Autarch Yulan Nazarin looked shocked.


However, Autarch Elluro Coldwing's gaze made Autarch Yulan Nazarin lower his head. It was their failure and not Autarch Elluro Coldwing's fault. Autarch Yulan Nazarin wanted to explain, but he didn't believe what he saw. The entire thing was just too incredulous.

After all, the Divine Emperor of Death had just crossed his tribulation right under their noses. He should be weak because of all those injuries he should've received from the tribulation since it shouldn't have been possible for him to use that ridiculous treasure in the tribulation.

The heavens wouldn't allow that and would be met with a much more terrifying response.

However, the Divine Emperor of Death pa.s.sed his tribulation? So quickly? How?

This suddenly made him remember how the Divine Emperor of Death never showed his original strength. All he did was use the treasure, so just how strong was he?

"I checked the city. It's in ruins and currently attacked by Vacuous Beasts, but the realm rulers are taking care of them. There's no sign of the Divine Emperor of Death. I will check for some more time before joining the Vacuous Beast Sweep. Until then, gather half the forces and give aid to the Obsidian Citadel. I'll gather the other half and lead the search."


Autarch Yulan Nazarin was wondering when Autarch Elluro Coldwing spoke, causing him to cup his hands and bow his head.

The two of them returned to the ruined city and, from there on, separated into a hunting party and a search party.

However, it was all in vain.

The search party returned and helped clean the Vacuous Beasts and sealed the vortex with immense effort. After that, the troubles finally faded, leaving them finally able to care for each other.

Empyrean Miller Skyrend was already receiving the highest treatment he could receive.

At this moment, Autarch Elluro Coldwing appeared inside the chamber where he was being treated and opened his mouth.

"Death energy in his body, dissipate."

His Mandate Laws emerged and struck Empyrean Miller Skyrend like a sword, cleaving the impurity out of him. The latter shuddered crazily in the bed before ultimately stopping and slowly opening his eyes, the depths of his soul filled with fright.

He gasped for breath upon waking up and slowly turned to look at Autarch Elluro Coldwing. He knew this person had saved him, but he didn't know what he could say as everything that had happened was beyond his power. He even tried committing suicide to bring down the Divine Emperor of Death but it didn't work. Instead, he was injected with death energy and left to die.

However, he wasn't killed.

This begged the question of why he was left alive. To painfully die? Or was it to make him a walking slave instead of a dead slave like the other two Peak Autarchs?

He couldn't tell. He also suspected that it was for his little sister, but then, the anger and rage behind his voice seemed to be genuine. Even the attack was genuine, gravely injuring Clara. Would a Divergent even need to act? It was not the case with most, but he guessed it was true since the Divine Emperor of Death was also said to be a master of disguises.

In truth, no one knew he came here until he revealed himself at the last moment.

Then again, it could just be a case of a temperamental outburst between siblings and the Divine Emperor of Death, who changed his mind at the last second and just decided to undergo his tribulation. However, he didn't believe such acting could occur.

One was an Anarchic Divergent, and the other was a Heaven's Warrior. They were fated to kill each other, and he guessed that their presence would finally make it possible for them to point daggers at each other.

His gaze refocused, and he looked at Autarch Elluro Coldwing, straining to report what had happened so far before he finally asked.

"You could've come here sooner, your highness. Why the delay?"

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Divine Emperor of Death Chapter 3911 Late Arrival? summary

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