Heavenly Soul 140 Their True Family

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The skies above the Silver Moon Sect were a piercingly clear blue today, the warm sunlight reflecting off of the ocean surrounding the island making the rolling waves glisten and sparkle brilliantly.

Despite the morning sun burning bright in the sky above, the air was crisp and cool in the sect's hydrangea garden. The refres.h.i.+ng smell of healthy greenery and fresh dew mingled with the scent of soft, damp earth and blossoming hydrangeas.
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Under the cool shade of a tree, Wu Xiao sat leaning against the st.u.r.dy trunk, his eyes closed. Stretched out on the ground among the s.h.i.+fting shadows, Jing Shui was resting his head on Wu Xiao's lap. A peaceful and serene hush softly shrouded the pair of lovers, seeming to reflect the calmness and contentment in their hearts. Except for the gentle rustling of the leaves and the distant cras.h.i.+ng of waves, the s.p.a.ce was silent.

After weeks of being busy with sect matters, the couple had only just been able to take some time off to be with each other. Rather than directly heading for the bedroom, they had chosen to just spend it in their lover's company, luxuriating in one another's presence silently.

Despite his tiredness, Wu Xiao didn't want to just squander away all his free time by sleeping. Thinking that he'd rather spend it gazing at his Ah-Shui, Wu Xiao forced himself back to wakefulness from the edge of sleep. His long, dark silver eyelashes fluttered, then slowly opened, his gaze landing on Jing Shui.

While comfortably lying down, Jing Shui's face was relaxed, a small smile curling his lips as he peered at the fat worm crawling on his chest with interest. The worm was the length of a hand, it's width as thick as two fingers. It was colored a soft, velvety turquoise, with glossy yellow spots marking its back in an even line. Large, dark blue eyes protruded from its head, s.h.i.+ning innocently. Two feelers sprouted from its head, twitching and swaying in a lively manner.

Holding a dark green hydrangea leaf between his slender fingers, Jing Shui was carefully leading the worm around on his chest, watching it as it eagerly chased the leaf that always seemed just out of reach, its plump little body wriggling as it earnestly made its way forward.

His own mouth curving up at the sight, Wu Xiao spoke, "What are you doing, Ah-Shui? I didn't think you were the type to hara.s.s little animals like this."

Jing Shui looked up at his lover, his fingers still moving while his smile widened. "I'm actually helping, not hara.s.sing it." Then seeming to enter lecturing mode, he began, "This worm is actually the larval form of the spotted ocean foam moth. It's called that because its wings are a deep turquoise like the ocean waters, and the edges of the wings have fluffy white, feathery filaments that look like the foam churned up when the ocean waves crash against the sh.o.r.e. It's the moth's version of camouflage from larger predators like seabirds.

"They are a relatively peaceful species and prefer quiet places with balanced energies to mature. The ideal conditions for its development also include moist and salty air with a large water body nearby, since after its metamorphosis into a moth, it will spend most of its time skimming over the water surface, catching plankton, algae, and other tiny marine organisms floating above for consumption.

"Before turning into its moth form, the larvae feed on poisonous vegetation—like this hydrangea leaf here, for example—and push the poison ingested from these plants to the surface of its skin to make itself toxic to predators. In this way, they eat, sleep, absorb natural spiritual energy, and grow until they look like this worm here. After reaching this stage, the worm needs to move a lot and circulate a large amount of spiritual energy through its veins. Only then will it be able to break through to the next stage and turn into the spotted ocean foam moth."

Finally reaching the point of this lecture, Jing Shui concluded with twinkling eyes, "So you see? I'm only helping it by making it exercise like this."

Wu Xiao chuckled. "I see. Then yes, you're indeed a good little Ah-Shui who is very helpful to little worms. I'm certain that you're not having fun playing with it at all."

Jing Shui childishly stuck out his tongue. "So what if I was having a little fun too? The worm certainly doesn't mind." The looking down at the worm still chasing the leaf on his chest, he asked, "You don't mind that I'm teasing you, do you, little worm?"

Jung Shui purposefully shook the leaf in his fingers from side to side, causing the worm that was keenly following the leaf to turn its head from side to side too, appearing as if it was shaking its head to say no.

Looking up at Wu Xiao, Jing Shui smiled smugly. "See? It says it doesn't mind."

Wu Xiao burst out laughing. How could his Ah-Shui be so cute?

Leaning down to press a kiss to his beloved's soft cheek, Wu Xiao replied cheerfully, "Alright, I concede defeat. Whatever my Ah-Shui says is naturally right. You are so adorable and charming that even the worm is willingly agreeing with you."

Jin Shui's fingers holding the leaf abruptly halted as he blushed, his cheeks suffused with a gentle pink. "W-Wu Xiao! How am I supposed to react when you say things like that…"

"You're supposed to react exactly as you are doing now, my darling~" Wu Xiao said cheekily, his forefinger lightly rubbing his lover's cute little nose.

Jing Shui glared up at Wu Xiao, but with his flushed face and wide eyes, his expression seemed to look adorably pitiful, like that of a little animal feeling wronged after being bullied. Seeing this, Wu Xiao's face couldn't help but soften into an indulgent expression, his smile loving.

His gaze then turning to the worm on Jing Shui's chest, Wu Xiao's eyes gleamed with amus.e.m.e.nt. "By the way, Ah-Shui, it seems that you've ended up unintentionally feeding the worm after all."

Jing Shui immediately turned his face towards the worm and cursed heatedly, "s.h.i.+t!" Because of Wu Xiao's teasing before, Jing Shui had ended up unconsciously stopping his hand, which finally gave the little worm the chance to catch up to the tasty-looking hydrangea leaf. Now, the worm was happily munching on the leaf, having eaten its way through one-fourth of it already. Looking back up at his lover, Jing Shui complained, "Wu Xiao, this is all your fault!"

Wu Xiao laughed unrepentantly. "You can always play with it using another leaf, can't you?"

Jing Shui huffed and declared haughtily, "I wasn't playing with it. I was cultivating an a.s.set."

His brows lifting, Wu Xiao looked at Jing Shui askance. "An a.s.set?"

Nodding, Jing Shui carefully sat up from where he was resting his head on Wu Xiao's lap, straightening his body while holding the worm to make sure it wouldn't fall off. After gently setting the worm down on the gra.s.s and watching it eagerly continue to chomp away on the leaf, Jing Shui said, "Spiritual beasts in general are still very rare in our world, so aren't you curious how this larva of the spotted ocean foam moth appeared here?"

Wu Xiao shook his head. "I a.s.sumed you brought it over."

Jing Shui shrugged. "Well, that is true. In one of our sect's disciples' expeditions to a sealed world, I found these eggs. They were in a pretty bad condition and didn't seem to be getting the care of a parent. I waited to make sure that no adult moths came to claim it before carrying it out. I helped them hatch and brought the newborn worms here into the garden of the Silver Moon Sect since it has the perfect conditions they need to grow healthily. I even asked the permission of the gardening disciples I was familiar with if it was okay. They said it wouldn't be a problem and even offered to take care of the worms, feeding them and letting them get their needed exercise.

"After these larvae turn into spotted ocean foam moths, I plan to have the Golden Sun Sect sell them to qualified and responsible owners who will be thoroughly screened beforehand to avoid these spiritual beasts from being abused in any way. Since spiritual beasts of any sort are rare, if they are also well taken care of and brought up healthily through their most demanding periods of growth until they reach maturity, their prices are bound to be beyond sky high. And as someone certified who also has experience with raising and training beasts, I can definitely take on this responsibility and make sure these worms grow into high-quality beasts without flaws."

While speaking all this, Jing Shui had begun running his fingertip up and down the little worm's soft back, his touch careful. But looking up from the worm, he was unexpectedly faced with Wu Xiao's pitiful expression. In a confused voice, Jing Shui asked, "Wu Xiao, what's wrong?"

His lips pursing into a pout, Wu Xiao said, "I didn't know my Ah-Shui was so heartless. You rescued its egg from its birthplace and nursed it back to health, you played with it, fed it, and spent so much time with it, and you're still planning on abandoning it to others for the sake of money. How cruel! Ah-Shui, have you even thought of the poor worm's feelings?"

Jing Shui's lips twitched. He was rendered utterly speechless. After all, taking care of, training, and selling beasts was one of his main jobs, and something he was known to be quite good at. But why the heck did Wu Xiao's words make him sound like some sort of abusive beast trafficker who only cared about money?!

