LEGENDARY GUARDIAN 73 Chapter 73: Little Gyro


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Donald seemed confused as he stared at the bald guardian knight recruit prepare for a long and bitter battle. He gazed at this man for a few seconds and then rolled his eyes.
s.h.i.+fting his attention to Derik and the other members of the team, he saw that they too were confused by these man's weird words and actions. What did he mean by that? Does he really believe that a poor combination of multiple low leveled Bronze combat techniques can compare with Donald's mid level Bronze combat technique? Like h.e.l.l, even Kira and Karl would put in their all if they wish to match Donald in his current form, yet this bald b.a.s.t.a.r.d dares to mock him with such a statement?
"Cripple him!" Cyrus was the one who spoke out first and was also the one annoyed the most. He spent a great portion of his power and time in the past year trying to help save Donald who was always in a critical condition for a full year, yet this person dared to talk down at him in this manner.
It's like saying an unsheathed sword is as sharp as a sheathed sword. Why would someone make sure a hasty decision when he is yet to see the blade of the sheathed sword before comparing. The same can be related to this situation now, ever since Donald entered this form, he was yet to reveal a fraction of the power that this form grants yet these people dare compare him to the bald guardian knight recruit who was obviously pumping out all the power in him.
This false speculation vexed Cyrus to the core. It was like saying he wasted a year, helping his team cultivate a power that can be easily toppled by a few low leveled bronze combat techniques. SUCH INSOLENCE!
With a nod, Donald walked towards the bald haired man. His eyes were cold as he approached and it seemed like he was the only one in the room
"If you can stand take my next attack standing… I'll admit defeat" Donald said indifferently.
Hearing his words, the bald guardian knight nodded and roared, instantly his strength skyrocketed and his aura doubled. His companions roared as well, pouring more mana into their spells, increasing his power even further. The man's figure was soon shrouded in multiple colored energies and his voice echoed across the room
"Come!!!!" Everyone watching was shaken by the sudden development and soon stood up with their drinks in their hands while they moved farther from the combatants.
Seeing this sudden outburst of power from this strange team, Donald only raised an eyebrow but his expression remained stiff. He kept walking towards the bald guardian knight steadily and when he was just a few meters away from him his right hand began trembling as powerful faint light energy escaped from it and soon shrouded his fist completely.
As the target of the attack, the bald guardian knight suddenly felt the cruel blade of the grim reapers scythe on his throat and he quickly cried out but before he could finish his words, Donald's figure had already vanished, reappearing right in front of him

"Shatter!!" Donald roared and punched out
Numerous gla.s.s shattering sounds occurred first as all the forms of defensive measures placed around his body quickly shattered as soon as Donalds first came in contact with them. The bald guardian knight soon spat out a mouthful of blood as soon as the punch broke through his skin of iron defense and struck is abdomen.It happened so fast yet it seemed so slow to everyone. The skin around the guardian knights abdomen soon caved in and Donald's enormous fist left its shape on his belly. Next, his body shot back like an arrow, knocking over the oracle and enchanter who were standing not too far behind. His body then crashed into the stairs leading to the higher levels of the pub, creating a shallow crater, the shape of the bald guardian knights body.
The room fell silent after this and everyone present stared at Donald like as if he was a monster
"Monster!... All members of team guardians are monsters!" The first person to speak was the brown haired kid who roared and an icy blue ice lance appeared next to him.
*Ice magic: Ice Lance!!!*
Grabbing on to the spear, the brown haired ice mage roared and lunged towards Donald with vicious and malicious intentions "Scram!!!" Donald roared and simply flung his hand carelessly into the air in the kid's direction, creating a shockwave that shattered ice lance and also blew the boy away. Being a mage with little physical capabilities and poor physique, he instantly pa.s.sed out!
Seeing this, the purple haired sorcerer's eyes turned bloodshot and blood rolled down his nostrils as he flung his hands forward and roared
"Barrier magic: Crystal Cube!!!"
Immediately after a purple cube shaped barrier erected around Donald
"Crus.h.!.+" The purple haired youth screamed with a crazed expression on his face.
Unexpectedly, the cube shaped barrier started shrinking. A cold smile appeared on Donald's face when he realized the intentions of this kid.
"ENOUGH!!!" Donald roared with a clenched fist and he punched up!
Boooom!!!The barrier instantly shattered and the purple haired mage's eyes suddenly turned white and he promptly pa.s.sed out.
A satisfied smile appeared on the faces of Derik and the other members of the team. Placing a silver coin on the wooden round table, Karl stood up and spoke
"I guess it's time to go"
Nodding in approval, the others promptly stood up and walked up to Derik who had returned to his normal form but looked a little pale and sweaty. Seeing his clothes also adjusted to when he shrank back to his normal form, Derik was stunned. A cloth that could adjust to someone's body size, Magic!
"How much did you say you had to pay to get these?" Derik asked
The others simply laughed and glanced around briefly and smiled, everyone seemed to tongue tied by Donald's performance.
"I'm a little drained now… I need to recover my strength… let's leave here" Donald said with a serious expression on his face
The others nodded and quickly started heading to the door but then light footsteps were heard from behind. Coming from the stairs which led to the higher levels of the building.
"Don't tell me you're planning to leave without giving me a chance to vent out my frustration, team Guardian" a voice could be heard from that direction Hearing his words, Derik and the rest of the team stopped and looked towards the direction of the stairs with expectant eyes.
As soon as the figure appeared a cry was heard from someone in the room
"c.r.a.p!! It's Lil Gyro!!!"

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LEGENDARY GUARDIAN 73 Chapter 73: Little Gyro summary

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