Heavenly Soul 152 The Forest's Cradle Part 4 – Continued

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A/N: If you haven't already read the previous segment that was released today before this one, please read that first.


Kong Min stood on the outskirts of the Spirit Bewildering Forest and reached up to press his hand over the gem.

<…kong min?!=""> Ying Xulin's voice sounded surprised.

Kong Min smiled and teased,

Ying Xulin's voice sounded excited.

Kong Min chuckled.

The vegetation in front of Kong Min parted in answer, with the usual tiny mushrooms with caps glowing blue-green lining the cleared pathway on either side. However, the floating clouds of luminescence and the cheeky little guide squirrel that generally accompanied the mushrooms didn't show this time. Kong Min didn't mind and started walking along the trail.

Since the connection with Ying Xulin was still open, Kong Min began chatting.

After a moment of silence, Ying Xulin replied,

Kong Min's eyebrows shot up.

Ying Xulin explained.

Feeling intrigued, Kong Min asked,

After a brief pause, Ying Xulin informed,

Kong Min smiled.

After a couple of minutes, Kong Min reached the clearing and entered it. At the center, Ying Xulin was waiting for him as always. His gaze was fixed on Kong Min, s.h.i.+ning with happiness at being able to see his lover so unexpectedly.

Kong Min walked up to Ying Xulin and unceremoniously pulled his head down for a kiss. Ying Xulin quickly retracted his fangs and eagerly complied, his hands pressing onto Kong Min's back to pull him closer. Their mouth eagerly melded over each other's, their tongues enthusiastically reaching out to entwine and caress one another. After a few minutes, Kong Min leaned back, his face flushed. Seeing Ying Xulin trying to follow his lips with his own while wearing a hungry expression, Kong Min let out a husky laugh and pushed back on his lover's shoulders. "No, wait. Ah-Xu, I have to ask you something."

Ying Xulin straightened and took in deep breaths, waiting.

Composing himself, Kong Min spoke, "Ah-Xu, I want us to have out first time now. Is it alright?"

Ying Xulin's eyes widened. Antic.i.p.ation began to gleam in them as he nodded, "Yes, I would like that very much. But Kong Min, are you sure?" His gaze searched his beloved's face for the slightest sign of hesitation. He had to suppress the urge to connect to Kong Min's emotions again just to confirm that his lover really wanted to do this.

Kong Min smiled and nodded. "Yes. I've been wanting to do this for the longest time."

Stepping back, Kong Min retrieved a thick quilt he'd prepared just for this moment and spread it onto the ground covered by b.u.mpy roots. Understanding what he wanted, Ying Xulin waved a hand and quickly smoothened the roots under the quilt as well. Kong Min folded his legs and settled down on the quilt. Then reaching out and spreading his arms in welcome, he looked up at his lover. "Ah-Xu, come here. Let's start."

Ying Xulin took a step forward, then suddenly froze. "I…"

Kong Min tilted his head in confusion before realization dawned. Smiling widely, he said, "It's alright if you're nervous or uncertain, Ah-Xu. I'll start and slowly show you what to do. I can take the lead this time. Is that okay?"

Ying Xulin let out a breath in relief and nodded. He'd only lain with three people before and he'd never been particularly enthusiastic with any of them. As a result, he hadn't paid attention to what he should do to give his partner pleasure. But it was different with Kong Min. He wanted his beloved to feel good with him. However, his lack of experience made Ying Xulin unsure if he could achieve that.

He was afraid he would end up making it feel as unpleasant or painful as Ying Xulin's own first time lying under another man had been. But he should've known that his Kong Min wasn't the sort of person to just lie down and expect him to please him selfishly. His beloved would share his burden and be beside him, teaching him anything he didn't know. For the first time, Ying Xulin felt relieved that Kong Min was more experienced than him and that he would know what to do to make this enjoyable for them both.

Meanwhile, Kong Min got busy with removing his clothes and setting them aside. Ying Xulin's attention snapped to him, his gaze intensifying as layer after layer of fabric fell off his beloved's shoulders. Ying Xulin eagerly took in the sight of the exposed copper-hued skin stretched tight over defined muscles that s.h.i.+fted and rolled as his Kong Min moved. Kong Min stood up to do away with his boots and pants as well. Once he was completely naked, he sat back down on his knees, his legs slightly parted. His posture was relaxed and unselfconscious. Ying Xulin swallowed, his eyes growing deep.

Kong Min smirked and said, "Ah-Xu, you should sit there and watch as I prepare myself for you, alright?"

Ying Xulin felt his breathing growing deeper with l.u.s.t and nodded. But before he could sit down, Kong Min spoke again, "Aren't you going to take off your clothes? I want to appreciate my lover's body too~"

Ying Xulin halted, then slowly began to undo his clothes. Feeling his beloved's gaze pinned on him made his body grow hotter and hotter with every item of clothing he removed. The more skin he exposed, the more the sensation of Kong Min's eyes brus.h.i.+ng over his body increased. It made his skin feel more sensitive. Once Ying Xulin was naked as well, he sat down and folded his legs before placing his clenched hands on his thighs. His gaze then fixed on his beloved again.

Kong Min licked his lips as he looked Ying Xulin up and down. Hmm, now he really wanted to get started soon. But he should first put on a show to get both of their appet.i.tes stoked.

His actions slow and languid, Kong Min lifted a hand to lightly brush against one of the nubs on his own chest. His lips curled into a sultry smile as his eyes grew half-lidded, remaining locked on his Ah-Xu's gaze. His fingers rubbed the small bud, causing it to perk up, before lightly squeezing and pulling it.

Ying Xulin's lips parted, his breaths feeling too warm. As his eyes stayed fixed on his beloved's fingers, watching them stretching and rolling that little point, Ying Xulin's body grew tense with the stirrings of arousal.

Kong Min lifted his other hand to start working on the remaining berry, pinching, twisting, and rubbing the two nubs while he observed Ying Xulin's captivated expression with interest. Currents of pleasure spread from the little nubbins as Kong Min kneaded them, but the way Ying Xulin's gaze was fixed on him made it feel even more t.i.tillating. He pushed his chest up, making the two erect points protrude even more, causing Ying Xulin's breathing to speed up.

As his own arousal increased, Kong Min slid one of his hands down from his chest, pa.s.sing over his midriff and stomach. Seeing his lover's gaze following it, Kong Min flexed his abdominal muscles, making them tighten and roll under his skin temptingly. Ying Xulin unconsciously licked his lips. His hand dipping down between his thighs, Kong Min gripped his own hardness and began moving his palm up and down. He widened his thighs to both get better access to his member and to show an unimpeded view to his beloved's hungry gaze. Ying Xulin leaned forward without realizing, his vision filled only with his lover's bewitching figure.

As one hand kept moving on his shaft while the other played with the buds on his chest, Kong Min began to pant. The steady friction he gave himself combined with his beloved's obvious interest in him pleasuring his own body pushed his arousal higher. Languid heat filled his limbs, making him increase his pace, his fingers growing more insistent. His eyes remained fixed on Ying Xulin's face, his need soaring higher at the sight of his lover drinking him in so intently. The liquid heat spread through him in quick pulses, slowly pus.h.i.+ng him towards the edge. Kong Min felt his climax beginning to rush at him and abruptly stopped. His body felt too hot with desire, but he was unwilling to release this soon.

Ying Xulin frowned. Why wasn't his beloved continuing? Seeing him stimulating himself had been so fascinating!

After taking a moment to bring his raging need under control, Kong Min got up on his hands and knees and went up to Ying Xulin. In a husky voice, he spoke, "Ah-Xu, it's time for me to prepare myself now. Won't you help me?"

Ying Xulin felt confused. "How do you want me to help you?"

Kong Min lifted a hand and pressed three fingers to Ying Xulin's mouth. "Here, suck them. The wetter you can get them, the better."

Ying Xulin nodded and parted his lips. He felt his beloved's fingers slipping in and clamped his mouth around them. Lifting a hand, he wrapped his fingers around Kong Min's wrist to keep it in place as he began sucking and licking the digits in his mouth. He made his tongue sweep all over them, even sliding it between the fingers, before finally pulling his lover's wrist away. "Is it okay now?"

Kong Min let out a heated breath. "Hmm, yes. Ah-Xu, you're tongue felt so hot and wet. I want you to use it to lick all over inside me later."

Ying Xulin felt heat creeping up his neck even though he didn't quite understand what his beloved meant. But he still nodded. No matter what Kong Min wanted to try, he was willing to do it.

Kong Min chuckled and put some distance between them before lying on his back. Folding up his knees, he parted them to give his Ah-Xu a good view before reaching down with his wet fingers. "Ah-Xu, pay attention now. This is how you'll have to prepare me in the future."

But Ying Xulin didn't need to be told. His eyes were already fixed on the little pucker revealed between his lover's b.u.t.tocks, intently watching one of the fingers that had just been in his mouth pus.h.i.+ng into that small opening. Ying Xulin clenched and unclenched his hands. He very badly wanted to use his own fingers to explore inside Kong Min. But feeling uncertain, he decided to first watch and learn this time. He would have the chance to use this knowledge and touch inside his beloved later.

Meanwhile, Kong Min finished pus.h.i.+ng in one finger and slowly began thrusting it in and out. It had been so long since he'd taken anything into him that he'd become very tight. After he felt his pa.s.sage grow to accept one finger, he pushed in another and tried to widen his channel. He could feel Ying Xulin's burning gaze on him and swallowed. He wanted to hurry and welcome his Ah-Xu into him already. His brows tightening, Kong Min let out heated breaths as he sped up the preparation. His fingers moved in and out, occasionally spreading open to widen his pa.s.sage until all three of the wetted fingers fit inside without issue.