In truth, Jing Shui was a qualified beast tamer, which meant that he could not only make sure the spiritual beasts in his care grew up healthily, but that they would also not give in to senseless violence against their partners. Of course, all of this only applied to spiritual beast species whose inherent ability was below the eighth realm. Spiritual beasts like dragons or wyverns whose ability was inherently at a far higher level, with intelligence matching or even surpa.s.sing that of humans, could obviously not be treated like that.

As a beast tamer, Jing Shui had not only handled countless beasts, but he also had some that he had grown especially fond of, allowing them to stay with him if they wished. They each had their own enclosures with sufficient s.p.a.ce and suitable environments inside. Jing Shui regularly went to take care of them, making sure none of his beast friends felt neglected.

But these worms were definitely not like that. They had no more attachment to him than that of a temporary handler. Jing Shui had not even thought of keeping one of them for himself. But seeing Wu Xiao look like that, his expression so dejected as he gazed at the little worm that was now rolling on its back while waving its tail cheerfully, Jing Shui realized that he didn't have the heart to refuse him. Though he couldn't keep this worm, maybe he could let it stay here in the Silver Moon Sect's gardens.

Jing Shui sighed. "Fine then, I'll agree to let this one worm stay here in the sect even after it becomes a full-fledged spotted ocean foam moth."

Seeing Wu Xiao's face brightening as a happy smile bloomed on his face, Jing Shui felt his own heart clench with a quiet joy. Coughing as his ears reddened, Jing Shui warned in an unsteady voice, "B-But I still have conditions! Wu Xiao, you'll have to make sure to take very good care of it. I usually don't allow unqualified people to adopt a spiritual beast, but since I know you'll be good to it, I'll let you have it."

Wu Xiao tilted his head, a few strands of his s.h.i.+ning silver hair sliding down from where they had been resting on his shoulders. "But Ah-Shui… If I admit that I don't know what all it will need or how to properly care for it, does it mean you'll take the worm away from me?"

Looking at Wu Xiao's eyes blinking at him piteously, Jing Shui paused. When his lover acted like this, he strangely seemed so…lovable. Looking away, Jing Shui finally said, "S-Since that is the case, I…I'll just have to teach you how to raise it properly."

Wu Xiao beamed happily, lunging on a startled Jing Shui to hug him close.

"Wu Xiao, what―?!"

Hugging his beloved tighter, Wu Xiao said cheerily, "Ah-Shui~ Since you'll have to teach me a lot of things, you'll have to spend a lot more time with me now~ I promise I'll be a good and obedient student."

Jing Shui's face flushed a bright red. "W-W-Wu Xiao! Y-You…" Halting, Jing Shui took a deep breath, then lifted a hand and patted Wu Xiao's back. Then in a softer voice, he spoke, "If you wanted to spend more time with me, you should have just said so."

"Oh? Really?" Bending his head, Wu Xiao brushed his lips down the edge of his Ah-Shui's ear, then gently nipped the earlobe hung with one of the thick golden hoops. "But I also want to raise a spiritual beast with you. Feeding it, playing with it, and taking care of it together. It will be fun."

Hearing those sensually whispered words and feeling his lover's warm breath fanning over his face, Jing Shui's body went soft, melting into Wu Xiao's embrace. Resting his cheek on his beloved's shoulder, Jing Shui murmured, "Fine, you win. We'll do as you say."

Wu Xiao chuckled, pecking the top of his Ah-Shui's head. "Thank you. I will make sure that it will not be a burden on you."

Jing Shui shook his head. "No, it's okay. Hearing what you said about taking care of it together…I'm also starting to antic.i.p.ate it now. Maybe I should introduce you to all the spiritual beasts that are under my charge so that you can become familiar with them too. We can take care of them together from now on as well."

"Yes, that sounds wonderful," Wu Xiao sighed. Then his eyes suddenly narrowing, he continued, "But I will not take care of that stupid lizard! It's so belligerent! It laughs at me with its stupid beady eyes, I just know that it's mocking me!"

Jing Shui held Wu Xiao closer and buried his head deeper into his lover's shoulder while laughing. "Alright, alright, I'll let you choose the ones you feel the most affinity with to take care of with me."

Wu Xiao huffed in satisfaction, then let his head rest on Jing Shui's, reveling in his beloved Ah-Shui's soft and warm body nestled snugly in his arms. The pair thus basked in their mutual affection, content just to be able to spend some time together like this despite their busy schedules and heavy responsibilities towards their respective sects.

The breeze blew by, light and cool, brus.h.i.+ng back their hair with gentle fingers. From the corner of his half-lidded eyes, Wu Xiao saw a glint of gold revealed through the fluttering strands of Jing Shui's hair. Determining that it was just one of his beloved's earrings, Wu Xiao wondered about the accessory, and not for the first time.

Before, Wu Xiao had just thought wearing these types of earrings was some old-fas.h.i.+oned custom of the Yong Dynasty's imperial family. But after visiting the imperial palace and observing its people, except for Jing Shui, Wu Xiao didn't notice even a single person wearing this type of thick gold hoop earrings or anything similar to it at all. It was only after giving it some more thought did Wu Xiao realize that if the earrings were something related to the imperial family, it would've only held bad memories for Jing Shui, so he would have long since thrown them away. But by the way Jing Shui wore them everywhere he went, except for their first time having s.e.x, Wu Xiao couldn't help but think that they held some meaning, or maybe even some fondness, for Jing Shui.

The question "Why do you wear those earrings?" was almost at the tip of his tongue. But as usual, Wu Xiao swallowed it down. Though he and his Ah-Shui felt like they never had enough time with each other, he knew that they in fact had an entire eternity to slowly discover these sorts of little details about one another. Since this was not an urgent matter, Wu Xiao was content to be patient, waiting for the answer to come in its own time.

As the comfortable quiet in the garden stretched while the two people were filled with thoughts of each other, the new sound of soft footsteps on the gra.s.s broke the hush around the couple.

Opening their eyes, Jing Shui and Wu Xiao saw a disciple of the Golden Sun Sect approaching, her back straight and steps steady.

Jing Shui straightened from Wu Xiao's embrace and greeted, "Sister Qu, may I ask what brings you here?"

Qu Sheng was the second disciple of Liu Xue, and since Jing Shui was Liu Xue's first disciple, she was technically his junior sister. But since she was older than him, Jing Shui felt too strange at addressing her as 'Junior Sister Qu', so he settled on calling her 'Sister Qu' instead.

Nodding a respectful greeting at Wu Xiao, Qu Sheng turned to Jing Shui and replied, "Brother Jing, if you recall, you once asked me to have some people keep an eye out for a certain caravan and to inform you if we ever locate them."

The relaxed line of Jing Shui's spine immediately turned taut. His eyes sharpening with alertness, Jing Shui quickly spoke, "Yes, I remember. Do you have any new information?"

Qu Sheng nodded calmly. "Yes. In fact, I'm here to tell you that that caravan is now confirmed to be heading for our sect's territories, and considering the speed of their mounts, they're estimated to reach here within a few hours. I've already obtained the location of where they will stay and make business while in our trading district. Do you want me to station people nearby to keep an eye on them?"

Jing Shui shook his head. With excitement visible in his eyes, he said, "No, monitoring them is not needed. I instead have another request for Sister Qu. Would you please send a message to the caravan telling that Grandma Jiao of the tribe is being invited to visit the Golden Sun Sect by Third Prince Shui?"

Hearing this, both Wu Xiao and Qu Sheng's eyebrows crept up. Since this caravan Jing Shui was interested in seemed to be here for business, they'd a.s.sumed that Jing Shui wanted to negotiate a trade agreement with them or something like that. But hearing how he spoke of them now with familiarity, along with the way he introduced himself by his former t.i.tle as the third prince but also using his given name rather than his surname, the whole matter seemed to get further and further away from what they'd guessed.

However, not wanting to pry into her martial brother's affairs, Qu Sheng merely said, "Very well, I'll send the message and see that it's delivered. Does Brother Jing have anything else you want me to do?"

Jing Shui shook his head. "No, that is enough. Thank you for all the help, Sister Qu."

Qu Sheng nodded and walked away after a parting bow to Wu Xiao.

Seemingly unable to contain himself, Jing Shui sprung up and began striding in the direction Qu Sheng had just gone in, as if wanting to head back to the Golden Sun Sect as well. Wu Xiao also stood up and followed along, almost bursting with curiosity by now.

Finally giving in, he asked, "Ah-Shui? What's going on? Why do you seem so excited all of a sudden, and what is your relation with that caravan and that Grandma Jiao?"

