LEGENDARY GUARDIAN 183 Chapter 183: Driving Away Gyro's Enemies


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The forces of the various kingdoms gritted their teeth in rage when they heard Francis' comment but none dared to make a move against these masters of Gyro. Chances are if they all joined hands to clash with the masters of Gyro, they will be obliterated in a matter of minutes and even if by chance a miracle occurs and they win, they will pay a b.l.o.o.d.y price in exchange for victory.

This is an outcome they are not mentally prepared for!

They could only curse these people in silence while they waited for the order of their superiors. While this happened, Kaido and Diana stood together, contemplating their next move. In their own personal opinion, as hosts of the three most powerful cosmic spirits, no one at the same grade and realm with them could defeat them, not even the hosts of the guardian spirits. But the presence of two gold realm undead, one even possessing the power of a cosmic spirit is something they cannot overlook. Ultimately, if this battle should take place, they will most likely end up losing their lives in a pitiful way. For now, they can only retreat in silence and wait for a perfect moment to strike later.

"If only Crystal was here… we would have been able to skin that death mage alive without much worry" Diana said coldly while gazing at Derik. She obviously did not have a good impression of him.


Meanwhile, Derik and the others remained there, standing in midair while they patiently waited for the troops of the various kingdoms to retreat but to their greatest surprise, these people were not convinced enough… Yet!

"I guess our presence is not enough to move them… we should show them our power" Cyrus said with a calm expression as if he could tell the outcome of this event today.

"I agree… since I have more terrifying techniques, I'll go first" Derik smiled back and flew forward towards the various forces fearlessly.

Seeing this, the hearts of many skipped a bit and they had a sudden urge to retreat but they couldn't move an inch without the orders from high ranked officers. The so-called higher ranked officers were mere silver realm experts, under the influence of Derik's murderous intentions they could not move a muscle.

"Didn't I ask you all to leave?" Derik roared, bringing the darkness with him as he approached.

"Reckless!" Diana was enraged by Derik's act and instantly dashed towards him with murderous intentions. She waved her hands and deadly silver aura burst out of her body, racing towards Derik.

"Moon magic: Moonlight!" Diana's eyes let out a silver glow and a ma.s.sive beam of silver light parted the clouds, descending on Derik.

"Ha! Mediocre! Death magic: Deathray!!" Derik laughed out loud as his death aura burst out violently. From his mouth which was left wide open came a beam of death aura which collided with the silver beam.

"Hahahaha! If this is the best the moon cosmic spirit host can do, then I believe she should quit!" Derik laughed hysterically while approaching Diana with wicked eyes.

"You!" Diana bit her succulent pink lips in anger after she heard Derik's comment, gathering her silver aura.

"You forced my hands! Moon magic: Three worlds collide!" She roared and three silver rings appeared around her, surrounding Derik a mere instant!

"Form… shatter!" She roared and Derik was dragged higher into the sky by an unknown force. The three rings soon expanded before taking the shape of three ma.s.sive moons. The size of these moon's put Cyrus guardian weapon to shame, only the deity, Aldora was slightly inferior to the size of these three moons.


The three moons soon began moving. They were attracted to Derik who was at the center, ignoring everything else. Derik frantically tried to escape the encirclement by an invisible for prevented him from leaving.

"Hahahahahahahaha! Nothing can hold me… Necromancer path: Legion!" Derik roared and the thousands of souls under the army of the dead shot into the air, slamming into Derik's body. The black hairs on his head turned white almost in an instant, standing up all at once, thereby giving him a special spiky shape, coupled with his blood-red eyes which gave him a vicious look. His skin color turned pale and numerous strange green symbols could be seen all over his body, from it tiny green flames the which took the form of skulls escaped from the gaps, dancing around his body while letting out a cold ear-piercing cry. Further away from the main body was a green mist that surrounded Derik, making it difficult for them to see his main body. This green mist released numerous skull-like creatures that let out numerous cries and pleas while circling around Derik's body.

"Kill me? With this? I think not!" Derik laughed hysterically as hurricanes, lightning typhoons and fire tornados surrounded him in an instant, a.s.saulting the three moons heading towards him. Soon Derik was completely blocked off from everyone's vision, all that could be seen were gusts of winds, lightning, and flames, flickering everywhere, coupled with his domineering laughter which echoed everywhere.