Kong Min removed his fingers from his entrance and simply laid panting on the quilt for a few moments. Then slowly getting up, he looked at Ying Xulin's flushed face and piercing gaze. Kong Min felt a mixture of shyness and pleasure. He hadn't even touched him, yet his lover was already so aroused just from watching him.

Before Kong Min could say anything, Ying Xulin spoke, "Is the preparation done? Can I come and touch you now?"

Kong Min grinned. "My, very eager, are we?" Patting the s.p.a.ce before him, he said, "Ah-Xu, come and lie down here. Let me ride you in the beginning this time until you get the hang of it, alright?"

Ying Xulin didn't waste any time on lying down on his back before looking up at Kong Min with an antic.i.p.atory gaze. Kong Min grinned and straddled his lover's hips. Bending down, he framed Ying Xulin's face with his palms and kissed him once on the lips before straightening. Ying Xulin's hands reached out to touch and caress Kong Min's thighs. Wonder and appreciation bloomed in his face as he felt the smooth skin and firm muscle under his hands. "Kong Min…you feel very good."

Kong Min smiled wider. His palms slowly slid up his beloved's abdomen and chest as he remarked, "So do you. And let me now reward my Ah-Xu for generously complimenting me~"

Lifting his hips up, Kong Min reached down to position the head of Ying Xulin's hardened member right under his opening before bearing down. Ying Xulin hissed out a breath as the heat of his beloved's body slowly enveloped him. It felt so soft and tight and wonderful that it was all Ying Xulin could do to stop himself from thrusting up.

Meanwhile, Kong Min bit his lower lip, his pupils expanding at the sensation of a thick and hot shaft slowly burrowing its way inside him, stretching his entrance wide open and forcefully pus.h.i.+ng apart the walls of his pa.s.sage. It dug in deeper and deeper, squeezing its way into him. By the time Ying Xulin's member was fully seated within him, Kong Min had to steady himself by placing his hands on his lover's abdomen for support. His Ah-Xu's throbbing length felt too big, the penetration in this position making it reach in too deep. Groaning, Kong Min said, "Ah-Xu, you feel so good inside me. How does being within me feel to you?"

Ying Xulin s.h.i.+fted and panted, his fair cheeks reddened with intense arousal. "K-Kong Min… You're so tight and hot. I…I like it very much."

Kong Min chuckled with satisfaction. Leaning down, he gripped and kneaded one of the stiff buds on Ying Xulin's chest while his mouth descended on the other one. He nipped and licked the little point before sucking it strongly while his fingers twisted and pulled the other nub. Ying Xulin arched back and moaned helplessly. His chest thrust up on its own as his head arched back into the quilt while his hands curled into the fabric. Bursts of pleasure spread out from the two sensitive points on his chest. Such strong sensations were too unfamiliar to him, rendering him unable to prepare or defend against them.

Kong Min lifted his head up and smiled charmingly. "Ah-Xu, you're so sensitive. I'm afraid that if I keep going, you'll end up coming right away."

Ying Xulin panted and looked up at Kong Min dazedly, not understanding. He only knew that his beloved seemed to be enjoying tormenting him with this sort of stimulation, so he remained still while waiting for Kong Min's ministrations obediently.

Kong Min's expression softened with affection at seeing this. Straightening again, he let his palms drag down Ying Xulin's smooth chest and stomach. In a thoughtful tone, he commented, "Ah-Xu, now that I'm feeling you up, I'm realizing that you're muscled more like a scholar who exercises regularly than some experienced warrior."

Ying Xulin frowned. "Does my physical form displease you?"

Kong Min shook his head and leaned down to peck his beloved on his chin. "Of course not. I love you as you are."

Ying Xulin's expression eased into a shy smile. Kong Min felt it tug at his heartstrings and couldn't help but dip his head for another quick kiss.

Sitting up again, Kong Min decided to tease his Ah-Xu a bit more. He reached back and cupped his lover's b.a.l.l.s in a palm. And as he gently pressed and rolled them within his hand, he simultaneously squeezed and released his inner muscles around Ying Xulin's thick shaft. Ying Xulin shuddered and moaned softly. His chest heaved harder. "Kong Min…please… It feels too good, but…"

Kong Min smirked. "But you want even more?"

Ying Xulin s.h.i.+fted restlessly and nodded.

Kong Min stopped his playful torment and chuckled. His gaze roved over his lover, eagerly drinking in his helpless state. By now, Ying Xulin's control over his body had begun to slip. His hair had fully turned to thin vines, their color the same green as his eyes. The little leaves growing from the vines curled and uncurled in agitation while the tiny white flowers were in full bloom. In the meantime, the vines had begun to writhe and twist, scrabbling around on the quilt as if searching for purchase. Ying Xulin was panting, his expression dazed. A thin layer of sweat covered his defined body, highlighting all the dips and hollows. His Adam's apple kept bobbing restlessly as he struggled to control himself so that he could let Kong Min do as he wanted with him.

Kong Min felt enchanted by this sight of his lover, his ardor increasing.

Deciding to stop playing and begin, Kong Min slowly rose up. He groaned as he felt Ying Xulin's member drag its way out of him. Then lowering his hips again, Kong Min took the hard length fully into him once more. As Kong Min thus began moving up and down in a steady rhythm, Ying Xulin's hips began accompanying him on their own. Kong Min gasped, his head bowing. His hands wandered on his beloved's skin, stroking and ma.s.saging the firm flesh. Kong Min traced the tense lines of his lover's body and drove Ying Xulin mad with need. Ying Xulin's hands moved up and down Kong Min's straining thighs, sliding over his supple hips and waist, seeking to touch as much as he could. As the heat in their bodies burned stronger, they both tacitly increased the tempo, slamming their hips together harder and harder. A whirlwind of desperate need and sweet pleasure drowned them, gradually whipping them into a frenzy.

Ying Xulin's voice grew deep as he gasped and groaned. His lips peeled back from his teeth, exposing his sharp incisors. His hair thrashed about with more urgency, his muscles bulging. He felt so lost in this unfamiliar tide of powerful sensations. But when he gazed up, he saw his lover pumping his hips up and down with the same franticness. It made Ying Xulin felt grounded again. As he looked at his beloved through eyes glazed with pa.s.sion, the sight of Kong Min riding atop him made Ying Xulin overflow with awe and affection.

Kong Min's loose hair that was usually pulled up now freely flowed down his shoulders, framing his face and sticking to his sweaty skin. His copper-hued skin was flushed with arousal, looking warm and inviting. His muscles bunched and rolled as he moved, his tight pa.s.sage gripping and releasing the hard member as his hips moved up and down in concert with the pulses of need shooting through Ying Xulin. Kong Min's breathing sounded hoa.r.s.e, intercepted with little moans and soft groans. He didn't hide the enjoyment he felt from Ying Xulin's body at all even as he pleasured Ying Xulin with his own.

Seeing this, Ying Xulin felt satisfaction filling him. This was now his person, his Kong Min. After so long, his lover had finally, fully accepted him. This man always teased and played with him while grinning mischievously, his eyes sparkling with liveliness and humor. He always grumbled and acted dissatisfied with his junior brother, but when the people he loved needed him, he would always be there trying to do his best to help them. He might act willful or irresponsibly sometimes, but he could also be as calm and mature as the situation required.

Whenever Ying Xulin felt lost with human emotions and customs, Kong Min would guide him patiently and explain things in an una.s.suming way. Even when he'd hurt him, Kong Min had still chosen to forgive him and gave him another chance while telling him what lines he should not cross in a reasonable manner. It made Ying Xulin grow less uncertain and feel more comfortable and closer with his beloved. It made him understand that he was allowed to make mistakes as long as he took responsibility for them and apologized, then learned from them. He would not be hated or pushed away as long as he explained himself and made suitable amends. Knowing that rea.s.sured Ying Xulin.

His Kong Min was so good to him. He was so bright and wonderful and full of life. He was so beautiful and tempting, the emotions expressed in his face and the fluid movements of his body mesmerizing. The way his beloved looked lost in the waves of pleasure right now, his body moving faster and faster, the way he made Ying Xulin's need rise higher and higher, feeding the taut thread of desperation and yearning that connected them both, flowing through them, pus.h.i.+ng them into a more frenzied state…all of it made Ying Xulin want to hold him down and drive into Kong Min as his lover twisted and writhed with uncontrollable pleasure under him. He wanted to be wild and unrestrained with the person he loved.

As these urges brimmed over, filling him up and overflowing, Ying Xulin gave in with a growl.

The Kong Min who was completely absorbed with satisfying his insistent desire yelped as he was suddenly flipped over and pressed down. Before he could get back his bearings, he felt a strong hand settle on the middle of his back to firmly hold him down while another gripped his hip to keep him in place. A stiff organ abruptly pushed into his entrance, prying apart his inner walls to thrust in deep with one powerful stroke. Kong Min's body jerked forward due to the forceful motion. But before he could steady himself, the intruding organ quickly began to drive in and out of him relentlessly, sliding through his tight channel and providing unbearably pleasurable friction.

Kong Min arched his back and gasped breathlessly. His Ah-Xu was so intense! Giving out a hoa.r.s.e laugh filled with unrestrained joy, Kong Min encouraged, "That's right, Ah-Xu. f.u.c.k me nice and hard!"

Ying Xulin gave out another growl and complied, his hips pumping with more force as his hand clenched on his beloved's hip. The sweet heat gripping and wringing his member felt too good. The feeling of his lover's slick skin s.h.i.+fting and sliding under his hands was too satisfying. Every hoa.r.s.e cry and drawn-out moan that slipped out of Kong Min's lips pushed him to increase his speed. Ying Xulin's eyes filled with mad desperation, his thick member continuing to ruthlessly plunder his beloved's soft tightness.