Suddenly realizing that he didn't seem to have explained any of this to Wu Xiao before, Jing Shui forced himself to slow down his pace before linking hands with his lover. Looking up at his beloved's face with a bright smile, Jing Shui asked, "Wu Xiao, have I ever told you about why I wear these earrings?"

Wu Xiao shook his head. "No, you haven't." He'd just been thinking about them and how he didn't mind waiting for the reason behind Jing Shui wearing those earrings to be revealed. Had his time to learn about them already come? Wu Xiao couldn't help but feel antic.i.p.atory about discovering yet another new thing relating to his Ah-Shui.

Nodding as if he'd expected that answer, Jing Shui began, "Deep in the forests between the eastern desert plain and the northern mountain range is a dense forest. In it live the people of the Baolin Tribe who, after absorbing their forest's natural spiritual energy all this time, have extended lifespans stretching up to five hundred years despite never cultivating. They are very good at fighting and nurturing, but almost never left their forest and even drove away anyone who tried to enter their territory. A few hundred years ago, after venturing outside to forage for certain foods that became unavailable to the tribe after a part of their forest went up in flames, they became far friendlier and also developed trading skills. Now, they trade mostly using their expertise in crafts like cloth weaving, jewellery-making, woodworking, and blacksmithing, along with selling materials that they gather from scaling the treacherous mountain slopes."

Wu Xiao furrowed his brows. "Yes, I think I've heard of them. Does that caravan belong to them then?"

Jing Shui nodded. "Yes, it does. The Baolin tribe only sends out that caravan to trade every ten years or so. One of the places in its route was the Yong Dynasty's imperial capital. At that time, they brought some very valuable resources to the imperial family, so my father invited them to stay at the courtyard reserved for important guests in the palace grounds. Back then, I was very young and wasn't restricted by my family yet, so I played with the few children in the caravan brought along by their families and was also spoiled in return by their adults, one of them being Grandma Jiao, who was their former tribal chief. While we played together, the kids taught me how to climb trees, and in exchange, I told them the heroic stories about cultivators I'd read in the library. The few months they spent in the palace are some of my happiest memories."

Wu Xiao's expression softened as he sensed his Ah-Shui's remembered joy.

By now, they'd reached the railing-less white stone bridge that connected the Silver Moon Sect to the Golden Sun Sect and the mainland. As they stepped onto the bridge and began walking, Wu Xiao prodded in a quiet voice, "What happened then?"

His expression turning wistful, Jing Shui continued, "Well, after they left, I used to eagerly await that caravan's return every day until I learned that they wouldn't come back after at least another decade. I was sad, but life went on. However, the next time they came to the imperial capital and stayed at the palace, I was already confined to my courtyard and was not to be let out until I learnt everything a proper prince was supposed to know so that I 'wouldn't embarra.s.s myself in front of the dignitaries while being officially introduced as the crown prince', as my father put it."

Hearing the repressed pain and bitterness in his beloved's voice, Wu Xiao silently held him closer. Taking strength from his lover's warmth, Jing Shui sucked in a deep breath and let it out. It was okay now, he was no longer a prince, and that Yong Dynasty no longer existed. He was free from that burden now.

Straightening, Jing Shui started speaking once again, "Since I couldn't leave my courtyard, I was unable to go to them. And none of them had the authority to enter my courtyard as well, though I doubted most of them even remembered me after that long. However, to my surprise, Grandma Jiao was able to negotiate with my father by adjusting the trade agreements in his favor in return for allowing her entry so that she could see me. I was so touched when I heard that she was willing to go far just to make sure I was alright and to spend some time with me."

His voice growing thick with emotion, Jing Shui went on, "Grandma Jiao would come by every day and hear me complain about the palace and its people. While I vented to her and cried in her arms, she would stroke my back and comfort me. Though she saw how horribly I was treated by my family, Grandma Jiao knew that neither she nor her tribespeople had any way of helping me, since their influence and power was far lesser than my father's at that time. Wanting me to know that I was still cherished by her and the others from the caravan, she offered to adopt me into the Baolin tribe under her name."

Wu Xiao's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he stayed silent to let his beloved continue.

"She said my family didn't deserve me, and if I thought the tribe a worthier family, then she would gladly take me in, paying whatever price it took to get me out of there. At that time, I was very stressed and didn't think I could take the anxiety of starting over in a new place; and as greatly as I appreciated her offer, I also didn't want to inconvenience her and the tribe that much, so I refused. In a really kind and soft voice, she said she understood, then patted my head. Maybe because she saw how I looked like I would burst out crying at anytime due to having to say no, she said that even if I couldn't leave with her, I could still choose to be adopted into the tribe as her grandchild. I didn't even need to tell my family about it."

Looking up at Wu Xiao with a brilliant smile lighting up his face, Jing Shui said, "I agreed, and I've never once regretted it." Turning his face to look in the direction where he thought the caravan would be now, Jing Shui went on, "In the Baolin tribe, wood, stone, and metal are revered the most, and though wood can be found fairly easily, metal was far more difficult to obtain and stone was hard to manipulate with their tools, so metal and precious stones became more valuable.

"Every tribesperson is given a pair of earrings on the day of their birth, to be worn when they come of age. The earrings are forged by someone of the tribe using materials deemed auspicious for that particular child and receive the well wishes and blessings of at least nine people of the tribe. Grandma Jiao is the most prominent blacksmith in the tribe, and she made a pair of gold earrings just for me—the same set of earrings I'm wearing now. After nine tribespeople from the caravan blessed it, she offered them to me. Wearing those earrings that had gone through all the necessary traditional procedures would officially make me a part of the tribe, though none of the people in the palace realized it.

"But even if none of them knew, I did. And as long as I knew that there was a family who cared about me somewhere, I could somewhat bear the cruelties of the palace. From the moment I wore those earrings after Grandma Jiao pierced my ears for me, I'd never taken it off except for once."

Peeking up at Wu Xiao's keen expression with a soft blush, Jing Shui spoke, "There is apparently a tradition in the Baolin tribe that the only time a person is allowed to remove their earrings is in front of their, ehem, spouse." His cheeks burning brighter, he bent his head before continuing in a lower voice, "And the first time they ever remove these earrings will be on their…wedding night."

Hearing this, Wu Xiao was stunned, pink beginning to suffuse his cheeks. Then a wide smile slowly bloomed on his face. "Oho, so is my little Ah-Shui saying that you already sneakily made me give away my wedding night to you before we even got married?"

Jing Shui coughed and stuttered, "O-Of course not! I o-only wanted to… I just—"

Wu Xiao suddenly hugged Jing Shui tightly, burying his face in his lover's hair as he whispered, "Yes, I understand. Ah-Shui, thank you."

Jing Shui's face turned redder, but he still extended a hand to hug Wu Xiao back, his cheek pressing into the crook of his beloved's neck.

After a few minutes, the pair silently separated and began walking again, their hands holding each other's tightly. Wu Xiao had a warm smile on his face, his eyes s.h.i.+ning cheerfully while Jing Shui had his head bent, his face red as he wore a shy yet happy smile.

With this buoyant mood, the couple thus continued towards the Golden Sun Sect.


After arriving at the sect, Jing Shui and Wu Xiao first went over to visit Jing Shui's spiritual beasts to let Wu Xiao bond and play with a few while Jing Shui explained their quirks and the care needed for the beasts, occupying himself in this way while waiting for Grandma Jiao's arrival. By the time they were done playing with the spiritual beasts, a few hours had already pa.s.sed. The caravan had long since received Jing Shui's message and a junior disciple soon came to inform Jing Shui that Grandma Jiao and another person from the caravan had come to visit.

With barely concealed excitement, Jing Shui dragged Wu Xiao along and rushed to the receiving room where the two guests were currently waiting.

Sitting on a comfortable low-backed couch in the receiving room were an old woman and a young man.

The old woman had weathered, nut-brown skin and steel grey hair that was covered with a dark blue headscarf. Her robes looked st.u.r.dy and weather-beaten, faded evenly all over. Her wrinkled yet strong-looking fingers held a long pipe to her thin lips that occasionally parted to let out a stream of smoke. Her keen brown eyes showed an unbending steadiness akin to that of a mountain. Heavy, steel colored bangles jangled mutedly on her wrists, their dully glinting metal surfaces bearing nicks and scratches due to the pa.s.sage of time. Each of her earlobes was adorned with an amethyst stud, with silver chains connecting them to piercings at the top of her ears.

