Handsome CEO'S Bewitching Wife Chapter 403 - You Have A Little Sister.

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During late at night, Su Yuchen and Xin Mei sent of He Ye and Gu Nan to their honeymoon. Gu Nan was very excited when she looked inside the jet of Su Yuchen. She again thanked Xin Mei and Su Yuchen for giving her this luxury of traveling in a private jet.

She also thanked them for shopping.

Gu Nan did not have much swimming dresses, so she had pleaded to Xin Mei. And Su Yuchen and Xin Mei had taken her to the mall where she had bought many clothes suitable for the honeymoon.

"Chen, do you want babies?" Xin Mei asked and leaned against the shoulder of Su Yuchen who was driving the car.

"h.e.l.l yes, I want a baby. A lot of babies in fact.  I want to have my own big fat family." Su Yuchen smiled lovingly and looked at Xin Mei. "But you don't need to feel any burden. Focus on your career for the time being. We have a long life to have babies."

Xin Mei nodded her head and smiled at him. "So, you want a girl first or a boy?"

"A boy."

Xin Mei glared when she heard him. "Every rich men is the same. They want their heirs first. Why can't we have a girl first?"

Su Yuchen chuckled when he heard her. "I want a boy first so he can help me in protecting his mother and then his beautiful sisters."

"So, you think our daughter will be beautiful?"

Su Yuchen laughed loudly when he heard her. "Mei, are you kidding me? Do you have any doubt that our girls will not be beautiful with such a beautiful mother and a handsome father?"

Xin Mei shook her head when she heard him and tightened her arm around his arm. "Let me get some success in my career. Then I will give you many babies. We will have a big, loving family." 

Days flew away, Xin Mei and Su Yuchen both were busy in their profession.

After the compet.i.tion of filming of suspicious wife, Xin Mei was busy in promoting it. She also signed another movie and started to film for it, while simultaneously filming for earth 2050 which was not even half done yet.

Su Yuchen was also busy with some government project and in the meantime, he was also keeping an eye on the cases of Jiang family. He wanted to see every one of them destroyed.

His guilt that he had murdered Jiang Biyu was what stopping him from touching the Jiang family, but now, no one could save them. He was also keeping an eye on the search about Mian but everything was futile.

"Boss, Jiang Biyu has requested to meet you? Do you want me to make the arrangements?"

"What does she want from me?"

"The police officer said that she has some confessions to make to you. She is pleading to meet you from a long time."

"Ok, arrange my meeting with her in the evening. Also, ask my shadow guards to be on alert."

"Ok boss." Huang Chu nodded his head before leaving the office of Su Yuchen.

Su Yuchen twirled his paperweight thinking about what Jiang Biyu wanted to talk with him. He was sure she would again try to play with his mind.

In the evening, accompanied by Huang Chu and Li Si, his head guard, Su Yuchen arrived at the central jail of the city where Jiang Biyu was prisoned.

The police officer was already waiting for him. He took Su Yuchen toward the private room where Jiang Biyu was chained and was waiting for him.

"I know you will come." Jiang Biyu smirked when she saw Su Yuchen. She tried to move her limbs, making the chains move and their sound rang around in the small room.

"Mister Su, I and your team will be standing outside. You can call us in, in case of need." The police officer informed to Su Yuchen before leaving him alone with Jiang Biyu.

Once the police officer was gone, Su Yuchen walked toward her.

"So, why have you called me here?" Su Yuchen asked and took his seat on a chair that was placed at a safe distance from Jiang Biyu.

"I wanted to see the expression of pain and distress on your face." Jiang Biyu chuckled. "Before dying, for one last time, I want to see you broken which will satisfy my burning heart."

"Dream on Jiang Biyu. Your wish will never come true. You can never break me."

"Challenging me?" Jiang Biyu smirked. "Your biggest mistake Su Yuchen. I can inflict a lot of pain in you by telling you some of my crimes, want to hear them?"

Jiang Biyu chuckled like a manic and threw her head back.

"You have become insane. I do not want to waste my time with you. It was my mistake that I came here." Su Yuchen shook his head and stood up from his seat. He was about to leave the cell when words of Jiang Biyu stopped him.

"Do you know that you had a twin sister, born two minutes after you?"

Su Yuchen froze in his steps when he heard her. He turned around and looked at Jiang Biyu with disbelief.

"What was her name…? let me remember…ah…. oh yes…her name was Su Xinyi. She looked so much like your mother. Do you have any idea about her?"

"You are lying. I did not have any twin."

"If you don't trust me, you can ask your grandpa or ask your pirate investigators to search that indeed your mother was pregnant with twin." Jiang Biyu shrugged her shoulders with an innocent smile on her lips which soon turned into a twisted smirk.

"Do you know what happened to her? I happened." Jiang Biyu chuckled. "Oh my, I still remember how I had kidnapped that one-month-old girl from the lap of your mother. Your mother had cried and begged but I never returned back her daughter to her."

Su Yuchen felt a big blow on his heart when he heard Jiang Biyu. He looked at her facial expression and from what he could see, he believed that what she was saying was a truth.

"I had a little sister?"

"Yes, you do." Jiang Biyu smirked upon seeing the changing expressions on the face of Su Yuchen.

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Handsome CEO'S Bewitching Wife Chapter 403 - You Have A Little Sister. summary

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