Meanwhile, Kong Min felt the hand on his hip slide down to his inner thigh to pull his legs open wider. He groaned and widened his legs before tilting his hips to receive each thrust more fully. His fingers clenched on the quilt under him as he sucked in deep lungfuls of air. His mind was completely filled with the sensation of his Ah-Xu pumping into him, that hard shaft diving deep inside him and rubbing over his sensitive inner walls. Gasping and panting, Kong Min instructed, "Ah-Xu, make it go a bit deeper…mn, yes, on the lower side…a bit to the right and― Ah! Ahhh…yes, yesss…"

As his pleasure point was. .h.i.t, Kong Min's body melted into the quilt. He let out low moans and shuddered, his eyes squeezing closed tightly. His body shook with the impact of Ying Xulin continuing to plunge in and out of him, their hips colliding together. Kong Min began to writhe helplessly as wave after wave of pleasure flooded him. It seemed that once his Ah-Xu found a way to make him come undone, he wasn't content to let it go. Ying Xulin made sure to slam the tip of his shaft on that pleasure spot again and again, ruthlessly taking advantage of it to push his beloved to the peak.

Kong Min let out a long, broken scream as his o.r.g.a.s.m suddenly crashed over him. He shuddered and twisted as his member released thick streams of white liquid onto the quilt and his belly. His thighs trembled with strain as he pressed his cheek into the fabric under him.

But before the waves of brutal ecstasy could recede, Kong Min felt Ying Xulin loop an arm over his waist and straighten, pulling him upright to sit down heavily on the thick organ that still pulsed vigorously while buried within him. Feeling the rigid length suddenly being shoved even deeper into him, Kong Min arched back and shouted hoa.r.s.ely, "Ah-Xu!" More release rushed out of his shaft as his climax extended.

Ying Xulin did not allow the thundering pleasure cras.h.i.+ng through Kong Min to abate as he used his hands to raise and lower his beloved onto his member. He could feel Kong Min's body against his, the exhausted muscles of his beloved's back twitching and quivering while Kong Min let out helpless cries.

Under the relentless barrage of pleasure, Kong Min's body had long lost its strength, kept moving purely by the strength of Ying Xulin's arms as Kong Min leaned back into his lover limply. While Ying Xulin's member continued to hit his pleasure point again and again, another intense deluge of ecstasy surged through Kong Min's powerless body, making his back snap straight as his head fell back. A thin scream sc.r.a.ped its way out of his raw throat as he trembled weakly. More release spilled out of his shaft and flowed down.

Kong Min felt tears trickling down the corners of his eyes as he was overwhelmed by the pleasure battering him again and again. He wasn't sure how much more he could take. "Ah-Xu…I c-can't…it's too much…"

Ying Xulin's lips pressed to his cheek, his voice sounding rough as he asked, "Should we…stop?"

Kong Min gritted his teeth, but shook his head. The sensations were too overbearing, but he didn't want to stop yet. He could probably go on for a bit more.

Rea.s.sured, Ying Xulin breathed into his beloved's skin, "Good."
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As Kong Min trembled harder at the feel of his Ah-Xu's warm breath brus.h.i.+ng over his damp skin, he suddenly felt Ying Xulin reach over with a hand to pump his member. Kong Min moaned brokenly, another spurt of release erupting from his already wrung out shaft. Kong Min whimpered, "Ah-Xu…please…"

By now, Ying Xulin was already pushed to the brink of o.r.g.a.s.m. His hands moved to grip Kong Min's hips tighter, lifting and lowering his beloved onto his member at a frenetic pace. Ying Xulin's breathing felt hot and heavy. He was almost there, almost at the edge…

Sensing it, Kong Min gathered his scattered wits and turned his head. He brushed Ying Xulin's cheek with his own and whispered intimately, his voice croaky and quavering, "Ah-Xu, even though I feel sc.r.a.ped raw, you still feel so good. Being held by you feels too wonderful. Ahh, my Ah-Xu…I love you so much…"

Hearing such words of endearment, Ying Xulin bowed his head to press his forehead against Kong Min's shoulder as he finally went over the edge with a hoa.r.s.e shout. He plunged one last time into his beloved and stilled, holding him tightly. Kong Min felt blistering streams of release geysering into him in thick bursts and groaned at the strong heat drenching his tender insides. Unseen to them both, the flowers at the edges of the clearing sent out explosions of luminous pollen at the same time.

Held in his lover's arms, Kong Min could feel his Ah-Xu's body shuddering with the force of his climax. A deep moan slipped out of Ying Xulin. Kong Min could feel trickles of fluid dripping from his filled pa.s.sage and trailing down his inner thighs as Ying Xulin's o.r.g.a.s.m went on and on. It was more than a minute before the seemingly unending eruption of liquid shooting forcefully into him finally stopped. Ying Xulin's hold on him slackened, his body slowly relaxing while he panted irregularly.

Kong Min lifted a heavy hand and stroked his beloved's arm in comfort. Ying Xulin finally let go and Kong Min labored to get up. His lover's member made squelching noises as it finally slipped out of him. Kong Min felt liquid gus.h.i.+ng out of his entrance, but ignored it for now.

"Ah-Xu, you really wrung me out. Now I'm so tired and sleepy…" Kong Min groused in a soft voice. Flopping down on a clean stretch of fabric, he closed his eyes and patted the s.p.a.ce beside him, "Come, lie down. We can sleep together."

Ying Xulin's deep green eyes stayed fixed on his beloved as his breathing slowly grew regular. Going over to crouch beside Kong Min, he reached out a hand to touch his lover's flushed cheek. It was so soft and warm. It was just like how the rest of his skin had been when he'd caressed him all over just now. Immense satisfaction at that thought filled Ying Xulin.

Kong Min opened a single bleary eye and looked up. "Ah-Xu?"

"The book you gave me said that you should clean up properly afterward," Ying Xulin explained.

Kong Min yawned and turned onto his back. Pulling his legs up, he parted them. "Here, you can help me by cleaning me up. I'll just sleep."

Ying Xulin smiled affectionately and nodded. "Yes, I'll take care of it." Retracting his claws, he reached out towards his lover's dripping opening.

But as Kong Min felt his Ying Xulin's long fingers sinking into him, rubbing over his sore pa.s.sage while trying to draw out the liquid from within him, he grew restless and more awake. Kong Min s.h.i.+fted his bottom and decided to help his beloved. Widening his legs, he strained and pushed out with his inner muscles, expelling some of the thick fluid from inside him. He felt Ying Xulin quickly wipe it away with a cool and wet cloth before trying to remove the rest of it. But the more he was touched, the more Kong Min felt his need raising his head. f.u.c.k, would his lecherous body ever have enough?! How could it not be satisfied even after getting f.u.c.ked so much?!

But what else could Kong Min do except stay like this and bear it?

Within a few minutes, Ying Xulin was done with cleaning up his beloved and put everything away. Not bothering with clothes, he laid down beside an equally naked Kong Min and snuggled close, preparing to sleep. But feeling his Ah-Xu's bare skin, so smooth and warm, sticking to his body like this and inadvertently rubbing over him, Kong Min felt his kindled l.u.s.t increase even more. Ahh, what should he do? He could probably just take care of it by hand, but…his Ah-Xu was right here! Maybe he could just ask him if he felt like going another round?

Kong Min's mind whirled with thoughts, the haze of sleep having long flown away. Sensing his lover's restlessness, Ying Xulin blinked his eyes open to look at him inquisitively. "Kong Min? Is something the matter?" Then as something occurred to him, Ying Xulin's voice grew anxious as he asked, "Did you not like something we did today?"

Kong Min realized he was frowning and smoothened his brows. Turning to Ying Xulin, he smiled and reached out to poke his beloved's nose. "Do I look like the sort of person who wouldn't say what was on my mind if I didn't like something?"

Ying Xulin's worry eased and he smiled back. "Then what's wrong?"

Kong Min hesitated, then spoke, "Ah-Xu, for our first time, you did me in your home. For our second time, would you let me reciprocate?"

It took a moment for the meaning to sink in, but when it did, Ying Xulin's eyes widened as he stiffened with reluctance. "I… Do we...have to do it?"

Kong Min reached out to cup his Ah-Xu's jaw, his thumb gently brus.h.i.+ng his cheek. "No, we don't. But I realize that you must have a shadow in your heart against being taken by anyone due to your experience with that inconsiderate man before. I want to dispel that. Of course, I won't like you any less or feel angry with you just because you refuse. You can also take your time to think about it if you are uncertain now. But Ah-Xu, I want you to believe me when I say that if you do agree, I will treat you with as much affection and love as I am capable of giving. I will take care of you like the wonderful treasure you are."

Ying Xulin's face grew red. He looked away from Kong Min's sincere expression and collected his thoughts. After a few minutes of careful contemplation, Ying Xulin finally nodded. "Alright. I'll let you do it. But…can we stop if it hurts?"

Kong Min's heart melted as he quickly nodded. "Yes. If it hurts you or makes you feel too uncomfortable, then we should definitely stop. However, the beginning might hold some discomfort, so I want you to give it a chance before deciding to stop. Is that okay?"

Ying Xulin nodded and pulled Kong Min closer, then buried his face in his beloved's hair. "I'm only agreeing to this because it's you," he clarified.

Kong Min chuckled. "Yes, I know. My Ah-Xu is so good to me."

Ying Xulin nodded again. After a few minutes of relaxing together, he leaned back and asked, "When should we do it?"