Meanwhile, the young man sitting beside her had flat, plate-like copper earrings dangling from his ears, the flat surface gleaming brightly even in the spa.r.s.e light. He looked to be somewhere in between his late teens and early twenties, though considering the length of his tribespeople's natural lifespan, he could be several decades older. His skin was a lighter color than the old woman's and looked softer, while his clothes looked more delicate and finer as well. His eyes conveyed a mild temperament, holding a hint of curiosity as he studied his surroundings. Compared to the tough ruggedness of the old woman, he seemed much more pampered and easygoing.

The moment Jing Shui entered with Wu Xiao, closing the door behind them, the two people on the couch immediately snapped their attentions to the couple.

Jing Shui dragged Wu Xiao in front of the two guests and bowed while greeting enthusiastically, "Grandma Jiao, welcome to the Golden Sun Sect. I'm very glad that we finally had the chance to meet again!"

Grandma Jiao raised an eyebrow and nodded, her face softening into a small smile. Looking Jing Shui up and down, she observed, "You've grown well, Shui-er. I'm happy to see that." Then turning her gaze to Wu Xiao, she continued, "Who's this man beside you?"

Jing Shui straightened and answered with a blush, "His name is Wu Xiao. He's the sect master of the Silver Moon Sect and…h-he's my lover."

With a smug smirk, Wu Xiao added, "And I'm also the first and only person Ah-Shui ever took off his earrings in front of."

The young man's lips twitched while Grandma Jiao laughed in a rough and unrestrained voice. "So even little Shui-er has found someone he wants to marry. How fast do children grow!"

Jing Shui flushed a deeper red. "Grandma! I'm already old enough to have a slew of kids by now! I've long since grown up already!"

Raising a hand, the old woman pulled close a startled Jing Shui into a hug and gently patted his head while saying with smiling eyes, "Yes, yes, Shui-er is not a child anymore. He's grown into such a handsome and capable young man."

Jing Shui puffed his pink cheeks, but didn't say anything, just letting himself bask in the affectionate touch. It had been too long since he'd seen Grandma Jiao. And though he remembered their short time together with vivid clarity, he'd still felt very nervous just thinking about all the years that had pa.s.sed till now.

Suddenly, the young man called from the side, "Elder Brother Jing, do you really not remember me?"

Jing Shui leaned back and looked at him with puzzlement while Grandma Jiao laughed and introduced her companion, "This young man who looks to be in his early twenties, but is in fact almost forty, is the Xiao Nuo who used to follow behind you back then. It's been so many decades, and yet he still remembered you and wanted to come check up on you."

Xiao Nuo glared at Grandma Jiao. "And what's wrong with that? Everyone who played in the palace that time remembers the Third Prince Shui from back then as well."

Grandma Jiao simply shook her head with a chuckle, lifting her pipe to her mouth once again.

Turning to Jing Shui, Xiao Nuo commented, "But I have to say, Elder Brother Jing, you look young enough to be my son! I'm taking that's because of your cultivation?"

Jing Shui nodded, his expression happy. "Yes, I've been cultivating in this sect and they've treated me very well. Now, other than Grandma Jiao and the tribe, I have the Golden Sun Sect as my family as well."

Nodding, Grandma Jiao blew another stream of smoke and said, "That's how it should be. Shui-er deserves a place you can call your own. Even though it's not the tribe like I hoped, I'm still glad you have such a place. Now, how goes it with your lover?"

Jing Shui bowed his head and said softly, "I-It's going well. We're…very happy together."

Wu Xiao chuckled and held Jing Shui close, nuzzling his hair as he added, "I treat my Ah-Shui well and Ah-Shui is also very good to me. What do we have to complain about?"

Jing Shui reddened. "W-Wu Xiao!"

Not minding his beloved's usual shy embarra.s.sment, Wu Xiao teased, "What is it, my sweet little Ah-Shui? Are you saying that you aren't satisfied with our life together? Or is it that what you aren't satisfied with is how less time we spend together?"

Rather than refuting him, Jing Shui's eyes darkened as he looked up at his lover. "I really wouldn't mind having more time with you, but getting even a single day away from work is becoming very difficult."

Wu Xiao sighed. "That's true. I had to work till late at night to finish looking over the important doc.u.ments and postpone the less important ones for a few weeks just to free up today."

Resting his head on Wu Xiao's chest and rubbing his eyes tiredly, Jing Shui replied, "And I had to forego sleep for the past few days and work non-stop to be able to take a day off today."

Wu Xiao's expression turned worried as he sympathetically rubbed his beloved's back. "My poor Ah-Shui must've had to work so hard. Let's forego all bedroom activities so that you can sleep earlier tonight then."

Jing Shui huffed and straightened. "What 'sleep earlier'? Do you think I worked so hard to get time with you just so that I can squander away the time by sleeping? Don't think I'll let you off that easily tonight!"

Chuckling, Wu Xiao encircled his arms around his beloved and bent to press a kiss to his cheek. "Yes, yes, I'll let my dear Ah-Shui thoroughly ravage me all night long then."

Jing Shui's lips twitched. "Y-You! Wu Xiao, you're always so…!" Trailing away with a helpless sigh, Jing Shui shook his head with a wry smile. He refused to keep engaging in this ridiculousness and waste their time while he could spend this precious day off in better ways.

And so, reaching up, Jing Shui pulled his lover's head close and pressed their lips together. Wu Xiao jerked in surprise, then enthusiastically held his Ah-Shui closer to return the kiss.

By now, the couple had already forgotten the two guests sitting at the side, getting more and more involved in each other. Jing Shui felt his body heating up, his face growing warmer and his breaths burning hot in his lungs. His tongue eagerly traced along Wu Xiao's before exploring further, taking in the familiar taste, texture, and shape of his lover's mouth. He felt Wu Xiao's slick tongue doing the same, rubbing against the sensitive tissue inside his mouth and entwining with his tongue.

Their chests pressed together and heaved deep breaths as their hands greedily mapped over each other's backs and waists, shoulders and hips, pulling their lover as tight against their own body as they could. Jing Shui felt the cool and silky strands of Wu Xiao's silvery hair sliding between his fingers as he pulled his beloved's head even closer, pus.h.i.+ng his own tongue in deeper into Wu Xiao's mouth. As Wu Xiao returned his ardor by suckling his tongue sensually, Jing Shui shuddered, a faint moan slipping out of him.

As they thus hungrily devoured each other, completely forgetting their surroundings and the company, Xiao Nuo suddenly interrupted them with a pointed cough, his cheeks already red with embarra.s.sment.

Reminded of their guests' existence, Jing Shui and Wu Xiao slowly let their lips part. As Jing Shui buried his flaming face into Wu Xiao's chest to regain some composure, Wu Xiao hugged his beloved to hide his fl.u.s.tered appearance, then turned his gaze to Xiao Nuo and glared at him for interrupting them. Meanwhile, Grandma Jiao looked almost gleeful at how it seemed like Jing Shui and Wu Xiao couldn't get enough of each other.

Meanwhile, buried in his lover's embrace, Jing Shui found it difficult to calm his need. He was so completely surrounded by his beloved's intoxicating warmth and scent, the feel of his Wu Xiao's slender and tightly muscled body pressed up against his own only increasing the heat in his cheeks. After not having shared their nights with each other for weeks, Jing Shui felt that he was particularly weak against Wu Xiao's appeal today. Understanding that he would only get more aroused in such close proximity, Jing Shui suddenly pushed Wu Xiao and leapt away a few steps, covering his burning cheeks with his palms.

Wu Xiao blinked confusedly for a moment. Then looking at his thin-skinned lover's half-accusatory and half-bashful look, he chuckled and a.s.sured, "Ah-Shui, I won't jump on you, so you don't have to be so cautious."

Jing Shui's gaze turned furious. "I-I-I know that! Who said you'd jump me! I'm just afraid I'll be the one who'll end up jumping you!"

Not waiting for anyone to react, Jing Shui quickly turned and started striding away towards the door to go outside and compose himself for a bit, all the while muttering complainingly under his breath, "Stupid Wu Xiao! Who asked you to look so tempting!"

Hearing it, Wu Xiao chuckled warmly, his expression that of someone completely smitten with their beloved. Sighing happily, he said, "My Ah-Shui is so cute, isn't he?"

Not knowing Wu Xiao's personality, the innocent Xiao Nuo honestly nodded and agreed with a smile, "Yes, he is."

Wu Xiao immediately whipped his head towards the young man and narrowed his eyes. "I should've known! You've set your sights on my Ah-Shui!"

