Divine Emperor of Death Chapter 3961 Resource Route Established

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Chapter 3961  Resource Route Established

Davis and Mingzhi both thought about the Void Dimension.

They could only imagine what kind of place it was like, not having a single idea about it. However, since it concerned s.p.a.ce, they thought it guarded the universe from collapsing on itself as a whole. After all, every Dimension had some kind of imperative in the universe, such as the Reincarnation Dimension overseeing the rebirth of souls.

Even the Time Divergent, Kronos Alistair, had access to the Time Dimension with his unique divergent physique. Despite the immense restriction on Time Laws, it was what allowed him to go back in time with his memories upon death.

Even the mysterious four who visited to warn him about his eventual demise came from another timeline, which shouldn't have been possible, but they could have pa.s.sed through the Time Dimension.

From this, it could be seen the Time Dimension oversees the restriction of different timelines, making it so that only a single timeline exists at any point in the universe except in the Time Dimension.

Of course, Mingzhi had little idea, but Davis could see more.

He imagined the Void Dimension suppressed prowess in the third layer so that the third layer doesn't collapse. It was a heavy restriction, one that not even the heavens may not be able to influence. However, he wouldn't go as far as to say it was absolute since the World Master was able to elude it and remain in the Lower Realms.

However, he didn't know what kind of cultivation base and prowess she currently possessed after having her soul struck by divine punishment lightning, so he was unable to make an a.s.sessment.

"It should be the Void Dimension…"

Davis nodded lightly, "We will eventually know when we make our way to that level. For now, see to it that Taiwu provides us with what we want. Establish communication lines through the intelligence network created by Metenoa. We should be able to immensely benefit from this endeavor as long as we don't get royally screwed by the Heaven's Warriors."

Mingzhi raised her brows in an unamused manner to hear him give her one more task, but as she continued hearing, she saw how he connected it all already, making her amused, "True. Leave it to me."

Even she loved the benefits.

And making sure she oversaw this personally meant she would have control over what kind of goods came into the family.

She couldn't help but imagine everyone coming to her and kowtowing to ask for resources.

As she drooled, Lea suddenly appeared before her.

"Mingzhi, is there any chance I could help you?"

"…" Mingzhi blinked.

"Since Calypsea is behaving right now, I have more free time on my hands, and as a head of the External Affairs Department, I should be overseeing communications and trade, but since you handle communications with your intelligence network, I would like to handle the trade. I a.s.sume that will reduce the burden on you, and if you do give me this role, I will be glad to take on this opportunity to support the family."

"…" Mingzhi inwardly cried, 'Farewell, my wealthy villainess aspirations…'

She reached out her hand and grabbed Lea's hands, shooting her a wonderful smile, "I would be glad to have you by my side. No matter how astute I am, I will make mistakes. In those times, I will need someone like you to make sure that I don't screw up badly."

"Thank you." Lea smiled, "Please show me the ropes. I was the Sect Master, but I didn't handle the financial aspects of the sect."

"Aha~" Mingzhi giggled, "I'm not an expert in this field either. However, I do know a thing or two about trading and finance, so let's explore this matter together."

"Excellent~" Lea nodded.

Davis blinked.

The two of them seemed excited to push a slave around and work him to death. After all, it was Taiwu who was going to see the majority of the work while they made sure nothing went wrong from Taiwu's end to theirs.

He turned to look at s.h.i.+rley and consoled her that he wouldn't be leaving for the Upper Realms.

He knew they were shaken when he accepted to be the Fifth Dark Apostle, which meant there was also a good chance that he would leave for the Upper Realms. After all, cultivation was foremost to cultivators. All other things came secondary.

Although they knew Davis put family first, irrational fears were always present.

Davis, as a man married to many women, knew irrational fears affected women more than men since women were more emotional. He knew how to console them and even took joy in it since it made him feel needed. They couldn't bear to see him leave, and he enjoyed seeing their dull expressions blossom with a cute, adorable smile.

"Help… please help…"

"Holy s.h.i.+t!"

Mingzhi jumped and instinctively sent a flying kick, causing Taiwu to be sent flying.

His head flew all the way to the walls and crashed, causing him to fall down after a truly sickening thud.

Taiwu didn't move. He seemed to be crying on the floor, realizing that his fate was going to be like this from now on... getting stomped under the heels of a woman.


Mingzhi felt bad. Taiwu was almost like a severed head ghost appearing behind her. It spooked her beyond compare. Lea giggled. She walked over and began talking in a refined yet cold manner to Taiwu, telling him to get up and seclude himself for a while as punishment while his avatar needed to take over.

They didn't choose to heal him.

They needed him to realize that they were not hiring him but giving him a punishment— to be of use to them and prove himself.

However, just beating with the stick wasn't good. They needed to aware him some carrots too.

"If you can make us realize your worth, not only will we heal you completely, but we can also ensure that you make significant progress in your cultivation base. If you think we're lying, just imagine how powerful we are while we're still Immortal Emperors."

"…" Taiwu's eyes glazed.

The one in front of them was a true Empress who radiated an Emperor-Tier Aura. He couldn't even look at her eyes anymore for fear of offending her graceful and high imperial birth. However, he could see himself becoming more powerful with them, something he didn't dare to dream of as after he entered the Autarch Stage, he knew how painful it was just to increase a single level.

He was a Level One Autarch, but his prowess was two levels higher. He could be said to be a genius, but his genius was built on mountains of resources he collected in the four hundred thousand years he lived. Therefore, for him to make an improvement in his level would mean his prowess reached the Mid Autarch Stage.

That's why he still wasn't able to make an improvement, as the steepness vastly increased again between Early Stage and Mid Stage.

Eventually, he brought his head to hand and stood up.

His headless body stood straight while he held his head in his arms.

"I will forever be your loyal slave, Divine Emperor of Death."

Davis simply nodded with a cold look.

At this moment, the storage keeper finally came with the resources that Mingzhi told him to steal. After he gave it to Mingzhi, he blinked, looking confused as to what he had just done before he realized the graveness of the situation as he stared at the severed head of Master Taiwu and the severed body of Young Master Taiwu.

"You know what to do." Davis eyed Taiwu.

"Yes, your eminence!"

Taiwu instantly moved. His body glowed with a radiant light, but his arm undulated with a dense might. He struck the storage keeper's head, killing him in one move as his head exploded. At the same time, he waved his other hand, causing all the bodyguards to be squashed in the places they stood as they were unable to withstand the mountainous pressure of his earthen technique.

He erased all witnesses and went down on his knees.

"All those resources are my personal gift to you, master!"

"I'm starting to see why I spared you…"

Davis nodded with a light smile.

Mingzhi's lips curled, knowing Taiwu wouldn't betray them if he was this eager. Under two Heart Intent surveys, there was no way they would let betrayal happen unless something significant happened to Taiwu that caused an intrinsic change in his mind. To make sure that never occurred, Davis gave Taiwu his most delicious carrot.

Davis walked and appeared in front of Young Master Reiwu, his palm bursting with pure white radiance.

In the next few seconds, Young Master Reiwu recovered his entire body, and the entire process made Taiwu shudder. He didn't imagine an evil being could be in possession of such healing prowess. Of course, he knew the Divine Emperor of Death was capable of using life energy from the rumors, but to see it with his own eyes was truly sky-shattering, making his common sense crumble further.

At the same time, Davis and Mingzhi knew from their Heart Intent that Taiwu even started feeling immensely grateful to them for healing his son back to health.

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Divine Emperor of Death Chapter 3961 Resource Route Established summary

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