Kong Min's smile widened into an eager grin. "There's no time like the present~"

Getting up, Ying Xulin set about gathering his clothes in preparation to dress and set out. But Kong Min sat up and said, "Ah-Xu, there's no need to put on our clothes. We'll have to remove it again anyway. Come here, I'll transport us over directly to my room through the shadows." Kong Min held out a hand.

Ying Xulin turned to him and nodded. Walking towards him with his clothes still clutched in his arms, Ying Xulin unhesitatingly took his beloved's hand. Kong Min looked up and smiled at him. The pair's figures turned to smoke and dissolved into shadows, leaving the Forest's Cradle empty of everything but the used quilt.


Kong Min's room was shaped like a long rectangle. On one of the long sides of this rectangle was a row of windows that spilled the diluted golden light of evening into the room. Pinned to the wall adjacent to the one with the windows were various small pieces of paper with handwritten notes, large spreads of practically ill.u.s.trated maps, and torn pages from a book with detailed building layouts drawn by hand.

The corners and edges of the room were occupied with neat piles of various things like stacks of books and scrolls,,, and strange, unidentifiable apparatuses, along with flat boxes filled to bursting with paper talismans of all shapes and sizes. Securely locked trunks and mystically warded boxes in black color sat here and there, looking mysterious and ominous. Chests of drawers and a wardrobe rested against the wall opposite to the windows and beside the bed. Some of the drawers were carelessly left open, papers haphazardly spilling out of their overstuffed confines.

The moment Kong Min and Ying Xulin appeared in the room, Kong Min made a sound of surprise and quickly strode over to the papers that had fallen down. As he gathered them, Kong Min groused under his breath, "d.a.m.n, I have to give these to Wei Xiang by tomorrow morning in good condition or he'll chew me out again. That pedantic junior brother of mine… Does he have to get so bent out of shape just because of a few crinkles on the papers?"

As Kong Min kept muttering while gathering and binding the papers together with twine, Ying Xulin looked on with amus.e.m.e.nt. Walking forward, he curiously peered around the room, taking in the orderly chaos of the place where his beloved lived. The only part that remained without clutter was the bed. The sheets were without a single wrinkle and the quilt was folded and placed neatly at the side.

After Kong Min finished reordering his drawers, he closed them with a sigh of relief and turned to see his lover staring inquisitively at his bed. Smirking, he said, "Ah-Xu, if you're that curious, why don't you lie down on the bed and see how comfortable it is for yourself?" Standing up, Kong Min languidly strode towards Ying Xulin as he continued, "If you do, we can start right away."

Kong Min could see Ying Xulin tense. He was just starting to wonder if his beloved needed some more time when Ying Xulin let out a deep breath and placed the bundle of clothes in his arms down beside the cot. Ying Xulin then climbed onto the bed before stiffly lying down on his back. His voice sounding strained, he said, "I'm ready."

Kong Min's lips stretched into a helpless smile. Walking up to the bed, he crouched beside it and poked Ying Xulin's cheek. "Ah-Xu, are you nervous?"

Ying Xulin blinked, then nodded honestly.

Kong Min stroked his fingers up and down Ying Xulin's arm rea.s.suringly. "You don't have to be. It's not some stranger you're going to sleep with. It's only me."

Ying Xulin considered his words and nodded slowly. His beloved was right. His previous experience with that other man hadn't been pleasant at all, but his Kong Min wasn't like that person. His lover had never once behaved callously or selfishly towards him, especially when they were doing anything s.e.xual.

Seeing Ying Xulin frowning deep in thought, Kong Min silently got up to climb on top of his beloved. Ying Xulin's eyes widened as he snapped to awareness, but he didn't push Kong Min away. Kong Min straddled his waist and leaned down, framing Ying Xulin's face with his palms before pecking him once on the mouth. Remembering how Kong Min had done the same thing before in the clearing, Ying Xulin relaxed. Familiarity bred comfort, making his dread of the upcoming situation lessen.

Straightening, Kong Min said, "This doesn't have to be just me doing things and you lying down and taking it. Ah-Xu, you can touch me too. In fact, I'd greatly enjoy it."

Ying Xulin's eyes shone as he immediately reached out and pulled Kong Min closer. Kong Min quickly stabilized himself by placing his elbows on either side of Ying Xulin's head. He chuckled huskily at his Ah-Xu's enthusiasm, then moaned as he felt Ying Xulin's lips trail from his shoulder to over his collar bone, spreading soft warmth in their wake. When Kong Min felt his lover's mouth settle on his throat, a spike of instinctive fear shot through him, left over from before. But Kong Min undeniably trusted Ying Xulin. He knew that his Ah-Xu would never hurt him. That trust combined with his current stimulated state caused the fear to turn to sharp thrill, heightening his arousal. Kong Min panted and cupped the back of Ying Xulin's head, his fingers stroking through the thick hair.

After confirming that Kong Min wasn't terrified like before, Ying Xulin began to nip and suck his beloved's throat. Kong Min shuddered and let out a low groan. Ying Xulin felt the sound thrum under his lips, making them tingle. He slowly slid his mouth down, tasting and savoring his lover's smooth skin with his tongue, lips, and teeth along the way. When he reached Kong Min's chest, Ying Xulin eagerly took in one of the light brown buds into his mouth, a.s.sessing its texture with the tip of his tongue. The skin here wasn't smooth, but it was very soft and felt delicate in his mouth, making him lick and suck it with care. Not wanting to leave the other nub unattended, Ying Xulin teased it with his hand, rubbing and pinching it gently. Kong Min shuddered and let out breathless gasps, his body twisting restlessly. Ying Xulin wrapped an arm around his beloved's waist to hold him in place as he continued to happily feast on the two cute little points perked up on his lover's chest. By the time Ying Xulin was satisfied enough to let go, the two berries had turned a ripe red, glistening in the faint light.

Kong Min bent his head to snuggle into the crook of Ying Xulin's neck, taking in large gulps of air. When he managed to steady himself, he lifted himself up and edged backward. Reaching Ying Xulin's legs, he carefully parted them to settle in between. Kong Min looked up to see if his beloved was okay with this.

Ying Xulin's eyes had grown half-lidded, his dark green irises almost taken over by the expansion of his pitch-black pupils. His dusky red lips were wet and parted slightly. His cheeks were dusted with a faint pink. There was no fear or rejection in his gaze, making Kong Min feel relieved. Using his hands, Kong Min slowly bent Ying Xulin's long legs upward and pulled them further apart. His eyes darkened at the sight of his lover's aroused member standing in front of him, but Kong Min quickly brought himself under control. He'd have plenty more opportunities to play with it later. His gaze slipped further down, past the hanging b.a.l.l.s and to the small opening that looked tightly scrunched closed.

Licking his lips, Kong Min lifted his head to meet Ying Xulin's gaze before saying, "Ah-Xu, I want to begin now. Is that alright?"

Ying Xulin barely hesitated before nodding. His experience till now already differed so much from what happened before that he understood it would be different this time. There was a sense of intimacy, consideration, and tacit understanding between him and Kong Min that he hadn't had with that man before. He knew that if he wanted to stop or do something specific, he could simply communicate that to Kong Min, and not minding his own needs, Kong Min would listen to him. There was nothing for him to worry about.

Having gained Ying Xulin's permission, Kong Min turned his head to press a kiss to the top of his lover's thigh. Taking out a bottle of lubricant from his spatial storage, Kong Min poured some of its contents onto his fingers before rubbing them together to spread it evenly.

Ying Xulin frowned at the bottle. It was shaped like a small vase the size of a palm. It had a round bottom that was connected to a long and thin stem at the top. The end of the stem was blunt, with a small hole at the very tip to let out some strange, clear liquid. In an uncertain tone, Ying Xulin asked, "Kong Min, what is that?"

Kong Min smiled and explained, "It's lubricant. When you apply it on certain surfaces, it makes them slippery. If I put it on my fingers, I can push them more easily into you. I can then spread it inside your pa.s.sage so that when I enter you later, it'll be much smoother with lesser discomfort."

Ying Xulin's eyes narrowed. So this liquid was actually this useful. If just applying it can make it less painful, then… In a contemplative voice, Ying Xulin suggested, "Then is there a way to pour it into me so that it'll make my insides even more slippery and easier to enter?"

Kong Min's head jerked up in surprise at this bold and utterly unabashed statement. His wide eyes met his beloved's gaze, but Ying Xulin only blinked back at him innocently, waiting for an answer. Kong Min laughed. "Ah-Xu, it's just our second time and you're already getting kinky. But yes, we can do that too if you're okay with it."

Ying Xulin confusedly nodded. He hadn't thought much before making his suggestion. It had only felt logical to him to want to have more of that liquid coating his pa.s.sage to make it less painful and troublesome for himself. Had he done something strange again?

But soon, the sensation of something cold pressing onto his entrance quickly redirected his thoughts. Ying Xulin stiffened instinctively and frowned. "What…?"

He felt Kong Min's hand stroking his thigh soothingly before his lover's voice said, "It's alright, Ah-Xu. Since you want me to pour it into you, I decided to directly use the bottle to do it. Just relax."

Ying Xulin forcibly loosened his body. Immediately, he felt something thin poking into his opening and sliding inside. He had to struggle to not clench up again. It felt so strange and uncomfortable, but it was also small enough that it didn't feel like too much of an intrusion. Ying Xulin sensed it steadily traveling into him, parting his tight inner walls until it reached a tighter inner ring of muscles. Ying Xulin took in deep breaths, trying to relax it.