Xiao Nuo's eyes widened. Then he hurriedly shook his head while trying to take back his words, "No, h-he's… I definitely don't consider Elder Brother Jing as cute!"

Wu Xiao gasped loudly in affront. "What do you mean you don't consider him as cute?! My Ah-Shui is absolutely adorable, I'll have you know! How dare you insult him like this! Admit your wrongs!"

The poor Xiao Nuo felt very aggrieved. But he didn't dare offend the sect master of the Silver Moon Sect, so he could only agree, "Yes, I'll admit that I was wrong… Elder Brother Jing really is cute."

Immediately pointing his finger at Xiao Nuo, Wu Xiao accused, "Aha! So you had designs on my Ah-Shui after all! I knew it!"

"…" The pitiful Xiao Nuo wanted to cry. Just what had he done to be bullied to this extent by this strange person?!

Sighing, Grandma Jiao finally spoke, "Xiao Nuo, why don't you go and accompany Shui-er for a bit? I think you could use some fresh air."

Xiao Nuo quickly nodded and dashed out, leaving Grandma Jiao and Wu Xiao alone in the room. Wu Xiao simply looked in the direction Xiao Nuo had fled in with unfathomable eyes. Then walking to the seat directly opposite to Grandma Jiao, Wu Xiao sat down with poise and leaned back. Clasping his fingers together, he raised a single eyebrow. "I'm a.s.suming Madam Jiao has something to say to me?"

Grandma Jiao smiled amusedly. "You have quite the troublesome personality. Though I can see that you seem to care a great deal for Shui-er, I still don't know if I can leave him to you."

Wu Xiao smiled sharply. "It's a little too late for such concerns from you, isn't it? Ah-Shui is obviously very grateful to have a family like your tribe that doesn't a.s.sign a value to him based on his usefulness, trap him and take away his freedom, or force him to do things he doesn't want to. You might have even helped during the time he needed familial affection the most. Thoughts of you seemed to definitely have helped him get through that tough patch in his life without completely breaking his mind. But seeing how little contact you've had with him since then, I doubt you can be considered his family in truth."

Exhaling a heavy breath filled with the scent of bittersweet smoke, Grandma Jiao looked weary. "I suppose you think we abandoned him. You might be right. But I only did it so that his father wouldn't have more ammunition against that child. My biggest fear was that Shui-er would do something drastic in desperation if he felt that he could no longer bear his predicament. I merely wanted to give him an anchor to hold on to so that he would at least keep finding the strength to live. That was the best I could do at that time, and I do not regret it. No matter the reason I adopted him, I still think of him and worry for him as if he were my own grandchild."

Wu Xiao tilted his head thoughtfully. He had to admit that if this old woman had stayed behind with Jing Shui and let him get even more attached to her, the people of that palace would have definitely used it to harm him. His father, the late emperor, could have even held a knife to Grandma Jiao's throat, telling Jing Shui that he would only release her if his son did everything he was told. Something like that would have definitely broken Jing Shui beyond repair. In a way, with her limited influence, Wu Xiao had to admit that Grandma Jiao had indeed done the best she could.

His expression relaxing back into a smile, Wu Xiao finally nodded. "Yes, I concede that you indeed looked out for Ah-Shui as much as was possible to you at that time. And since you've adopted him as your grandson, does it mean that I can consider you my grandmother as well?"

Letting out a loud bark of laughter, Grandma Jiao replied, "Do so if you wish, Sect Master Wu. But we both know which of us is of the older generation here. I may be four hundred and fifty six years old, but I'm still many times younger than you, am I not?"

Wu Xiao smiled cheerfully. "Now, now, Grandma. You look as fresh and young as a flower bloomed just this morning, still sparking with clear dew. Compared to you, it's no wonder that I'd look older."

Grandma Jiao threw back her head and laughed, the sound wild and boisterous. "Such a silver tongue you have! Is that what you wooed Shui-er with, Grandson-in-law?"

"My Ah-Shui was definitely won over by my charming personality," Wu Xiao declared smugly.

Grandma Jiao could only shake her head helplessly. Though she didn't yet know enough about this person to feel completely at ease at leaving her adopted grandson to him, she still had a good enough impression of him till now. If Jing Shui permitted, then maybe she could come by often enough to ascertain just how well he was being treated by this person. But something told her that these both were truly happy with each other. Maybe her interference wasn't even required.

Smiling brightly, Grandma Jiao spoke, "Grandson-in-law, since Shui-er has already expressed his desire to choose you as his husband, and since I have deemed you a fine enough man as well, I think it's time I gave you a little gift…"


Outside, Jing Shui was slowly walking along the corridors of the Golden Sun Sect while being surrounded by a gaggle of solemn-faced juniors, each with a problem at hand and expecting Jing Shui to help them with it. Even though it was technically his day off, the workaholic Jing Shui still couldn't bring himself to send them away. Having joined him partway, Xiao Nuo simply tagged along silently, observing Jing Shui as he quickly and efficiently dealt with everything.

"Senior Brother, the head of the Luo household has once again postponed the meeting, citing that he has just received a better offer and is seriously considering it. How do you want me to reply?"

Jing Shui frowned. "Tell him that we refuse. If he delays this meeting one more time, there's no need for further discussion. We'll simply cancel this deal."

The junior looked nervous. "But Senior Brother…this deal is important to our sect for obtaining a fresh supply of underwater minerals from the western coast. Our former provider has run into troubles and we have to depend on the Luo household for future s.h.i.+pments until the old merchant finishes sorting out the problems on his end."

But Jing Shui merely scoffed. "You think too much. This Luo Wan always uses this tactic of keeping people on edge to wear down their defenses so that they'll start bending under pressure. Also, it's better to back out to maintain our sect's dignity rather than get led around by the nose like this for someone else's amus.e.m.e.nt. Postponing the meeting once or twice can be tolerated, but doing it six times in two weeks is ridiculous and an insult. Our sect can certainly find a better provider than someone who likes to play amateurish games like this."

Showing an expression of enlightenment, the junior nodded and sped away to do as Jing Shui suggested.

Another disciple immediately took his place to start saying, "Brother Jing, regarding that matter with the haunted mountain pa.s.s, the original team the Sect Master picked is asking for backup. It seems that it isn't as simple as our initial a.s.sessment said. The spirit seems far more malevolent and powerful than estimated. What would you like me to do?"

Jing Shui barely had to think for a moment before replying decisively, "Send a message to the Drifting Clouds Sect asking for a.s.sistance and offer to split the payment for the job. Provide them the information and let Brother An pick a suitable team."

The disciple nodded and turned to walk in the opposite direction to do as told.

"Senior Martial Brother," started another junior disciple. "There seems to be an issue with the ledgers provided by the accounting department of the Li Fang Trading a.s.sociation. There are a few inconsistencies that seem deliberately well-hidden. How should I handle it?"

"Place the ledgers on my desk. I'll review it tomorrow morning and crosscheck it with our version and draw up a report by the time of the merchant conference next week."

The junior nodded and set off towards Jing Shui's office.

"Martial Brother Jing, I have a question about the wine imports from the southeastern islands…" another disciple began.

And so, Jing Shui continued on to dispense advice and instructions until all the juniors left, satisfied. Letting out a breath, Jing Shui walked out of the corridor and into the carefully cultivated garden bordered by trees that ran along the hallway. Resting his back against a tree, he looked at the Xiao Nuo who'd remained silent till now. "Is there something I can help you with?"

Chuckling, Xiao Nuo shook his head. "I just wanted to see how Elder Brother Jing was living his life. It seems very hectic, but there also seem to be a lot of people depending on you. I hope it hasn't been too tough on you."

Jing Shui shrugged. "It's my job as Master's head disciple to oversee these things. I'm used to it."

Xiao Nuo nodded. "So it seems." Then walking over to lean on the tree beside Jing Shui, he began, "Elder Brother Jing, I have to ask…are you truly happy here? Now that you are free from the constraints of that palace, are you sure you don't want to come and live in the tribe with Grandma Jiao and the others? If you asked, I'm sure Sect Master Wu will also be willing to accompany you. Not having to work this much would mean that you could spend a lot more time with each other."

Jing Shui's eyebrows flew up. Where did this offer even come from all of a sudden? "I'm sorry, but I'll have to decline. The tribe and Grandma Jiao may have adopted me, and for all the consideration they showed me, I really do consider them my family, but the tribe is not my home. It is not a place where I can feel fulfilled. The both of us, me and Wu Xiao, love what we do, though it can get exhausting sometimes. I have no intention of giving it up, nor would I ask that of my lover."

