While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System To Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends! 8 A Bloody Mess

While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System To Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends! -

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While the sudden change relives me of one of the greatest problems I had since the system came to existence, the meaning behind this event is a lot deeper than I could initially think off!

I can actually upgrade my system usability with those attribute points! How awesome is that?!

"Show me the skill tree!"


"You can buy a tailored skill tree for 100 attribute points!"

WHAT THE h.e.l.l!

This system is a d.a.m.n cheapskate! 100 points? That would require me to level up ten levels while saving all my points! While I still have sixty-five of them left, I think I will need them to upgrade my strength soon!

"I want a beginner tutorial to the system!"

No response this time, d.a.m.n it! How I'm supposed to use my mechanic to improve if I don't know how it works? What the h.e.l.l is this conqueror t.i.ttle for example?!


"System detected the wish to understand the t.i.ttles"

"Do you wish to acquire t.i.tle checker option?"

"Cost is ten attribute points"

Uff, so it wasn't a one time option! I just need to hit a jackpot with my thoughts to get something out of this d.a.m.n, socially awkward system!


"Status open!"



Conqueror of the Forbidden Forrest (+5 all attributes)


Wait, I just paid ten attribute points only to get to know this! THIS IS A SCAM! I WANT MY POINTS BACK!


"Host is unable to reverse his decision!"

d.a.m.n it! Let's hope that this option will come useful in the later date!

As I want to curse at this d.a.m.n wretched system in my mind, I can't do it. Who knows how it would react? I don't want to turn into a demon lord by calling it a diabolic machine!

With my attention wavering, I notice that both of the women stare at me with a complicated expression on their faces.

Ups! It seems that I missed some question or just acted in a way that puzzled them.

"I'm sorry, my mind is still weakened after my exertion the last time. Would you mind repeating your question?"

When in doubt, attack! I can't say whether any question was asked, but I need to somehow recover from my position!

"Well, we didn't ask you any question per se… But would you mind telling us what kind of mantras were you chanting? The look in your eyes… has changed."

Taking the lead, the Sect master takes the lead and responds. Contrary to how I believed such a strong person would act, she seems to be quite sympathetic towards me.

Or she can just hide her killing intent well enough to make it escape my observation.

"Oh, you mean my small talk? Don't worry about it, it's just a small meditational formula that helps me to calm my mind. I hope I didn't offend you in any way by trying to recover in this way!"

While it's not true at all, this kind of respond lies in the line with what I remembered from their discussion. If they take me for some fallen immortal, earth language will probably sound as some tongue exercise. As for why I'm acting so calmly and nicely? Well, this sect master showed me quite a sympathy by not killing me on sight. If I will be able to keep her to think amiably of me, I might survive this day!

"Oh, it's not that I mind it, I just never heard such a strange language before. But to get to the point, my disciple told me that you feed some strange liquid to her that completly healed her wounds. Do you have some of it left? I would like to check if my guess is right about this."

Oh, so that's what she was concerned about! While it is rather strange that such an ugly wound apparently healed so fast, I think that cultivators should have a lot better regenerative abilities than normal mortals from the earth.

"While I would rather give the credit for the healing to my timely reaction rather than to this drink, I don't see anything wrong in giving you the rest of it!"

If I cooperate with them, I might incur some more sympathy from such a powerful person. While she might still consider me by nothing more than an ant, the karma always goes back! That's what I heard in one of the animes I binge-watched back in the times.

Rubbing my thumb on my storage ring, I take a look into its content.

Okay now, what the h.e.l.l is this b.l.o.o.d.y mess now? Since when did those bloodied animal parts ended up in my storage ring? Is this another system prank?


"Detected a wish to a.n.a.lyze the content of the storage ring"

"Do you wish to unlock the a.n.a.lyze function of the system?"

"The cost is fifty attribute points"

"You can't go back after unlocking it!"

"Please, make sure that you want to make this purchase before proceeding!"

Ok, you have to be joking right now! Since when this system became so sarcastic?! And what is that even supposed to mean? I only whined about how useless one of the function was for a bit, and now it wants to shame me? h.e.l.l NO!


Making sure to barely move my lips while confirming the purchase, I acquire the new option. I won't let this system take me for a fool! HA!


"You acquired the a.n.a.lytic function of the system!"

"Do you wish to a.n.a.lyze the content of your storage ring?"

With another silent "yes", I can see a small exclamation mark showing up in the corner of my eye. While I'm tempted to activate it instantly, I can't stall for much longer. With a silver of my will, I pull out almost empty gourd and pa.s.s it to the Sect Master.

"I'm sorry for taking so long, but it's quite taxing on me to use my ring now. I hope you are happy with the content of this pitiful bottle."

Just when I want to finally take a look at this strange mess in my storage, I can only see the Master's eyebrows rising high up!

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While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System To Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends! 8 A Bloody Mess summary

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