Meanwhile, rather than forcibly pus.h.i.+ng through the tight ring of flesh, the slender tip began rocking back and forth gently. The feeling of the slender length rubbing the walls of his channel made Ying Xulin want to s.h.i.+ft restlessly, but he managed to hold himself still. The small motions of the thin length managed to loosen the inner ring of muscles enough that the tip of the bottle could finally slip through.

Once the entire stem had finished entering him, Ying Xulin felt the bottle slowly being tilted up. He cooperatively raised his hips to go along with the motion. Cold liquid began trickling into his pa.s.sage, startling him. It slowly filled his insides, making him instinctively clench his inner muscles. But it didn't halt the feeling of being steadily filled by the cold liquid at all. After a few moments, the liquid gradually started to warm due to the heat of his body. It felt more comfortable now.

Ying Xulin began to pant, his body feeling hot for some reason. He s.h.i.+fted on the sheets, the sensation of the fabric rubbing against his skin making him want to moan. "Kong Min…it feels odd," he complained, not realizing how his voice sounded low and languorous with need.

Kong Min swallowed. His Ah-Xu sounded too tempting for his own good. "Do you want me to stop," he asked his lover.

Ying Xulin pondered for a moment before shaking his head.

Kong Min raised an eyebrow and asked, "Then do you want me to take the bottle out?"

Ying Xulin frowned and nodded.

Kong Min immediately slipped the slender spout out of his beloved. As a thin stream of wetness trickled out of Ying Xulin's entrance, Kong Min watched it with a mesmerized gaze. Reaching out, he pressed a fingertip to the small opening to halt the flow of liquid before asking considerately, "Ah-Xu, I'm going to prepare you now, alright?"

Ying Xulin let out a breath and nodded. "Yes." With so much of that lubricating liquid inside him, it shouldn't be that painful now, should it?

Receiving his agreement, Kong Min slowly pushed in a finger. The hot flesh gripping his slickened digit felt exceedingly wet and soft. Kong Min watched with fascination as his finger sank into his beloved's bottom. Once he felt his fingertip breach the inner ring of muscles, the tight channel seemed to eagerly suck him in. Kong Min's eyes gleamed brightly at the feeling. He looked up to gauge Ying Xulin's reaction.

Ying Xulin was pressing his lips together, his brows scrunched tightly. Worried, Kong Min temporarily took out his finger from within Ying Xulin and moved forward to settle over him. Ying Xulin blinked up at him with glazed eyes. Kong Min placed an affectionate kiss to Ying Xulin's forehead and asked in a soft voice, "Ah-Xu, do you want me to stop?"

Ying Xulin shook his head. "It felt strange, but it didn't hurt."

Kong Min chuckled. "It doesn't have to be painful for you to not like it."

But Ying Xulin shook his head again. "No, it's alright. I would like you to continue, but…can you remain like this? I want to be able to touch you."

In the face of Ying Xulin's hopeful expression, how could Kong Min refuse? He quickly nodded and resettled himself so that he could touch below while still staying within his lover's reach. Ying Xulin pulled him closer and ran his lips over Kong Min's jaw while murmuring, "Now you can continue."

Kong Min let out a husky chuckle and complied. His finger once more entered his beloved's opening, steadily pus.h.i.+ng in as deep as it could. Kong Min felt Ying Xulin's breathing deepen and smiled, beginning to thrust his finger in and out. Ying Xulin's toes dug into the sheets as he exhaled in surprise at the sudden stimulation. The movement of his lover's finger within him made the liquid inside him ripple and slosh against his inner walls, some of it even spilling outside. Ying Xulin couldn't help but tighten the muscles in his back and waist in reaction. The sensation was too strange, but the steady rhythm of the swaying liquid didn't feel too bad.

Ying Xulin let out another deep breath. It had been too long since the first time he had been entered, so Ying Xulin didn't remember much about how it had been back then. But right now, being able to be intimate and sense his beloved's care was enough to make being invaded from below more easy to accept. He did not feel the same sense of rejection as before. Maybe it was due to the lubricant he'd already had inside him, but it seemed very effortless and even somewhat pleasurable to receive his beloved's finger into him.

After a few more minutes, Kong Min added in another finger, carefully inserting it in. Ying Xulin let out a soft sound at the feeling of being stretched and wrapped his arms around Kong Min. His hands restlessly mapped over his lover's back, taking comfort from the way Kong Min's muscles s.h.i.+fted under his smooth skin.

Kong Min let out a moan at the sensation of his beloved's warm hands and the sharp tips of his nails dragging over his back, spreading ripples of pleasure wherever they went. Ying Xulin's palms slid down to knead Kong Min's firm b.u.t.tocks before slipping further below to caress the backs of his thighs. Kong Min kept his fingers moving inside Ying Xulin while burying his face in his lover's chest. Ying Xulin felt hot puffs of breath on his skin and glided his hands up to hold Kong Min closer.

Maintaining his position, Kong Min increased the number of fingers again, carefully thrusting three of them into his beloved. Ying Xulin let out a heavy breath and shuddered as he felt his insides being forced open so wide. He could feel more of the excess liquid being squeezed out of his channel due to the increased size of the intruder pus.h.i.+ng into him. His legs widened unconsciously, his knees pulling up even more as if to cradle Kong Min's body with his own. Kong Min turned his head to place a small peck on Ying Xulin's chest in encouragement. Ying Xulin gave out a short groan, his mind completely focused on the increasingly pleasurable friction in his pa.s.sage along with the feel of his beloved's warm body pressed against his.

Kong Min kept moving his fingers, twisting and spreading them to stretch open Ying Xulin's tight inner walls as much as he could before finally taking them out. Most of the lubricant had already flowed out by now while the rest thoroughly coated Ying Xulin's inner walls to turn them slick and slippery. Just the thought that he would soon be able to feel his beloved's soft flesh wrapping around his stiff and throbbing member had Kong Min's need increasing. He carefully brought it under control before pus.h.i.+ng himself up and off of Ying Xulin's chest.

Kong Min peered intently into Ying Xulin's eyes. "Ah-Xu, shall we begin?"

Ying Xulin was panting, his body beginning to flush a faint pink. He nodded unsteadily and sighed out a hot breath, "Yes."

Kong Min's gaze heated up, his eyes turning hooded. Licking his lips, he held his shaft in one hand and placed the other hand on Ying Xulin's hip, ma.s.saging it in rea.s.surance. Moving forward, Kong Min pressed the thick head of his member against Ying Xulin's glistening entrance and pushed in.

"Ahh…" Ying Xulin let out a helpless sound. His spine stretched taut as he tried to deal with the sensation of something big and blunt forcing him open and slowly pressing in. He breathed harder, trying his best not to resist. The sensation of his insides being expanded to their limit to accommodate his beloved's organ was strange. But as the hard length continued inching into him, dragging over his already stimulated pa.s.sage and pus.h.i.+ng in steadily, Ying Xulin felt waves of pleasure slowly spreading outwards, gaining intensity. There was no pain or discomfort, making him exhale in relief. He relaxed further at the thought that the person currently entering his body was his Kong Min. As more and more of his channel was thus conquered, molten heat began flowing through Ying Xulin, making his body feel languid and heavy with l.u.s.t. He s.h.i.+fted and moaned as pleasure softly lapped at his senses.

Kong Min panted with the strain of holding back and continued to study Ying Xulin's expression, making sure his lover was alright. The tight, wet heat of his beloved clamped onto his shaft, trying to greedily suck him in. It felt so good, the thought of slamming into the welcoming softness making him dizzy with need. But Kong Min forced himself to go slow, his muscles bunching with the strain of controlling himself. Satisfying his own hunger wasn't as important as taking good care of his beloved.

Ying Xulin's eyes were glazed with desire, his hands clenching on the sheets. He felt like his body was burning up from the inside. Fidgeting restlessly, Ying Xulin automatically searched for Kong Min with his gaze. His eyes locking onto his lover's face, he unclenched his fingers and reached out with a hand while calling out softly, "Kong Min…"

The feathery sound tugged at Kong Min, making him bend down and take his Ah-Xu's hand. As his hips kept pus.h.i.+ng forward, he pressed a gentle kiss to Ying Xulin's palm before lowering his head and capturing his lips. Ying Xulin gasped breathlessly and opened his mouth. Kong Min secured his lips over his beloved's and their breaths mingled. Their tongues ventured into each other's mouths, sliding and caressing one another sensually.

Below, Kong Min's hips finally met Ying Xulin's as his member grew fully sheathed. The feeling of being completely enveloped in his beloved's hot and slick flesh, his shaft being squeezed strongly by those tight and twitching inner muscles, was almost too much for Kong Min. He let out a low groan into Ying Xulin's mouth, prompting Ying Xulin to stroke his lover's back soothingly. His hands began roving over Kong Min's skin, his palms sliding along his spine before smoothing over his shoulders and down his sides. Ying Xulin kneaded and ma.s.saged his beloved's defined body, tracing over the taut skin and straining muscles. His mouth continued to suck at Kong Min's while his pa.s.sage was filled to the brim with his lover's hot member.

Kong Min's arms and thighs trembled as they went soft with pleasure. But he forcefully steadied his limbs to continue holding himself up. Kong Min leaned back from the kiss and gasped for breath. Not wanting to separate, Ying Xulin slid his lips down to trace them over Kong Min's jaw and throat, making his beloved shudder and moan hoa.r.s.ely. Kong Min felt too hot as burning need filled his body to bursting. He needed more of this heat. He needed more of his Ah-Xu.

