My Daughter Was My Sworn Enemy In Past Life Chapter 7 - Dare To Rob Things From This Palace?! (1)

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Xu Yun Yao / Tang Yun Yao / Bǎo yā - Our female Protagonist

Tang Song Nian - Female protagonist's father / mortal enemy in past life

Ruan-s.h.i.+- Female Protagonist's mother

s.h.i.+ - used to mean a clan name or maiden name

w.a.n.g-s.h.i.+ - Tang Song Nian's mother

dàrén - used to call someone (male) you respect.

gēr - Brother

Chapter 3: Dare To Rob Things From This Palace?! (1)

Xu Yun Yao unexpectedly heard the Tang brothers' conversation and had a faint idea of what was going on.  

Tang's patriarch had three sons. The eldest was Tang Bai Nian from his first wife Chen-s.h.i.+; the second was born from a concubine, Tang Zhang Nian; lastly, Tang Song Nian was born from his second wife, w.a.n.g-s.h.i.+. Aside from having three sons, he also had three daughters. The eldest daughter was the nominal sister of his eldest son and was married to Minister Yuan's son. The second and third daughters were from his concubine, but they died during the chaos of war.

Tang Bai Nian had been married to Li-s.h.i.+ and now had two sons and two daughters; Tang Zhang Nian married to Lin-s.h.i.+ and only had a son; while Tang Song Nian's wife was Ruan-s.h.i.+, with a daughter and a son, who were all firstborn.

According to her observation these days, in addition to hearing the Tang brothers' conversation just now, Xu Yun Yao was very sure that the people living in the Tang Residence were not on good terms. Especially between the first and third rooms, it could even be said there was a hidden conflict.

During her lifetime as Consort Xu, she only saw Tang Song Nian and Tang Huai Zhou, the father and son from the Tang Family. As for Tang Bai Nian or Tang Zhang Nian, they were just small shrimps. Naturally, they couldn't enter her eyes, so she didn't care much.  

And the matter this person, Mr. Chen, mentioned, Xu Yun Yao knew what he was worried about. Now was the fifth year of the reign of Great Emperor Zu, and in half a year at most, the crown prince would be killed by the other party because he would not succeed in murdering Prince Rui. As a result, the great emperor Zu would abdicate the throne for Prince Rui. In the future, Prince Rui would be named as Emperor Tian Xi and in the historical books named as Emperor Taizong.

Tang Bai Nian was furiously going back to his residence. Upon entering through the side door(inner gate), he saw his mother's sister Qian-s.h.i.+ swearing at her grandson, who was crying in her arms.

"Aunt, What's wrong with Yong'gēr?" he frowned and asked. 

Hearing her nephew, Tang Bai Nian's voice, Qian-s.h.i.+ abruptly coaxed his grandson and replied, "Nothing. I said something to him about clamoring for Osmanthus cake. Big nephew, where are you coming from?"  

Tang Bai Nian's face suddenly became more gloomy. 

Qian-s.h.i.+ looked at his face, made a slight guess, and asked curiously. "That thing didn't work out?"

Tang Bai Nian's face became a bit ugly again, and he said bitterly, "Now that Tang Song Nian has grown up (become independent), does he still think of me as his big brother?"

Qian-s.h.i.+ sneered and said, "I told you that pair of mother and son is not good. As the proverb says, "The child who gets a stepmother also gets a stepfather." When your father was alive, w.a.n.g-s.h.i.+ was still in line. Otherwise, how could he have been so partial to the Tang Song Nian?

"Earlier, at Ruan-s.h.i.+'s room, I saw with my own eyes that she had hidden a huge box full of gold and silver pieces of jewelry. She is just the daughter of a scholar. How can there be so many good things? It must be w.a.n.g-s.h.i.+ who gave it to her from what your father left behind!"

"I'm thinking, over the years, w.a.n.g-s.h.i.+ must have taken some money to help her son. Otherwise, how could he have become the county magistrate."

Tang Bai Nian's eyes flashed with greed, "Dare to move my things sooner or later, I will make him spit out everything with interest!"

Qian-s.h.i.+ nodded with satisfaction, "That's right. You must have heard of the story about how a stepmother tortures the first wife's child. You must be careful; don't let other people take away your father and mother's property!"

"Don't worry, aunt. I know all about it." Tang Bai Nian calmly replied. 

"As for your brother, Tang Song Nian, that won't work. Your good stepmother can do something about it. I will make a trip for you since I am free at the moment." Qian-s.h.i.+'s eyes flashed a bit.  

"Then I'll have to bother my aunt. After the job is done, there will be a heavy reward!" Tang Bai Nian said gleefully.

To be continue…

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My Daughter Was My Sworn Enemy In Past Life Chapter 7 - Dare To Rob Things From This Palace?! (1) summary

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