Xiao Nuo looked away and nodded. "Then I'm glad. As long as you're happy, we can rest easy as well. Grandma Jiao has been worrying a lot about you. Back then, after getting word that you left the palace to pursue cultivation, we were unable to find anything else about you, including your location. But seeing that you've been doing well, it truly sets our minds at ease." Then turning to squint at Jing Shui, Xiao Nuo asked, "But Elder Brother Jing, why did you never reach out to us even after escaping from the palace?"

Jing Shui sighed and rubbed his forehead. "It's not that I didn't want to…but I was simply unable to think about that at that time. After leaving the palace, I was very shaken and distressed. Wu Xiao was the one who helped me get back on my feet. After that, I suppose I simply chose to repress all my thoughts about the palace and everything that happened there. It was easier that way, though it didn't let me recover completely either. I only recently gained the strength to think back to everything that happened, after the Yong Dynasty was finally brought down. Even I was surprised to find that I somehow managed to forget about my time with the tribespeople and Grandma Jiao. But as soon as I remembered again, I immediately sent instructions for people to watch out for the next time the caravan came by so that I could meet you again."

Xiao Nuo looked thoughtful as he pondered on that.

As they both contemplated on their conversation, minutes pa.s.sed by in the peaceful silence that was disturbed only by the chirps of the birds and the sounds of the wind rustling the leaves.

"We should go back," Jing Shui spoke. "I don't want Wu Xiao to have to wait for me for too long."

Xiao Nuo came out of his thoughts and raised an eyebrow, but nodded. And so Jing Shui made his way back, with Xiao Nuo following behind.


When they entered the receiving room again, Jing Shui and Xiao Nuo were greeted with the sight of several small gemstones scattered on the table, spread out as if for display. A cloth pouch rested at the side, slumped now that its contents had all been taken out. Grandma Jiao and Wu Xiao were bent over the various gemstones, seeming to be contemplating something important.

Xiao Nuo frowned and walked towards the table. "Grandma Jiao, why are you showing him the samples of our ceremonial gems?"

Jing Shui looked at them confused. "Wu Xiao? What's happening?"

Wu Xiao looked up at his Ah-Shui and smiled cheerfully. "Since Grandma has accepted me as her grandson-in-law, though it was somewhat begrudging, she's decided to make me an earring to officialize my status as your husband."

Jing Shui almost stumbled. "My…what?!"

"Your husband, Shui-er," Grandma Jiao kindly said. Then turning to Wu Xiao, she slid a particular translucent purplish gem towards him. "How about this one?"

Wu Xiao squinted at it. "Hmm…I don't think so. It has too less of the blue."

Grandma Jiao sighed. "You're so picky for an old man, Grandson-in-law."

Flas.h.i.+ng her a bright smile, Wu Xiao countered, "The older a person is, the more preferences they develop, Grandma. I want the gemstone for my earring to be exactly the color of the first gift my Ah-Shui ever gave me."

Hearing this, Jing Shui recalled the light lilac-blue colored hydrangea he'd given Wu Xiao long ago when he first came to the Silver Moon Sect to recover. A strange shyness claimed him at how Wu Xiao seemed to place so much importance on the gift of the besotted teenager he'd been at that time.

Having reached Wu Xiao by now, Jing Shui lightly tugged at his sleeve. Turning to him, Wu Xiao held his beloved close with an arm winding around his waist and asked, "What is it, Ah-Shui?"

"Wu Xiao, did you just say that…if you wear the earring Grandma Jiao is making for you, we'll be…we'll become…"

"Husbands?" Wu Xiao finished. His smile turning brilliant, he nodded. "It's apparently a tradition that people marrying into the tribe will get a single earring to symbolize their status. Of course, I've been told that if they want to be adopted completely into the tribe, they can pet.i.tion for it. If they're accepted, they can get a pair of earrings like the tribespeople. But for me, just being known as your husband is enough."

Then suddenly seeming to recall something, Wu Xiao's expression turned anxious. "Ah, but Ah-Shui, if you think we're moving too fast or if you don't want to do this, then that's fine too. Technically, we'll only be getting married according to the laws of the Baolin Tribe. We can hold a more formal wedding later to celebrate with our friends and loved ones. But if you don't want to…"

His cheeks flus.h.i.+ng red, Jing Shui shook his head. "Th-That's not it! I mean, I definitely want to get married and call you my husband! B-But…I don't want you to agree to it just because you want to make me happy or something. Wu Xiao, do you…do you really want to get married?"

Wu Xiao rolled his eyes and hugged his beloved close. "Ah-Shui, after all this time we spent together, can you really not tell how much I want to spend my life with you?"

Jig Shui's face turned redder as he buried it in Wu Xiao's chest. "Th-Then…we'll be married? Even if it's only according to the tribe…we'll still be h-husbands?"

"Not if your lover doesn't select a gemstone for his earring soon, my dear," Grandma Jiao said.

Wu Xiao chuckled and pressed a kiss into Jing Shui's cheek. "Yes, we'll be married. Ah-Shui, do you also want to do this?"

Jing Shui fervently nodded, lifting his head to peck Wu Xiao on his lips.

At the side, Xiao Nuo had long since looked away, his ears turning pink.

Disentangling themselves, Jing Shui and Wu Xiao finally turned towards the table to help Grandma Jiao with the gemstones. After another hour and a half of searching and comparing between the hundreds of gemstone samples Grandma Jiao had brought, Wu Xiao finally found one he was satisfied with. Heaving a breath in relief, Grandma Jiao kept that selected gemstone aside and rea.s.sured that she'd be able to finish the earring by this evening or night at the latest. As someone who was able to control and shape minerals and metals with her ability, it was a reasonable timeframe.

Meanwhile, she suggested that Wu Xiao should get his ear pierced in advance. Wu Xiao readily agreed, and Xiao Nuo quickly set up his equipment and pierced Wu Xiao's right ear in a practiced manner. To make sure that the hole wouldn't close due to a cultivator's fast regeneration, Grandma Jiao inserted a small metal stick into the freshly made hole as soon as it stopped bleeding.

The whole time, Jing Shui was holding his lover's hand for comfort while looking worried, constantly asking Wu Xiao if it hurt. He seemed more affected by it than Wu Xiao himself, making Wu Xiao smile happily at his Ah-Shui's obvious care for him.

After everything was done and all the goodbyes said, Grandma Jiao and Xiao Nuo left. They would return with the finished earring after getting it blessed by the requisite nine tribespeople.

After seeing their guests off, Jing Shui and Wu Xiao began heading back towards the Silver Moon Sect. They'd already figured out that if Jing Shui stayed at the Golden Sun Sect even during his off days, he'd keep feeling tempted to work just a little bit, which would more often than not end up with him going through stacks of doc.u.ments at his desk till the day was over. And so, it was decided that it was better to spend their free days in the Silver Moon Sect.

As they made their way through to the back of the Golden Sun Sect, then over the connecting white stone bridge and back through the gardens of the Silver Moon Sect, a delicate atmosphere slowly stretched between Jing Shui and Wu Xiao. They had already considered marrying sometime in the future, and when the opportunity had abruptly presented itself now, they'd gladly taken it without hesitation. But now, after the thought that they were going to get married finally sank in, the couple felt a strange sense of shyness towards each other, along with the need to affirm their beloved's affections. And as the silence increased, so did the depth of this need.

As they gradually neared the building where Wu Xiao usually stayed, their steps automatically slowed. Wu Xiao turned to look at Jing Shui and spoke with a smile full of meaning, "Ah-Shui, since we'll be ending our bachelorhood soon, don't you think we should spend this time celebrating it together on the bed?"

Jing Shui's eyes immediately darkened. Though he wanted to very enthusiastically nod his head, his mouth opened as usual to scold his lover for being shameless. But when his gaze landed on Wu Xiao's earlobe that was visibly red and swollen around where it was pierced, Jing Shui clamped his mouth shut, his heart melting in his chest. As heat crept up his neck and spread over his cheeks, Jing Shui lifted his hands and pulled Wu Xiao's face down towards his own. Their lips met, and Jing Shui took the initiative to give his startled lover a sweet and sensual kiss full of pa.s.sion.

A few minutes later, they both finally leaned back, panting. His thumb lightly rubbing over his beloved's reddened lips, Wu Xiao asked, "I'm taking that's a yes?"

In a soft voice, Jing Shui affirmed, "Yes."