Kong Min gripped Ying Xulin's hip with a hand and pulled his shaft out before driving it back in. Ying Xulin's lips parted against his lover's skin as he hissed at the sudden spike of pleasure. Kong Min gritted his teeth and continued to move his hips, thrusting in and out in a quick rhythm. His hand clenched on Ying Xulin's hip before making its way up his waist, pressing and rubbing firm circles into the sensitive skin. Ying Xulin let out a shuddering breath, his body arching. His hands clutched onto Kong Min's shoulders for stability as the relentless friction of his pa.s.sage being plundered by his beloved's thick member wrenched a string of moans out of him.

Kong Min swung his hips madly, his strokes smooth and powerful. The sound of his thundering heartbeat felt too loud to his ears, almost covering the slap of flesh against flesh. Kong Min bent his head to eagerly sweep his tongue over Ying Xulin's arched neck before sucking the sweaty skin, leaving little red marks. Trailing down, he traced his Ah-Xu's prominent collarbones with his teeth before pressing soft kisses to the hollow of his throat.

Ying Xulin twisted, his hands holding on tighter to Kong Min's shoulders as he cried out louder. His legs lifted of their own accord to wrap tightly around his beloved's waist. Pleasure gathered under Ying Xulin's skin and wound tighter and tighter. The relentless wash of stimulation pushed him to the peak before his o.r.g.a.s.m exploded. Ying Xulin trembled and gasped, his body bowing backward. Translucent fluid shot out of his member, splattering both of their bodies with its liquid heat.

As Ying Xulin's slick and soft channel clenched and pulsed due to his climax, it tightly wrung Kong Min's thrusting shaft. Letting out a short yell, Kong Min let go of his control and erupted. Hot streams of liquid surged out of his member and poured into Ying Xulin's pa.s.sage. The realization that his beloved was releasing into him sent Ying Xulin tumbling into another o.r.g.a.s.m. His arms and legs wrapped around Kong Min, holding him close. Kong Min buried his face in his Ah-Xu's shoulder and let the continuing tides of ecstasy sweep him away.

The pair of lovers stayed like that, their bodies shuddering as helpless gasps and ragged moans intercepted the sounds of their labored breathing. Their trembling slowly eased as their climaxes receded, leaving them panting in each other's arms, their sweaty skins stuck together tightly. The light outside the windows had long faded away, leaving only a lingering warmth in the room.

Kong Min wanted more than anything to simply drop off into blissful sleep right on top of Ying Xulin. But mustering some strength, he sat up with a groan and got off the bed.

"Kong Min?" Ying Xulin rose up on his elbows and called hoa.r.s.ely.

Shooting him a rea.s.suring look, Kong Min said, "I'm just going to draw up a bath. I can clear out your pa.s.sage there before we bathe together."

Ying Xulin nodded and settled back down into the bed. His gaze stayed fixed on his beloved as Kong Min brought out a large tub from his storage s.p.a.ce already filled with steaming water. Kong Min hung a few cloths over the edge to use later and turned back to Ying Xulin with a playful smile. "Do you want to come over yourself or do you want me to carry you?"

Ying Xulin gave it a moment of serious thought before deciding not to trouble his lover. Getting up, he slowly made his way to the tub. A stream of whitish liquid dripped down his thigh, making him instinctively tighten his inner muscles and frown.

Kong Min chuckled. "Leave it. You can just clean it up in the tub."

Ying Xulin nodded and stepped into the warm water with Kong Min following behind. As Kong Min lifted and positioned Ying Xulin's legs on the tub's edge and extracted his release from within his lover, his fingers remained careful and gentle. Though Ying Xulin felt restless, he didn't feel awkward at all, continuing to stare intently at Kong Min. Once they were done, Kong Min put away the used cloth and began was.h.i.+ng himself up with practiced movements, removing the sweat and release on his body accrued from all their couplings. After drinking in his beloved's movements for a few more seconds, Ying Xulin also followed suit, his hands slow and methodical as they moved over his skin.

In the peaceful silence, the sound of splas.h.i.+ng water was the only thing heard.

Ying Xulin felt contentment filling him. Just a small thing like sharing a bath with his beloved in this dim light felt like an intimate and close moment. The calm and still atmosphere felt soothing and comfortable.

Breaking the quiet, Kong Min asked in a soft voice, "So, Ah-Xu how was the s.e.x? Did you enjoy it better than with that man your brother set you up with before?"

Ying Xulin nodded and earnestly answered, "Yes, it was incomparably great. If it will always be like this, then I don't mind doing it again. It didn't even hurt or feel very uncomfortable."

Sensing his surprise, Kong Min shot him an amused smile. "As I said, it's not supposed to be painful, Ah-Xu. But it does make me wonder, just how horrible was that man in bed to make you have such low expectations? Why did the Master of Oceans even choose such a person for you?"

After taking a few moments to recollect that unpleasant memory, Ying Xulin replied, "That man wasn't as kind or caring as you. There was no mutual affection or respect there. And it was also painful and very bothersome to bear. That man seemed to have been introduced to my brother by someone he trusted, and that man also showed interest in me during our meeting, so my brother was sure he'd treat me well. I don't think he'd have asked me to lie with him otherwise."

Kong Min's eyes narrowed. In a serious voice, he asked, "Ah-Xu, you don't have to answer me if you don't want to think about that day. But I feel like I have to ask: What all did that guy do to you?"

Ying Xulin blinked confusedly. Why did his beloved get so serious all of a sudden? But since Kong Min wanted to know… Thinking back to that time, Ying Xulin recalled, "The second the door closed, that man pushed me down face-first onto the bed. It was very rude. He didn't use that strange liquid you used to prepare me, and he barely took a minute to ready me. It was very uncomfortable and I told him to stop. But he started laughing smugly for some reason and held my hands down before directly entering me. It was painful. I even felt blood coming out. Really, that man was beyond inconsiderate." Ying Xulin frowned in displeasure. After being treated so nicely by his beloved, Ying Xulin felt even more indignant at that man's behavior.

Flickers of anger burned in Kong Min's gaze, but Ying Xulin was too busy thinking about that day to notice. He continued, "That rude person even tried to pull my head back by my hair. But after I used my free hand to twist his wrist and almost dislocated it in warning, he changed his mind very quickly. After that, I was mostly just trying to bear it until it was over. I wanted to use force to break free and leave that place, but I wasn't sure if I could do that without hurting that man. My brother told me that I shouldn't hurt humans unless they deserved it, and I wasn't sure if this man deserved being hurt, so I decided to just get through it and complain to my brother later and let him make the judgment.

"But then that man got too excited and ended up being the one who used too much force. I had reduced the regenerative capabilities in my body back then to avoid suspicion, so when that man ended up causing internal bleeding, my body was unable to repair the damage as quickly as usual. It hurt a lot and I felt very irritated at his carelessness, so I unthinkingly kicked that man away. I thought I'd held back quite a bit, but his chest still caved in. Brother was in the building too and came rus.h.i.+ng over to take care of everything. However, he later scolded me for using too much force."

Ying Xulin's face reflected his dissatisfaction with that outcome. He had been the one who suffered the most, and yet he was scolded! After grousing about his brother a bit more, he brought his mind back to the present. However, Ying Xulin realized with surprise that Kong Min was wearing a furious expression.

Ying Xulin hesitated. Was Kong Min angry at him too? "…Do you think I used too much force as well?" he asked uncertainly.

Kong Min felt like his heart was both breaking into pieces and burning with immense rage. Despite the unfathomably long time he'd lived for, his Ah-Xu was such an innocent and inexperienced soul. How could someone treat him like that?! It was clear how oblivious his beloved had been, not even understanding how wrong what happened to him was! Just thinking about him being so helpless while he was being hurt so terribly made Kong Min's chest ache with a fierce protectiveness.

Leaning forward, Kong Min gently enfolded his lover in a hug and patted the back of his head. "No, I'm not angry at you. I am, however, extremely furious at your brother and that b.a.s.t.a.r.d who s.e.xually a.s.saulted you! Ah-Xu, you shouldn't have had to go through such a thing. If that man was able to somehow survive till now, I'd have torn him apart with my bare hands―or even better, I'd have set my torture-happy junior brother loose on him! I'd like to have a word with that brother of yours as well for letting you get treated so badly, then allowing that sc.u.m to roam free without consequences!"

Ying Xulin felt both puzzled and distressed at his lover's agitation. Though that memory gave him a bad taste even after so many hundreds of thousands of years, Ying Xulin still didn't understand why Kong Min seemed to hate that incident this vehemently. But what he did realize was that his beloved was only angry because he cared for him very much.

Wrapping his arms around Kong Min and rubbing his back soothingly, Ying Xulin said, his voice as smooth and calm as usual, "It's alright. I'm fine. And my brother didn't let him go without consequences. After that incident, I remembered to complain to him about how painful and unpleasant it had felt, how that man didn't stop when I wanted him to, and how injured my body had ended up getting. My brother immediately went off to find that man again while saying something about how he'd castrate him very slowly by cutting it off one thin slice at a time."

Tilting his head with confusion, Ying Xulin went on, "He even asked me if I wanted to watch him torture that man, but I don't understand why he thought I would find that interesting. It would have been very messy and noisy. I also didn't want to see that man's face again, so I declined. My brother later said that the payback had gone even better than he'd expected and began laughing in a very pleased manner. I don't understand why he was happy at all. But after that, my brother also began behaving guiltily. It was confounding. After all, he wasn't the one who hurt me, and he didn't know that that man would behave so terribly either. I do not see the point in my brother taking the blame. He is very strange."

Kong Min's anger wasn't completely gone, but the satisfaction of knowing that the person who'd hurt his Ah-Xu had suffered was enough to dissolve most of it. Grinning viciously at the thought, Kong Min said, "I'm glad that man got what he deserved. Ah-Xu, maybe your brother isn't that bad after all."

