War Grounds 35 Dance Of Fireflies

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Udil pried open the stone coffin that looked like a mini-treasure box. It was half-buried in the muddy gra.s.s floor. Floating inside were three luminous golden fireflies, illuminating the dark and hollow s.p.a.ce with bright light. Their forms were somehow slimy as golden oil dripped from their glutinous bodies.

[You have discovered three 'Firefly Oils']

A system pop-up immediately appeared on Al's screen. The boy grinned. It seemed that the map's features were still the same despite the change in arrangement and battle type. He immediately grabbed the insects.

'Firefly Oil' - Increases Fire Elemental Damage by 40% for three minutes upon consumption. Users will receive zero damage from any form of fire elemental attacks within the duration of the buff.

Thirty seconds to go, and the fireflies will dance.

Meanwhile, the sound of nearby footsteps could be heard from the distance. It came from the increasing wave of humanoid fireflies led by a player in a blue and white cotton tunic.

Character: JanuaryEmbers

Level: 8

Rank: Rookie I

Race: Divine

Cla.s.s: Mage

Judging by the similar level and rank among the members of Burning Orient, one could say that they were a solid party. United they stand, united they fall.

'It's time to test this weapon,' Al was smiling. It was the first time that he did not feel any dread in a match. In his character's hand was a gla.s.s tube, covered by a black cap. The content of the container was a silver blood.


Bloodborne was uncapped.

The silver blood inside the tube quivered with life. It twisted to and fro before shooting out of the gla.s.s. It seemed to be alive as it wriggled in the air, growing in size until its shape became that of a bow.

[Bloodborne - Bow Form]

Udil was amazed. He slowly extended his right hand to reach out for the weapon.

The entire bow was made from a stream of silver blood, endlessly circulating through the whole form. It seemed to be in a liquid state, but Al was able to get a hold of it.

'Amazing!' Al could feel the power flowing through the weapon. However, when he tried checking its stats, all he got was a series of '???'.

'Nevermind.' Al chuckled as he willed the weapon to change form - flamberge! The bow immediately changed shape, forming a wavy blade, made from streams of silver blood.

[Bloodborne - Flamberge Form]

'Hehe. Nice! Let's do this.' Udil wielded the sword as he slowly made his way through the stack of coffins, making sure that his movements were concealed. He was already on the edge of the maze, nearing the left lane.
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Meanwhile, towering pillars of flames could be seen nearby. It was a sign of a magic-oriented enemy. Udil immediately found an excellent spot to survey the situation.

JanuaryEmbers instantly got the attention of Al. The former was wielding a pestle-shaped staff. It was short. However, the red flames coming out of it were enormous.

"There's still no enemy here in the left lane. Should I continue pus.h.i.+ng, and head for their power-source? It seems that they're a bunch of noobs." Embers posted in their group chat.

"Hold on for now, and just continue clearing the wave of creeps. I'm getting a bad feeling about the two players that have not yet appeared. Stay alert against ambushes." Zaito quickly replied.

'Ten seconds left.' Meanwhile, Udil was still perched on top of a tomb, safely observing Embers from a nearby, but hidden location. He was waiting for the match's time to reach the three-minute mark.

Ffrrrrrkkk! What Al was waiting for had finally arrived.

The chilly cold air was suddenly filled with the buzzing of insects. Many fireflies in red colors suddenly appeared out of nowhere, causing a red-light dim on the dark skyline.

"Hey! What's the situation over there? There's a lot of red fireflies here in the left lane! Is this a map feature?" Embers immediately reported.



Two confirmations, coming from Zaito and Zhahk, immediately popped up from the group chat.

All of the players in the map was momentarily mesmerized by the red dots blotting the night sky. However, the majestic scene was just fleeting as it immediately turned into havoc - the insects dived toward the nearest targets!

"s.h.i.+t! It's damage-effect!" Zhahk cursed in the group chat as the fireflies unveiled his stealth.

"Pests!" Meanwhile, in the mid lane, Papa Bear growled as numerous tiny red objects pestered his vision. The blue electric particles around his body could not wholly get rid of the fireflies as they continued to swarm over him.

"Haha! Your eyes are swirling, Orc! Now, die!" At the same time, Pilades, who had the buff of 'Angel's Blessing' and robust innate health recovery, easily endured the damage over time from the fireflies. He immediately jumped to slam his spiky bucklers toward Papa Bear.

Each of the red fireflies was causing true damage of 1% HP per three seconds to their targets.

"d.a.m.n!" Papa Bear finally retreated as he found it challenging to swat the insects. In connection, he coincidentally evaded the attack of Pilades and left the turret's attack range. "CancerIsLife! What the h.e.l.l are you doing? Heal me! Huh? Hey, kid! What are you doing over there?" He finally noticed Zaito and the predicament of the dwarf. "How dare you bully my healer! You don't do that behind me!"

Undivided Strike!

Papa Bear was suddenly covered in a white aura. It was his weapon's hidden active skill!

The orc's body transformed into a streak of blue lightning, instantly striking Zaito.


Meanwhile, in the right lane, SwitchFoot and Zhahk found themselves in an awkward position. They were actually nearby each other, when their stealth suddenly faded, due to the indiscriminate attacks of the fireflies.

After a split second of an unprepared standoff, their daggers immediately bit each other. However, SwitchFoot had the upper hand as arrows rained down behind him, freely striking the Divine before him.

"The fourth player finally made an appearance! He's a horse-looking! He's here in my lane! I need a.s.sistance!" Zhahk immediately reported in their team chat. Macca, the goblin, was freely bullying him with arrows.

Going back to the left lane.

Previously, when Al felt the vibration in the air caused by the sudden appearance of numerous fireflies, he immediately grinned. He took out a 'Firefly Oil' and squeezed it. The yellowish lubricant from the item transformed into a fiery gold aura that washed over his body. In addition, he activated 'Piston Lungs.'

He was blazing on fire!


Udil disappeared from his scouting spot and instantly appeared in between the creeps and JanuaryEmbers' formation. The Divine Mage happened to be occupied in burning the attacking fireflies, when Al appeared, catching him off guard.

"Hi! Sorry if you got bored waiting for me!" Al grinned.


Al activated his favorite 'Warrior' skill!

The flamberge in his hand glowed in red as he entered a berserk mode. He gracefully executed a series of wild slashes, cutting those around him. His strokes showed that he was an experienced user of the skill. One could say that Al's favorite weapon was a sword. In addition, the fireflies seemed to dance with him as each of his attacks left fiery traces of crimson particles.

It was a beautiful scenery that was deadly for those who were caught up in the range of the skill.

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War Grounds 35 Dance Of Fireflies summary

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