Derik's sudden transformation stunned everyone and the power he showcased soon after left everyone dazed for a while. To think that the death mage possesses such an ability! Those who initially doubted his abilities began to reconsider. They finally accepted the possibility that Aldora may have fallen at his hands.




Visible cracks began appearing on the three moons and more lightning, wind, and flames escaped the gaps between the moons, las.h.i.+ng out fiercely at anything close by.

"How?" Diana's face was paler than usual and she slowly retreated, increasing the distance between herself and Derik.

"Want to flee? I think not! Since you are here, there is no reason for you to leave so quickly!" Derik's voice resonated from the location of the three moons and his already enormous power spiked even further.

"Break!" Derik roared and streaks of purple lightning diffused from his body, piercing the three moons fiercely!


Derik's body escaped the shattered moons, shooting towards Diana like a spear with murderous intentions.

"Haaaaaa!" Derik's body was already surrounded by numerous streaks of lighting and wind combined as he moved, arriving in front of the moon's cosmic spirit host in mere seconds with a vicious smile lingering on his face.

"Die!" Derik muttered, tightening his grip on the death scythe as he hacked down at Diana.



A ma.s.sive shockwave occurred which sent Diana flying back by a few meters, leaving Derik and an enrage Kaido in her place. On his hands were his growth type magic weapon which he used to defend against Derik's death scythe. Beads of sweat rolled down his head as he could feel the auras of thousands of people diffusing from Derik's body. At this point he could even hear the cries and pleas of every one of these people in his head, it felt like a foreign force was trying to invade his mind and break his consciousness.

"Didn't they tell you it's a death sentence when you fight against the death mage in close quarters? Hahaha, shatter apart! Death magic: Shriek of the dead!" Derik laughed as he spoke and the vicious smile on his bloomed even more.


The cries and screams resonating from Derik's body got louder and louder, put to a point where Kaido could not bear it anymore. Under the a.s.sault of over a thousand undead, even the great guardian knight of the sun could only resist for just a few seconds.


His grip on his broadsword loosened as he spat out a ma.s.sive amount of blood with a trembling body. Blood rolled down his eyes, nose, and ears and it looked like he would fall to the ground at any moment.

"Get out of my sight!" Derik snorted disdainfully with his right fist clenched. His muscles began bulging and veins kept popping out as he summoned all the physical strength of the guardian knights amongst his army of the dead, coupled with his already enhanced strength.



Bone shattering sounds could be heard as Derik's fist slammed into the golden knight's armor of Kaido, ultimately sending him flying towards the Cato forces uncontrollably.

"No…" Diana screamed as she hastily rushed to help Kaido break his fall.

Just in a few exchanges, two out of the three heroes of legends were defeated by the death mage in a domineering fas.h.i.+on. Even those on Derik's side did not think it would go so smoothly! They were overjoyed and impressed by this outcome.

"The heroes of legend are meant to be the protectors of this world when the threat appears… You two have enough time to partic.i.p.ate in c.r.a.ppy activities like this, yet you cannot make enough time to improve your strength… You are still the same as you were the last time we fought Kaido… I must be honest here, I am disappointed…" Derik gazed at the two defeated cosmic spirit hosts disdainfully as he spoke.

"At a time like this, this world requires capable fighters… talented mages! I killed the Lightning guardian spirit host because she failed to properly utilize the gifts of the guardian spirits… improving at a very slow pace. Hopefully, the next host of the lightning guardian spirit will be more capable or else he or she will face the same fate. As for the two of you… I won't mind ending the lives of two incompetent heroes if you fail to meet up to my expectations… The next time we clash, I will be fighting to kill… hopefully, you won't make the same mistake Zaylee made…" Derik said with a firm look.

He s.h.i.+fted his gaze towards the Lizardmen forces and his eyes scanned through them as if he was looking for someone. His eyes suddenly let out a purple flashed and he nodded with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Not bad…" Derik said while he gazed at Ahika

Ahika frowned slightly, he felt uncomfortable under Derik's gaze.

"Begone… all of you… Gyro has new and capable protectors… even an allied force will not be able to make it past us… so don't bother trying…" Derik snorted disdainfully. He turned his back on the various forces of the kingdoms and vanished.

Cyrus and the rest had vicious smiles on their faces as well become very visible. They nodded in agreement with Derik's words and vanished as well.

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LEGENDARY GUARDIAN 183 Chapter 183: Driving Away Gyro's Enemies summary

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