Unwilling to wait a moment more, Wu Xiao held Jing Shui's hand and directly pulled him inside the building and into his room. Their clothing was peeled away and discarded within moments as the couple fell into bed, their bodies soon writhing against each other uncontrollably. This time, there were no toys or playfulness while they made love, only deep, raw need for each other.


The sky outside had slowly darkened with the approach of evening. Inside Wu Xiao's room, the couple lay side by side on rumpled sheets, their bare bodies still stained with their sweat and release. His head resting on Wu Xiao's chest, Jing Shui let his fingers play on his beloved's smooth and fair skin while his mind was filled with thoughts about the past.

Capturing his lover's fingers, Wu Xiao cautioned in a hoa.r.s.e voice, "Ah-Shui, if you keep doing this, I'll be tempted to take you for a few more rounds."

Already flushed due to their recent exertion, the color on Jing Shui's face deepened even more in reaction to Wu Xiao's words. But as the memories he'd been thinking about weighed down on his mind again, the moment of shyness quickly faded. Burying his face in his beloved's chest, Jing Shui rubbed his cheek against Wu Xiao's skin as if seeking comfort.

With concern bleeding into his eyes, Wu Xiao asked, "Ah-Shui, is something wrong?"

Jing Shui exhaled heavily and s.h.i.+fted to look up into Wu Xiao's face. "I…I've been thinking back to my life in the palace. I wanted to know if there was something else I forgot like I did with the tribe."

Wu Xiao frowned and prodded, "And?"

Feeling strangely dull inside, Jing Shui replied, "…And I've discovered that I still feel guilty for not being a good son."

His eyebrows flying up in surprise, Wu Xiao repeated incredulously, "You're feeling guilty for not being a good son? To that sort of parents?! Ah-Shui, why would you…"

Jing Shui shook his head. "I know what you want to say, and I agree. They…weren't good parents. But even though I know that, the conditioning from the palace is difficult to shake off. I was constantly taught to be filial and listen to my elders, pus.h.i.+ng aside my own opinions and wishes and bow to their commands. I was always supposed to do as told and fulfill all of my parents' instructions. They impressed it very deeply into me. And I'm realizing I never tried to address that issue. I've been so focused on recovering by trying to lock away my memories that I never dealt with a lot of things I should have faced long ago. If Brother Feng hadn't already taken care of the Yong Dynasty, I doubt I'd have ever let these memories resurface."

Wu Xiao patted the back of his Ah-Shui's head comfortingly while the other arm held him gently. His voice soft and kind, Wu Xiao spoke, "You can't blame yourself for that. Ah-Shui, the road to recovery is never easy, and you've been doing very well. You'll shake off their influence soon enough. You've already started dealing with those issues head-on, haven't you?"

Jing Shui hesitated, then nodded.

"Then all you need is a bit more time and you'll come out of it fine. Though I have no experience with family issues like this, I've helped plenty of people recover from similar traumas. Ah-Shui, you'll be alright."

Jing Shui basked in his lover's soothing words and chose to let go of his worries. That's right, he'd be fine. In a way, he was already much better than before. Wanting to put this matter aside, he leaned up from Wu Xiao's body and asked, "I've never heard you talk much about your family. What was it like?"

Wu Xiao blinked at the change in the direction of their discussion. But before answering, Wu Xiao used his hands to pull Jing Shui up and made him straddle his stomach. Blus.h.i.+ng, Jing Shui balanced himself by resting his palms flat on Wu Xiao's chest. "W-What are you doing?"

"I can see my lovely little Ah-Shui better this way," Wu Xiao explained with a cheerful grin. "And to answer your question, my family was actually quite normal. We lived in a town that was small enough to be mistaken for a village. My mother inherited her family's wine shop and ran it well while my father, whose cooking was quite famous in our town, made light snacks to sell at the side. I had two younger sisters who took after our father and were very mischievous, going around pranking everyone. The only person they ever exercised caution with was my mother."

Jing Shui's face had unconsciously softened into a smile. "Seems like you took after your father too, then."

Wu Xiao laughed. "You would think that, wouldn't you? But no, when I was young, I was quite stiff and dour, so my little sisters took special pleasure in making me angry. Those sly little monkeys… I'm still mad at them for that one time they filled my shoes with dead beetles and worms!" Shuddering, Wu Xiao grumped, "To this day, I still feel the need to check my shoes every time I wear them. But my parents let those brats off with only a scolding. Hmph! But I got those little devils back by putting ground stinkwort leaves in their hair when they were sleeping, so I suppose we're even." His expression turning smug, Wu Xiao continued, "Their hair stank like rotting fishes for weeks, and no matter how much my sisters blamed me, my parents never believed that someone as straitlaced and serious as me could pull such a prank."

Jing Shui couldn't help but chuckle. With a wistful expression, he said, "They sound like fun. It must've been nice. Did you have to leave them behind to pursue cultivation?"

Wu Xiao sighed and nodded. "Actually, if I had the chance, I would have never left them. But my ability awakened when I was in my early teens and brought us problems. As you know, I can see a few minutes into the future. It isn't very useful most of the time, but it caused me too many problems at the onset.

"When my ability awakened, all my eyes showed was the vision of what will happen a few minutes in the future rather than what was right in front of me, and I became unable to distinguish between my precognition and reality. For example, I would move aside to avoid b.u.mping into a table, only to into it a few minutes later because my eyes were displaying scenes from further ahead in the future. It was a headache. My family was very supportive, however, and they treated me with the care shown to a blind and deaf person so that I wouldn't go around unwittingly putting myself in danger. If I'd stumbled into the path of a carriage or gotten into trouble with the wrong kind of people… Well, thankfully nothing like that happened.

"But this obviously couldn't go on, so my parents called all sorts of doctors and priests to come and have a look at me, since they didn't know if it was an ailment of some sort, a curse, or an evil spirit making mischief for me. But none of them could find what was wrong with me. Some of those people my parents brought in even tried to take advantage of my helplessness and attempted to kidnap me to sell as a slave. My sisters found me in time and, well, I've been a.s.sured that those people will never be able to walk ever again. My sisters can be very scary when they think someone is trying to hurt me…" Wu Xiao suddenly stopped, his gaze swirling with memories. Closing his eyes, he exhaled a heavy breath and muttered, "Ah, d.a.m.n, I miss those mischievous little devils…"

Jing Shui felt his heart clench. Bending down, he cupped his lover's cheek. "I'm sorry. You don't have to keep speaking about this."

Wu Xiao shook his head and opened his eyes. Taking a deep breath, he regained his composure quickly. "No, I'm fine. I had a good life, and so did they. I just…miss them sometimes. It's inevitable, and I'm already used to this."

Though Jing Shui wanted to console his beloved in some way, he didn't know what to say, so he silently offered support by leaning down for a hug. Wu Xiao absorbed his beloved's warmth, luxuriating in his Ah-Shui's care with a small smile. "I'm really fine. I can continue."

Jing Shui sat up again, his knees on either side of Wu Xiao as he straddled his lover's lean stomach. "Alright. Then…what happened next?"

Wu Xiao's gaze grew distant as he remembered. "My master found me. She claimed that she was a cultivator who was just pa.s.sing by, and after hearing my condition, she decided to stop by and help. She told my parents about my precognition ability and that she could help me control it, but I'd have to come with her and start cultivating in a sect. My parents chose to let me go if it meant that I would be able to live normally again. Master first left me at the Golden Sun Sect so that I'd gain experience, then instated me as her head disciple when Elder Sister was being instated as the Golden Sun Sect's head disciple.

"Meanwhile, I still kept in touch with my family and watched them live their lives. I made sure that they would never need for anything. My sisters got married, and my parents eventually gave the shop over to them to manage. They all grew older, aged, then eventually died peacefully, surrounded by family, friends, and loved ones. I was there to see each of them off while they pa.s.sed away. It was…painful. But I'm also glad. They lived happy, fulfilling lives, and they were all so relieved that I at least would live long, that they would never have to watch me die. Seeing how they didn't have the ability to cultivate, this was the best outcome I could have asked for. I'm satisfied."

Looking at Wu Xiao's peaceful expression, Jing Shui didn't know what to feel. Though it was sad, it was truly the best ending that was possible under the circ.u.mstances. This was what most cultivators who came from normal families had to deal with. This was common. But nonetheless, hearing about it still felt heartbreaking.

Jing Shui suddenly remembered something Wu Xiao had once said—

'Ah, but Ah-Shui, it gets terribly cold on top of the mountain on my own. Can't I ask you to keep me company?'

