War Grounds 55 The Wolf Who Cried Help

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Things did not go as what the Brotherhood of s.h.i.+rtless Punks had intended.


Previously, before the grey wolf cried for help.

"Karrie, you may start now." Cyber Husky, who was already in his wolf form commanded.

"Aye." The Savage Mage, whose appearance was now of a black bulldog, responded.

Solar Wind!

Karrie's brown owl wings that protruded from his muscular black body slowly flapped as it gathered a circular formation of hot winds.


With a deep growl, the intensely hot ball of wind shot forward towards the entrance of the tunnel that was covered with cobwebs.

"TicTab, do your thing now! Pork, prepare to receive the aggro of the boss! Karrie cast your s.h.i.+eld skill to Porkchop now!" Cyber Husky simultaneously sent a series of commands upon the release of the mage's skill.

The finespun network of webs sizzled upon the contact of Solar Wind - an opening!

"Now!" Cyber Husky shouted towards the, TicTab, who was also in his beast form - a white cat with a pair of black wings belonging to a bat. Their plan was starting to unfold, and the first stage involved the ambush of Udil.

TicTab immediately entered into a stealth mode, das.h.i.+ng towards the tunnel's entrance.

Cyber Husky has a.n.a.lyzed the area. If they wanted to get through the tunnel, they'd have to destroy the weaved silk cover. Unfortunately, it was connected to all the webs in the dungeon. As a consequence, the slumbering monster finally woke up.

Before the Savage could even reach the entrance, he found himself blocked by a humongous spider - Portia!

'So fast! It can see through invisibility?' TicTab hesitated. The figure that suddenly appeared before him was definitely agitated. They had underestimated its movement speed. However, before he could even ask for a piece of advice, he already knew the answer as a pair of sharp claws loomed before his spot, intending to impale him.


The limestone floor cracked, and the dungeon shook. TicTab successfully dodged the attack as he shot forward between the legs of the enormous spider. However, something appalling suddenly happened.

Portia's huge golden rock salt abdomen cracked beneath as a humanoid spider topsy-turvily appeared. The monster's upper body was that of a bulky human warrior, but its head was that of a golden tarantula covered in orange fur.

"Intruders! Die!" Euophrys screeched as its mouth sputtered multiple b.a.l.l.s of venomous green webs that shackled the invisible TicTab.

The's HP immediately decreased by 60%. In an instant, he lost more than half of his life.

"d.a.m.n! This dungeon is crazy! Retreat!" Cyber Husky immediately advised upon checking the profile of the new boss that unexpectedly appeared from Portia's body.

[Euophrys, Level 40, Spider King]

Wind s.h.i.+eld!

A spherical wind suddenly enveloped the restrained white cat, shredding into pieces the seemingly venomous green webs that had covered him. The s.h.i.+eld skill came from Karrie. It should have been for Porkchop, but things have gone awry.

The group ran back from where they came from only to find it blocked by boulders of rock salts. Forward is the only path left.

"Husk, what should we do?" Porkchop, who was in his brown boar form, asked.

Portia, with Euophrys mounting on her, was already ravaging the group, and all they could do was a dodge. No one dared to parry the melee attacks of the Spider Queen nor the venomous shots of the Spider King.

"We could only hope that they will help us! Charge!" Cyber Husky gritted his fangs as he led his group towards the dark tunnel, guarded by the two bosses.


Cyber Husky twisted in the air as multiple silver chains shot out of his metallic armor. The connected steel links wrapped around the enormous body of Portia. It was a crowd control skill.

"Pork! Help me! This won't last long! TicTab and Karrie, charge now!" The grey wolf howled.

"Aye!" The brown boar snorted as his blunt snout brewed a gooey green substance. Meanwhile, TicTab and Karrie charged ahead towards the shackled spider with full trust to their teammates that were supporting them from behind.

Nasal Phlegm!

The Savage Berserker discharged multiple thick green mucus that covered the eight longs legs of Portia. With the help of Cyber Husky's chains, the extraordinarily large body of the Spider Queen struggled to move.

However, the mounted King, who was now on the upper part of Portia's abdomen, was still continuously spitting out its attacks toward Karrie and TicTab. Fortunately, the two were agile in their beast form as they dodged the range attacks.
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When the two were just five body units away from the entrance that was guarded by the shackled spider, they felt nervous. It was just like grabbing a golden ring from the mouth of a monster. Fortunately, they were able to safely pa.s.s through the legs of Portia before she broke through the chains.

"Husk! Pork!" Karrie shouted as he glanced back to his previous location. The enormous body of the Spider Queen was now the dividing line between the members of the Brotherhood of s.h.i.+rtless Punks.

Cyber Husky's lupine features were grim. "Pork, charge through as I make an opening." The grey wolf advised.

"Nah. We'll come through together. Come!" The boar's small eyes glimmered with confidence despite his remaining 40% HP.

"Haha. You're really a wild berserker, Pork. What's the plan?" The grey wolf grinned in front of the spider that was quickly closing in.

"s.h.i.+rtless punks be s.h.i.+rtless punks! Time to wreak some havoc on the other side. We should invite them to what you have previously planned. Charge through! I'll take care of that monster's aggro. Follow me!" Porkchop confidently answered, referring to the other team.

Steel Bones!

Skills in War Grounds were not unique, except those that came from hidden and forged equipment or weapon.

The boar's coat of brown fur bristled upon the skill's activation as he mightily charged to meet the Spider Queen and King. Cyber Husky followed from behind, the metallic plates that were covering his wolf-body were starting to reform into a colossal pair of mechanical hands.

Steel Trusses!


Porkchop was able to keep Portia and Euophrys busy while dodging the duo's attacks, allowing Cyber Husky's grab skill to come through. The mechanical arms lifted the humongous spider and threw it aside - an opening!

Porkchop and Cyber Husky immediately rushed toward the tunnel. It was then that the dungeon shook and the system blared.

[Players have angered Portia, the Spider Queen. Prepare to feel the wrath of the House of Euophrys!]

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War Grounds 55 The Wolf Who Cried Help summary

You're reading War Grounds. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): SilentMild. Already has 307 views.

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