Ying Xulin seriously nodded. "Yes. Apart from a few mischiefs, my brother has been good to me."

Kong Min frowned. "I can sense that. But still… Why did he force you through those s.e.xual experiences in the first place?"

Ying Xulin hesitated and lowered his gaze. Looking at the reflection of their embracing figures on the rippling water, he slowly spoke, "A long time ago, after my brother came to know about the reason I was cursing people in the Forest's Cradle, he visited me. He hugged me and said he wanted to help me not be alone anymore. He asked me to live with him, but I didn't want to leave my home. And so, he advised that if I had a lover and formed a family of my own, I wouldn't have to leave the forest and I also wouldn't feel so empty again. That was why I reluctantly agreed to let him help me with finding my s.e.xuality first. But after trying those three times, the thought of staying with those incomprehensible humans and having to have regular s.e.x with a human lover felt too troublesome, so my brother's advice went unimplemented."

Ying Xulin then affectionately nuzzled Kong Min before continuing, "But that is alright. I have you now."

Kong Min held him tighter, his eyes squeezing closed as he whispered, "Yes, you have me now." Ah, his Ah-Xu was really too precious for words! Forget sleeping, at this rate, Kong Min was afraid he'd end up wanting to pamper his lover with his body and go for another few rounds of intense and pa.s.sionate f.u.c.king. And, well, since they had become lovers already, why shouldn't he?

Therefore, letting go of Ying Xulin and leaning back on the tub's wall, Kong Min lifted his legs and widened them, placing his feet on the tub's edge. Ying Xulin blinked. His gaze was inevitably drawn down to the view under the surface of the clear water, towards his beloved's member and the little opening between his b.u.t.tocks. Covered with water, the already tempting view gained a hazy quality, making Ying Xulin want to reach out and touch his beloved again to ascertain that it was indeed real. He wanted to run his hands and lips over Kong Min's skin, slowly exploring the lines of his supple body. He wanted to watch his lover's light brown eyes grow hazy with need, his lips swollen with kisses. He wanted to hear him cry out with pleasure as his body quivered and writhed.

Ying Xulin let out a deep breath as he felt his need rising. But before he could get his reaction under control, Kong Min tilted his hips up and beckoned him with a finger. "Come here, Ah-Xu. I want you to let me comfort you with my body. I'll show you just how much more pleasurable s.e.x can be."

Ying Xulin's eyes grew dark as he looked deep into Kong Min's gleaming gaze. He immediately leaned forward as if bewitched. Since his beloved was inviting him…

Their reaching hands met each other's skin, touching and caressing while their lips devoured one another. Ying Xulin's growing hardness soon found his lover's softness, plunging in. The couple's figures entangled once more, their bodies making lewd sounds as they joined together and parted again and again. The tub rocked back and forth while clear water cascaded over its edges in large splashes. They moaned and gasped and screamed each other's names as they came undone under the onslaught of excruciating pleasure. And then they started it all over again after moving to the floor, standing up against the wall, bent over the edge of the bed, before finally landing on the bed itself.

In this way, the night pa.s.sed, giving way to dawn.


The bright morning light lit up the corridor, throwing glowing shapes on the walls and floors. Wei Xiang strode through it, his boots making nary a sound as he made for his senior brother's room. As the current leader of the Order of Sentinels, he was now in charge of collecting and going through high profile reports, and Kong Min was supposed to provide him one such report today. Knowing how frivolous his senior brother was, Wei Xiang wanted to see if he needed any extra time or some extra incentive in the form of threats to finish that report.

Reaching Kong Min's door, Wei Xiang knocked and waited. There was no response. Sighing, he simply pushed it open and entered. His usual admonishments had already surfaced to the tip of his tongue before Wei Xiang had to close his mouth. This senior brother of his was really too incorrigible.

Kong Min's room was currently suffused with the scent of s.e.x. A bathtub filled halfway with water stood forgotten at one side, the floor around it still wet. Suspicious splatters and whitish patches laid scattered on the floors and walls.

On the bed, Kong Min sat on Ying Xulin's lap, the pair facing each other. Their bodies were sweaty, their chests heaving with deep breaths. They were clearly joined below, but Wei Xiang was glad that he wasn't subjected to that view at least. All he could see was Ying Xulin's back and his head bent over Kong Min's chest. His teeth were clamped over one of Kong Min's perky nub, pulling on it gently while his fingers played with the other one. Kong Min had his head thrown back, his Adam's apple rolling up and down the column of his arched throat. His fingers were tangled in Ying Xulin's hair, an endless stream of deep groans and sensual cries slipping out of his reddened lips along with instructions, "…un…ah…ahhh…Ah-Xu, more…yes, suck it more…hnn…use your tongue…mm, just like that…feels so good…"

Wei Xiang sighed. In truth, he had already witnessed this senior brother of his in far more compromising situations than this while he had to retrieve Kong Min from orgies that had employed some very creative methods of seeking pleasure. And so, even though Wei Xiang had to see his senior brother like this, and even though Kong Min noticed his junior brother's presence in his room, neither of them cared about it particularly. And understanding that Kong Min wasn't bothered, Ying Xulin blissfully continued his ministrations on his lover's little buds as well.

But seeing how Kong Min barely spared him a single peek before blithely carrying on with what he was doing, Wei Xiang felt veins throb in his head. He growled with dissatisfaction, "Kong Min, f.u.c.king seriously?!" As the current leader of the Order, didn't he deserve a little bit more respect than that?!

Kong Min's hands dragged down Ying Xulin's smooth back, savoring the feeling of his lover's slick skin and s.h.i.+fting muscles before looking up at Wei Xiang with a cheeky smile. "Yes, I'm f.u.c.king very seriously right now. So, Junior Brother, why don't you leave for now and come back again in a few hours?"

Wei Xiang ma.s.saged his forehead and reprimanded, "I cannot believe that you brought one of our most important targets for surveillance right into the Order's headquarters! Kong Min, you―"

Kong Min interrupted him with a drawn-out moan as he felt Ying Xulin's hot mouth sweep up to nibble on his neck. But he didn't forget to wave a hand at Wei Xiang to dismiss his worries while saying huskily, "It's fine. Don't worry. Ah-Xu isn't a threat."

Ying Xulin gave Kong Min's neck a long lick before turning his head towards Wei Xiang. His dark green eyes churned with hunger and deep emotions. In a raspy voice, he stated, "As long as Kong Min doesn't ask me to, I will not interfere with your organization. I will also not do anything illegal that could put Kong Min in a difficult situation. So you can be at ease, beast."

Kong Min smiled and affectionately rubbed his cheek against Ying Xulin's. "Aww, Ah-Xu! You're so sweet towards me!"

Ying Xulin's eyes gleamed with quiet joy as he pressed a soft kiss to his beloved's jaw. "Yes."

Wei Xiang's lips twitched as he witnessed their shameless canoodling. Why did their words not feel rea.s.suring at all? Sighing again, he decided that just in case his senior brother's lover did indeed create any problems in the future, he had to start preparing countermeasures and appropriate procedures in advance. Maybe he could also enlist his master's and little lover's help. After all, due to his relations.h.i.+p with Kong Min, the Master of Land could be said to have become family as well.

Seeing Kong Min and Ying Xulin continue to cuddle, Wei Xiang gritted his teeth and said, "Fine, whatever. You both can keep snogging and s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g each other all you want. I'm just here to get that finished doc.u.ment about the incident of demonic fog leakage from that crack in the ground near Zifan Village. Second Brother, you did finish that, didn't you?"

Kong Min had just started moving his hips up and down. Feeling the slow drag of his lover's thick member inside him, he moaned throatily. He squeezed his eyes closed while more sweat beaded on his forehead. As Wei Xiang words filtered through his haze of arousal, Kong Min nodded and replied, "Yes, yes…I finished it."

Patting Ying Xulin's shoulder, Kong Min called hoa.r.s.ely, "Ah-Xu, can you please…get the bundle of papers…in the left chest's…second drawer for me? It's the one I put away…first thing…yesterday evening… Hng…deeper…ah, yes…you feel so good…hmm…"

Ying Xulin's eyes darkened, his hands raising and lowering his lover's b.u.t.tocks with more vigor. Meanwhile, one of his locks of hair turned in a green vine, slowly extending towards a certain bureau before pulling out the indicated drawer. After lifting the papers at the top that were wrapped into a bundle with twine, the vine brought it to Wei Xiang. All the while, Ying Xulin's gaze was fixed only on Kong Min, drinking in his beloved's expression that was filled with naked l.u.s.t and heated with pa.s.sion.

Wei Xiang paid them both no mind and took the bundle of papers offered to him by the vine. He cursorily flipped through the top of the papers to check it.

Meanwhile, Kong Min ran his teeth along the curve of Ying Xulin's ear before whispering in a raspy voice, "Ah-Xu, seeing how flexible your vines can be, I'm getting all sorts of deliciously naughty ideas~ After this, will you hold me down using your vines and take advantage of my defenseless body? Will you use my hole and come into it again and again until it's filled to bursting with your essence? Will you tease and torment me and deny me release until I'm begging you and screaming your name?"

Wei Xiang's eyebrow twitched, but he determinedly kept ignoring them.

Hearing such blatantly provocative words from his beloved's mouth, Ying Xulin almost climaxed right then and there. Hugging Kong Min closer while panting, Ying Xulin earnestly replied, "If you do not mind…then I would very much like to do all that to you."

Kong Min chuckled and nibbled his lover's ear. "Yes, I'd love it if you could do that. And after that, I can be the one to tie you down with my set of restraints and play with your body until you're engulfed in pleasure. Would you be okay with that?"

