War Grounds 32 Wisdoom Vs. Burning Orien

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[Team WisDOOM vs. Team Burning Orient]

The system interface showed the match up after giving a brief description of the 'Battle Type.'

In 'Ranked Mode-Party', Team Leaders may edit their party's name, instead of using the default label, set by the system - 'Team A' or 'Team B.'

So, if the party's chosen name does not appear in the 'Ranked Mode-Party,' this means that they were lucky to be matched against random players.

Although players will not be able to view the individual profiles of their opponents at the start of the game, by judging the name of the party, they could make a rough guess of the other side's strength.


Five circular green pillars of light appeared in a clearing surrounded by varying sizes of tombs. The area was connected to three lanes: left, middle, and right.

Macca, SwitchFoot, CancerIsLife, Papa Bear, and Udil, simultaneously appeared in their sp.a.w.n point.

Al immediately surveyed his new-found teammates.

The blue-skinned orc, wearing a brown bear's head as a helmet, was no other than Papa Bear. He looked better than his previous encounter with Al; his weapon and armor were upgraded.

Macca was a scrawny white-skinned goblin, wearing red leather armor, and armed with an ordinary-looking wooden bow.

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SwitchFoot's character was bizarre. His head was that of a black horse, but his body was that of a human, covered with numerous runes and markings - a humanoid horse wielding two silver daggers!

Savage Races, or commonly known as 'shapes.h.i.+fters' in the game, were unique characters.

You'll rarely find similar & good-looking Savage players.

Al's gaze finally stopped on the smallest of the group, a dwarf cloaked in white, holding a wooden ankh - CancerIsLife!

Udil and CancerIsLife happened to gaze at each other at the same time. Immediately, a spark of friction was ignited between the two's line of sight.

Al gritted his teeth. There were many things that his mind was currently juggling - the map's features, the ident.i.ty of his opponents, and now their healer has to be someone who has trust issues with him!

(T___T) Al wanted to cry.

'Burning Orient, huh?' As usual, the talkative Papa Bear broke the silence.

With a confident sound and worry-free face, Al immediately deduced that Papa Bear was utterly negligent of the magnitude of what they're about to face.

"Let's smash some skulls! Charge!" Without any drama, Papa Bear immediately rushed towards the middle lane.

"Hey! Where's your friend going?" CancerIsLife immediately growled. "We need to plan first! Hey!"

Papa Bear was grinning; the vision of slaughter and victory had blinded him. All he could see was the path ahead. Charge to the enemies!

Macca sent out a message in the party chat, but it was to no avail.

"d.a.m.n! After him!" Jack, the unofficial team leader, who was controlling Macca commanded.

"Tsk! What's the use of a tank if he can't properly coordinate with his teammates? Bunch of dead weights!" Pat rolled his eyes as he joined the chase.

Meanwhile, Al wanted to squeeze his brains.

How unlucky! They were pitted against the famous guild - Burning Orient or better known as the 'House of the Strongest Divine Players'!

Fifty was the current limit of members that Burning Orient could recruit. The same issue constrained the other high-ranking guilds.

As a response, these guilds started to branch out, creating guilds after guilds with different names, but under the same banner to increase their group's manpower and area of influence. Meanwhile, those who have more resources started their training camp in the real world, cultivating their prodigies or promising players for future use.

The fact that Al's team was currently facing Burning Orient in the Rookie Rank means that they're facing the trainees of the main guild. Nevertheless, this bunch will be well-geared and skilled.

Al tried his best to remember the bonus effects of Fireflies' Graveyard: the 'Firefly Oil,' 'Black Bible,' 'Instant Salve,' and the traps triggered after each designated time limit. However, he's not sure if the same features were still applicable in this map as the arrangement was different from before.

There were no fireflies in the area of Al, so it was partly dark. Only the three white skeletal towers could be seen from a distance.

In the entire gaming history of Al, this was his first time to join a five-person party match. He was always a solo-player by no choice. The same thing applies to his other four teammates. They have no idea of the most efficient tactics available for this type of mode.

Meanwhile, the team from Burning Orient was in a complete opposite of WisDOOM's situation. As soon as they appeared on the map, they immediately surveyed their surroundings. Colorful fireflies dimly lighted the area around them. They could see three towering white towers, each situated on the left, middle, and right directions. At the center of their sp.a.w.n point was a white diamond-shaped crystal - the Power Source!

The five members were geared in colors of blue and white. They were obviously nurtured and sponsored by a powerful guild. However, something was amiss with their team composition - there was no healer!

"Alright! Get into formation and activate the 'Angel's Blessing'!" A boy clothed in a blue coat and hat commanded.

The other four members immediately moved, forming a circle.

Angel's Blessing!

A white hexagram appeared beneath the group, the light coming from it enveloped everyone. Suddenly, a pair of white wings spurted out of everyone's back.

(Angel's Blessing) (Unique Pa.s.sive Skill) - Increases Health Regeneration by 5% of Max HP per second. Requires at least five Divine Races to be activated.

With this pa.s.sive skill, the team would no longer need a healer. They could afford to clash with their opponents in a battle of attrition. However, the same thing could not be said if it was a quick battle of bursts and wits.

"Good! Proceed to your respective lanes just as what we have practiced. Keep watch of the group chat and always coordinate. Move!" The acting team leader, named Zaito, instructed as he dashed towards the middle lane.

It was an unexpected rematch!

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War Grounds 32 Wisdoom Vs. Burning Orien summary

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