My Daughter Was My Sworn Enemy In Past Life Chapter 5 - Choosing Name (2)

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Xu Yun Yao / Tang Yun Yao / Little Treasure – Our female Protagonist

s.h.i.+ – used to mean a clan name or maiden name

w.a.n.g s.h.i.+ – Tang Song Nian's mother

Tang Song Nian – Female protagonist's father / mortal enemy in past life

Ruan s.h.i.+- Female Protagonist's mother

Dàrén – used to call someone (male) you respect.

gēr – Brother

Chapter 5: Choosing Name (2)

Soon, she also found out about Tang Song Nian's current official position. In her memory, the first official position that the old man reached in the officialdom was the Anping County Magistrate.

There were five members in Tang Song Nian's family, including his mother w.a.n.g s.h.i.+, his wife Ruan s.h.i.+, and his pair of children. In addition to that, there were also the head steward Lu Tao, little manservant Mo Yan, the older female servant mama Xia, and a couple more servants named Cui Wen and Bi Wen.

It had been five years since the const.i.tution was established, and the one sitting on the throne was still Great Emperor Zu. During this time, her emperor husband was still a baby.

It had also been five years since Dynasty Qi was founded. Although the whole of Central Plains had not yet recovered to a prosperous period, with the victims returning home to rebuild their homes one after another, lives had started flouris.h.i.+ng everywhere.

In addition, the government had promulgated a series of decrees one after another to resume production and to also benefit the populace. As a result, people's lives were full of hope, and work was naturally in full swing.


Although Anping County was far away from the capital, it was not a remote and barren land. Tang Song Nian had always been capable and a very humble person. With his expertise, he had managed Anping County in good order since taking office. 

Xu Yun Yao was not surprised by this. After all, being able to serve as the head of the secretariat and win the trust of Emperor Taizong, the old codger was extraordinarily skilled and shrewd. 

However, as a young baby who had just turned one year old, she was still weak in the physique. She was a young ‘un who needed to be attended to when eating, drinking, and being cared for by the people around her. Even though she was accustomed to being served in her past life as Consort Xu, she still felt ashamed and wanted the earth to swallow her up.

Becoming a person who couldn't talk nor stand, of course, it was shameful. Furthermore, Xu Yun Yao was even more embarra.s.sed by the fact that she was reborn as a daughter of her sworn enemy.

Not only that, she not only had to face the one she hated most every day but from time to time had to endure “hara.s.sment”, such as pinching her face, squeezing her hands, kissing, and hugging her. She almost blew her top!

What made her even more upset was that the more she got angry, and the more rebellious she was, the happier the old man became.

For example, at this moment, while the servants were outside, Tang Song Nian took over his daughter from Ruan s.h.i.+'s arms.

Xu Yun Yao naturally flared-up, so she kicked, struggled, and severely yelled at him. Seeing the other party was not the slightest bit annoyed, instead becoming happier, she couldn't help but bite on his neck with her small teeth.

'Smile all you want while you still can. Just wait for this Palace to kill you, old man!!'


Tang Song Nian paused. Then he proudly rushed at Ruan s.h.i.+, who was folding her daughter's clothes, and said. “Wife, look, Little Treasure has kissed me! You just don't believe me when I say that Little Treasure likes her father the best. Clearly, every time seeing me, my little girl would be dancing with joy.”

Xu Yun Yao was speechless.

Under the eaves, she could only bow and endure, biding her time!

Ruan s.h.i.+ smiled and shook her head.

After a moment of merriment with his daughter, Tang Song Nian handed her to Ruan s.h.i.+. He fished a paper he had put in his chest pocket, on which were written three prominent characters: Hui, Yao, and Shu.

‘I've found several names for Little Treasure. Come and see which one fits best?”

“Girls of this generation all have Yun as part of their name, Yun hui, Yun Yao, Yun Shu…” Ruan s.h.i.+ read softly and hesitated for a moment.

Xu Yun Yao was stunned, and her chubby fingers pointed to the paper in Ruan s.h.i.+'s hand and blabbered.


Tang Song Nian laughed and said, “Little Treasure, you want to decide your own? All right, I'll let you choose. “

Ruan s.h.i.+ was also interested, so she spread the paper in front of her and softly coaxed. “Which word does our little Little Treasure like?”

Xu Yun Yao pointed to the middle word without hesitation.

“Yao, Yun Yao, Tang Yun Yao, very good, it's decided then: you will be called Tang Yun Yao!” Tang Song Nian said it silently several times. The more he said it, the more he thought the name chosen was very excellent.

Xu Yun Yao pursed her mouth.

To be continue

I am Xu Yun Yao, not Tang Yun Yao!


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My Daughter Was My Sworn Enemy In Past Life Chapter 5 - Choosing Name (2) summary

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