Ying Xulin hesitated. But thinking about how intuitive and considerate Kong Min's treatment of him always was, Ying Xulin's worries were dispelled. He nodded, "Yes. As long as it's you, I will let you do anything you want to me."

Kong Min groaned. "Ah-Xu, do you even know how enticing you sound? It makes me want to eat you up right this instan―"

"Alright, I'm done," Wei Xiang interjected. "Everything seems to be in order this time at least. Since I got what I came for, I'll leave you both to your f.u.c.king then." With that, he quickly opened the door and strode out before firmly closing it behind him again. He was not interested in witnessing his senior brother slowly corrupting the Master of Land. And to think he had actually been worried about how Kong Min's lover was treating him…

Shaking his head, Wei Xiang started walking back to his office, his steps as steady as before. But his mind began drifting towards a certain thought, making him frown contemplatively. The junior officers along his path all bowed respectfully while sneaking a peek at his expression. Seeing him wearing such a serious face as if pondering about some great issue while a hefty bundle of paperwork rested in his arms, it made them all think about how hard their senior officer was working these days. No, they couldn't let their Senior Officer Wei carry all the burden! They had to work hard too! And so the officers went about carrying their responsibilities with renewed determination.

Little did they know that the important thought Wei Xiang was pondering upon was something completely unrelated to work.

Thinking back to Kong Min's comments about how Ying Xulin could use his vines, Wei Xiang had been hit with the sudden epiphany that he could do the same to his little lover with his golden strings. Unknowing to the officers who cast him their respectful gazes, Wei Xiang continued to think about all the wonderful ways he could torment his Qinghe with the golden strings, his expression deceptively solemn and deep with concentration.


Kong Min and Ying Xulin's days were filled with happiness. They slowly began sharing their lives with each other, giving way to a deeper understanding between them.

For example, Kong Min had taken Ying Xulin to visit Yuese Lian, showing him around the place and recalling memories. He took him to visit the grave of a certain wounded snake he'd once brought home, only for it to die due to its injuries. He led him to the natural pond of white lilies he used to love splas.h.i.+ng around in when he was a child. He pointed out the tree from where he'd liked to spy on the people chatting below in the shade. But once, a squirrel had bitten his b.u.t.t while he was crouched on one of the tree's branches, making him yelp and fall down into the midst of the people he was spying on. Needless to say, he never used that tree again. He also developed a dislike for squirrels.

Hearing the story, Ying Xulin had laughed, his voice light and pleasant. It seemed that despite his tendency to constantly watch Kong Min through the gem at that time, he had still missed many little instances like this.

In return for the tour of Yuese Lian, Ying Xulin took Kong Min on a tour of the Spirit Bewildering Forest, introducing him to some of the most humane and intelligent monsters dwelling within. Ying Xulin showed him various wondrous sights and delighted in his beloved's astonished or awed expressions.

Kong Min took Ying Xulin to formally introduce him to his master as his lover. For the first time, Ying Xulin had felt nervous at the thought of meeting someone. After all, he knew that his lover placed a lot of importance on his master's opinion. But seeing how accepting and supportive Feng Huixin was, Ying Xulin's worries slowly subsided.

Later, Ying Xulin and Kong Min went to the beach to meet with the Master of Oceans as well. Learning from how Kong Min introduced him to the people he considered family, Ying Xulin also dutifully introduced his lover to his brother. After bickering for several minutes, Kong Min and the Master of Oceans struck an accord about protecting and caring for Ying Xulin together. He might be the powerful Master of Land, but they both agreed that he was too inexperienced with the world and its people to be left alone for too long. The Ying Xulin who didn't want to be lonely was naturally happy with their decision, though he didn't understand the basis for their worry. If someone acted badly with him, couldn't he just use his monsters to tear them up a bit or use his vines to catapult them a few kilometers away to punish them? However, this only strengthened Kong Min and the Master of Oceans' belief that they had to always keep an eye on him to avoid him causing inadvertently trouble for himself.

Kong Min and Ying Xulin also had many more dates, both within the forest and outside in the mortal world. But no matter what new things they experienced together, their dates would always end up with an enthusiastic romp in the sheets.

Whenever they had free time between Kong Min working for the Order and Ying Xulin tending to the forest, the couple spent most of it either at Kong Min's room or in the Forest's Cradle, just talking or doing things together. This meant that their belongings were now spread between their places. Some of Ying Xulin's clothes and certain other items could now be found in Kong Min's room, and some human furniture filled with Kong Min's things could also be found in the Forest's Cradle, giving the enchanting glade a more homey look. For example, there was a bed piled high with thick and comfortable quilts and soft pillows at the center, some plush chairs around a large table at the side, and a few chests of drawers wrapped and held in place by vines near the edge of the round clearing.

Currently, Kong Min was sitting atop the large table, weaving and knotting several ropes together to create a hammock. Ying Xulin rested on a chair near him, his posture straight as he stared intently at how Kong Min's defined fingers nimbly worked with the ropes. And since Kong Min was speaking, Ying Xulin listened to him carefully as well.

As his hands kept moving swiftly, Kong Min was saying in a leisurely tone, "…and so, Wei Xiang will be going to off to help Master and play with his little lover in the heavenly realm for a few weeks again, which means his lieutenants and I will be left to take care of things. It might get a bit busy, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to get any significant time off work. So Ah-Xu, can you come and live in my room until I can get time to visit here again?"

Ying Xulin tilted his head in consideration. "So your master will not be there?"

Kong Min shot him a wry look. "It seems you've taken a liking to him. If I weren't so sure of your fidelity, I'd suspect you were starting to like him romantically~"

Ying Xulin shook his head. Even though he knew that Kong Min was only teasing, he still felt the need to clarify, "No, I only like you in such a way. I will only ever love you." Then pausing, he confessed, "But I like the way your master explains human things to me properly rather than expecting me to understand everything. For example, he explained to me about the confounding human ritual of drinking tea while talking, or the concept of why certain things are considered tasty and why some are not. It was very enlightening and easy to understand."

Kong Min chuckled. "That's good then. I think Master is able to explain such vague concepts because he had to teach them to his son before. Knowing Little Bro, he'd have definitely asked for lots of explanations and the logic behind each of those things. And when one learns how to explain those concepts to a child, they will be able to explain it to almost anyone else. Speaking of which, Ah-Xu, if you want to learn about more human things, I could get you some children's books. They have explanations that are easier to understand."

Ying Xulin nodded. "If you think it'll help me learn more, then I'd like to take a look at them."

"Yes, they'll definitely be helpful," Kong Min rea.s.sured.

As Kong Min realized that he was nearing the end of the ropes, he put in more concentration into weaving them together. His tongue peeked out from between his teeth, his eyes narrowing.

Seeing it, Ying Xulin's gaze warmed with affection. He remained silent, waiting for Kong Min to finish with what he was doing.

A few minutes later, Kong Min finally tied the other end of the ropes together tightly and stood up on the table. "Aha! Behold my finished hammock! Now all that's left is to secure it. Ah-Xu, can you tie it between those two trees?"

Ying Xulin curiously looked at what only seemed like a tangle of ropes, but still nodded. Making the trunk of the two trees Kong Min pointed to extend out its wood in thick tendrils, Ying Xulin helped Kong Min secure the two ends of the hammock. Kong Min went to get some quilts and pillows to line its rough rope surface, making it into a cozy, swinging haven. He eagerly climbed into the hammock and wriggled happily. Then extending a hand, he called, "Come, Ah-Xu. Lie down beside me. We can snuggle together and sleep. It'll be blissful."

Ying Xulin gave the hammock a dubious look, but still climbed onto it, his motions careful. But when he lied down beside Kong Min and sent the hammock swinging again, Ying Xulin felt his stomach lurch. He wanted to get off and have his feet on solid ground again. This contraption seemed too unstable!

Kong Min chuckled at Ying Xulin's anxious expression and hugged him close. "Ah-Xu, it's okay. I won't let you fall. Here, hold onto me and everything will be alright."

Ying Xulin squeezed his eyes closed and buried his head into Kong Min's shoulder, not daring to look at the swaying scenery. Thankfully, the rocking of the hammock soon subsided, making Ying Xulin brave a little peek through slitted eyes. Seeing that everything was still and stable once again, he breathed a sigh in relief. He tried not to move much lest this unstable thing be sent swinging again.

Kong Min suppressed his laughter at Ying Xulin's cautious expression. "Ah-Xu, do you want to get off?"

Ying Xulin shook his head. "Since you are here and you enjoy this, I will also stay here with you." After all, his life that had once been as stable and still as the ground had been sent swinging into disorder because of Kong Min. Slowly, Ying Xulin had come to enjoy that. So maybe he would one day come to enjoy this rocking contraption too. He would never know unless he tried. And even if this thing did give away and sent them falling, he was sure that he and Kong Min would protect each other. They would always be there for one another.

Ying Xulin held Kong Min tighter, closing his eyes and relaxing his body in preparation for sleep. Kong Min smiled and did the same. Their heads rested together, the sensation of their lover's warmth soaking into each other as they dropped off into pleasant sleep. A stream of glowing dots flowed past their slumbering figures. In the distance, strange beasts howled and roared, their voices sounding m.u.f.fled and distant from the clearing. Leaves rustled high above the hammock as a gentle breeze brushed their peaceful faces.

In this way, the couple slept while wrapped in the timeless tranquility of the Forest's Cradle, content in the knowledge that they would remain together for as long as they lived.

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Heavenly Soul 152 The Forest's Cradle Part 4 – Continued summary

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