For the first time, Jing Shui felt like he understood what he had meant at that time. No matter how exquisite and wonderful his Wu Xiao was, after becoming used to being showered in affection by his family, even he would feel lonely after they were gone. And though the sects were dear to him, they would not be able to give him the kind of warmth he needed.

Now, looking down at his lover's beautiful face gazing back at him while framed by his scattered silver hair, feeling his beloved's warm skin rising and falling with his breaths and sensing the thudding of his heartbeats under his palms, Jing Shui wanted more than anything to give his most cherished lover what he needed.

In a low voice, Jing Shui finally spoke, "Wu Xiao, you don't have to be lonely anymore. I'm here. Even though I can't be a replacement for your family…I'll always be here for you. In the future, we will have a child, and together, we'll be a family. The family I lacked and the family you lost, we'll build it anew by ourselves and take good care of it together."

Looking at his Ah-Shui's earnest expression as he said this, Wu Xiao felt as if his heart would just about burst. Having a family of his own with his beloved… it sounded like the most wonderful thing he could think of.

Smiling brightly, Wu Xiao said simply, "Thank you."

The tight knot in Jing Shui's chest loosened. Yes, his lover should always smile happily like this.

"But Ah-Shui," Wu Xiao continued, "The same goes for you as well. You deserve to have a loving family too. Though you are related to the former imperial family by blood, they are obviously not your true family. On the other hand, Grandma Jiao and her tribe, the people of the Golden Sun Sect, your friends at the Silver Moon Sect and the Silver Mist, those brats Feng Qinghe and Chen Xiande from the Heavenly Peak Sect…all these people who care about you and who have become a part of your life, they're your true family."

Jing Shui bowed his head and bit his lower lip, trying his best to hold back his tears at these words. Yes, he already had a family now. And he even had someone who loved him more than he thought possible.

Looking up through his damp lashes at his beloved, Jing Shui said, "Y-You're right, but Wu Xiao, you still forgot something."

Seeing Wu Xiao looking confused, Jing Shui bent down and slowly placed a kiss on his lover's lips before leaning back slightly so that they would be face-to-face. "Wu Xiao, of all these people, how can you exclude my future husband? You are my closest, most beloved family. You are the one person I can't live without. And it's because of you that I was able to come this far and have such a large family. Thank you."

Wu Xiao's eyes darkened with emotion. Taking in a shuddering breath and letting it out, he spoke, "Ah-Shui, if you keep being so sweet, I'll want to take you again and again until neither of us can move anymore."

Jing Shui let out a chuckle at how his lover seemed to be unable to handle too many shows of affection at once. His lips curling up into an inviting smile, Jing Shui enticed, "That definitely sounds like a good way to spend our day before we become husbands. So why don't we begin?"

Wu Xiao growled, "You seem to have become very bold today, Ah-Shui." But his fingers were already reaching for the cleft between his beloved's round b.u.t.tocks, pus.h.i.+ng into the slick entrance and the soft pa.s.sage beyond that was still drenched with his previous release. Moaning, Jing Shui relaxed his body atop Wu Xiao, submitting himself to be played with by his lover again.

And so began several more rounds of intense lovemaking.


Grandma Jiao and Xiao Nuo returned at dusk with the prepared earring.

The finished earring looked like an elongated teardrop made of transparent crystal in a light lilac-blue color. It gleamed brightly like a glistening drop of liquid, its length half the size of a finger. A tiny bell-shaped silver flower with six curled petals gripped the tip of the crystal, connecting it to the mechanism that would firmly fasten the earring to Wu Xiao's ear.

Since the tribe didn't follow lengthy formalities, the second Wu Xiao put on the earring, he became Jing Shui's husband as far as the Baolin Tribe was concerned. The Jing Shui who was impatient to claim his lover as his husband and be known as his Wu Xiao's husband in return was very satisfied with the quickness and simplicity of this ceremony.

After eagerly putting it on, Wu Xiao immediately drew back his hair from the right side of his face to show off the earring better, pinning his silver locks back so that no one would be able to miss this symbol that was the proof of his marriage to his beloved according to the traditions of the Baolin tribe. Of course, seeing Jing Shui blush while his eyes gleamed with shy joy and satisfaction whenever he gazed at the earring was a very nice bonus as well.

After sending off Grandma Jiao and Xiao Nuo with promises of future visits to their caravan within the next few days, Jing Shui and Wu Xiao made their way back to the Silver Moon Sect.

By now, night had already fallen, the sky a velvety black with the pearly moon nestled in its folds while twinkling stars laid scattered throughout its vast expanse.

Strolling hand-in-hand, the couple slowly made their way through the hydrangea garden they'd been lying down in before. The night breeze was damp and chilly as it brushed over them, making Jing Shui s.h.i.+ver slightly.

Holding him closer to share his warmth, Wu Xiao asked softly, "Ah-Shui, do you want to go inside?"

Jing Shui hugged his lover tightly and shook his head. "No, let's walk around outside for a bit more. I…I just want to stay here like this for a while."

Wu Xiao smiled with understanding, but still couldn't help himself from saying mischievously, "Oh? And what are you planning to do after getting me here all alone with you?"

Rather than stuttering out admonishments, Jing Shui looked up with clear eyes and a light blush while proclaiming boldly, "What would you do if I told you that I want to have our wedding night here?"

Wu Xiao almost stumbled. "Ah-Shui?! You've really gotten so bold!"

Forcing down his embarra.s.sment, Jing Shui smiled and teased, "Does it mean that you don't want to?"

Wu Xiao halted. "Of course I want to eat my little Ah-Shui up! And if you want to do it here, I have no objections as well."

And so, Wu Xiao quickly began looking around for a secluded place where he could do all sorts of unmentionable things to his beloved in privacy. Seeing his fervent expression, Jing Shui chuckled and leaned up to place a kiss on Wu Xiao's jaw. Pulling his lover's head down, Jing Shui whispered into Wu Xiao's ear, "There's no need to rush. After all, we have our whole lives ahead of us, don't we, Husband?"

Hearing that address for the first time, a soft pink suffused Wu Xiao's cheeks. His gaze turning intent, he muttered, "Screw it, this place is good enough. We're doing it right here."

As he laughed carefreely, Jing Shui was pushed down onto the gra.s.s by an enthusiastic Wu Xiao, a row of hydrangea bushes to their right while a line of trees stood on their left. Waving a hand, Wu Xiao quickly sent out tendrils of his power to set up a privacy barrier so that no one would be able to see them from the outside while he and his Ah-Shui would be able to enjoy the stars and the scenery around them from within. But as the couple hurried to remove their clothes, Jing Shui suddenly froze, his eyes wide as he looked to the side into one of the hydrangea bushes.

"Ah-Shui? What's wrong?" Wu Xiao asked, peering into the bush as well. After a few moments of squinting, Wu Xiao finally saw a strange, narrow shape the length of a palm dangling from one of the branches, s.h.i.+ning a pale blue wherever the moonlight brushed over it. Wu Xiao looked at it perplexedly. "What is that thing?"

Jing Shui's eyes held quiet wonder as he spoke, "That's the pupa of a spotted ocean foam moth. And seeing from the line of yellow spots at the side, it seems that this is the pupa of that worm you adopted this morning."

Wu Xiao's eyebrows shot up. So that gluttonous little worm was finally going to enter the next stage of its life? …How strangely symbolic.

Turning back to finish removing his beloved's clothing, Wu Xiao leaned down for a deep kiss before drawing back. "Ah-Shui, it's our wedding night. Should you really be paying attention to anything else other than your husband?"

Jing Shui panted lightly, out of breath after their kiss. "I'm only paying attention because you adopted that particular worm. As your husband, isn't it my duty to take care of all that is yours?"

Wu Xiao's gaze deepened. "Yes, my husband is truly too good to me." Not waiting for a response, Wu Xiao lifted up a startled Jing Shui's legs and hoisted them onto his shoulders, his stiff member already pressing its thick head against that familiar little bud of his beloved's entrance. "And I will naturally be just as good to my Ah-Shui and take care of you this whole night…and then cherish you for my whole life."

Jing Shui felt his eyes growing teary in response, his heart softening along with his body while Wu Xiao quickly thrust in all at once.

As he felt his beloved's shaft driving deep into his body, Jing Shui arched back with a gasp, his vision filled with Wu Xiao's face framed with s.h.i.+ning silver hair, with the starry night sky as the background.

And glowing softly while watching over them from high above, that silvery moon didn't seem as distant as before anymore.

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Heavenly Soul 140 Their True Family summary

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