I'm the King Of Technology Chapter 1905 A Busy Night

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Chapter 1905  A Busy Night

Rules, rules, rules…

The rules of curfew were simple.

Even if you're in a Pub and the time is up, get a room in the Pub and stay there for your own good.

During these times, the guards would monitor all streets and paths; and sometimes, and other nightcrawlers would get caught.

Of course, for n.o.bles and other wealthy people, the guards can turn a cheek and pardon their movements after curfew, depending on one's rank or the money they bribe the guards with.

Do you think any of these guards could ever do anything to Frederik if they knew his true ident.i.ty?

But then again, Frederik wasn't moving as a prince, but was traveling with his disguised merchant ident.i.ty instead.

Looking at the moon, everyone knew they had a little less than an hour's time to get home, give or take.

"Go." Bain gave the orders and the coachmen took off in a flash. However… seconds after they left, several figures quickly appeared from the shadows, running and jumping from building to building in hot pursuit.

Tonight was bound to be a busy one.



The carriage's large wooden tires clashed against the stone brick-laid roads, causing the steady rhythm of clanging noise to echo within the s.p.a.ce.

It was quiet.

Apart from the noise from the carriage and the steady breathing from those within the carriage, nothing else could be heard.

What was this situation?

Although no one spoke, they could all feel the burdening pressure growing in the atmosphere. The air around them was now so tense that it caused their bodies to sit ruler straight.

In the carriage, Sir Vader and Frederik sat on one side, and Bain, Decan and Kilmonga sat on the other side. Decan sat in the middle, with cross legs and arms, while the other 2 were at the sides, constantly listening and staring at the wooden windows/carriage door beside them.

Of course, their eyes would also keep falling onto Sir Vader who now took out a long black fabric, which was similar to the one's he already had wrapped around his hands and fingers.

1, 2, 3…

Sir Vader slowly wrapped it around his left hand and fingers, before proceeding to take out another piece to wrap his other hand with.


Instantly, everyone's hairs stood alert, feeling more and more that something wasn't right.

They say actions speak louder than words. Enemy!

There must be an enemy(-ies) chasing after them. No wonder sir Vader chose to stay and follow them.

He must have noticed these people right from the Phoenix eatery.

'This… This… This…' Decan swallowed his saliva hard when knowing it was an enemy none of them, except for Sir Vader, had noticed.

How dare they speak of letting their master sit firmly on the throne when they are still this weak?


Decan was feeling so nervous that the back of his ears began to sweat.

Sir Vader was just one person. What if there was a fleet of enemies outside ready to pounce at them at any given moment

Careless! Careless! They were too careless just now!

Decan wasn't the only one feeling this way, especially after a.s.sessing the matter deeply.

What do they do now?

"Master," Kilmonga called out in a hushed tone. "If we can get back to our estate anytime during their attack, we have a chance of turning this around. Don't forget that they have guards and many of their forces in their humble 'Merchant' estate."

These people are likely to strike while they are in route to head home, probably because they're afraid of their numbers in the estate.

They might have weaker skills than the enemy, but if the enemy gave them a chance to gang up on them, then won't the battle be turned around in their favor?

The enemy must have also understood this, thus, will most likely attack mid-journey. The enemy is most likely an or a group of after Prince Frederik's life. .

Slow and steady, the carriage's pace did not change.

Torres was running with his hands flaring behind him and his legs sprinting swiftly before making a great jump to the rooftop of the next building.

A sense of pride still pierced his eyes when seeing the carriage's speed continue moving without any change.

'Heh… A bunch of low lives will never be able to spot us.'

To Torres, the person from Tenola who can detect them, was not born yet. In FACT, no such person will ever be born because they MORGS were definitely the supreme rulers of this world!

"Leader…" A shadow appeared beside Torres, running beside him. "There are 3 routes to get to their home. They will most likely choose the 2nd or 3rd route, as those were the shortest and the ones they used frequently."

If they for any second, choose the 1st route, it would look suspicious, since only the 2nd and 3rd routes could get them home in time before curfew strikes.

Of course, they might also be choosing the 1st route to drop the strange man in black off… or might have other ideas in mind.

Another thought is that, if they choose the 1st route, it means they've discovered them and might want the first route since that route has the most guards patrolling the place. But how is that possible?

How could these Lagoonian worms possess enough skills to detect them? Impossible!

"Leader, they've chosen the 3rd." The shadow quickly stated. They've chosen to pa.s.s through the Sleepy Woods!

The Sleepy Woods was like a ma.s.sive first-parklike area within the town, with its own lake and stream sources pa.s.sing through it. They call it the sleepy woods because all plants and flowers there grow in a slanting manner, as if the leaves and even their stalks and bodies were asleep.

The sleepy woods was in the shape of a 'W'. And as planned, they will strike at the 2nd bottom V-point of the 'W.'


With a cruel smile, Torres gave one last look at the steady carriage entering the Sleepy forest. In no time, he jumped down a rocky slope with brisk steps, and headed towards the attack point they had long planned out if the carriage pa.s.sed through the forest.


The time to catch their prey was here!

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I'm the King Of Technology Chapter 1905 A Busy Night summary

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